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MANFRED - Management strategies to adapt Alpine Space forests to climate change risks (MANFRED)
Date du début: 31 juil. 2009, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2012 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

With the expected Climate Change (CC), the ecological conditions for forests in the Alpine Space will be fundamentally changing – with unknown effects on the forests essential protective, ecological, economical and social functions. Under different climate and land-use change scenarios only an adaptive management can provide the conservation of the natural heritage and the multiple functions. MANFRED bridges the gap between research and practical forest management and seeks to a) collect knowledge with regard to CC effects on 4 main topics: forest growth and land use changes (WP4), hazards & stressors (WP5), best practices to face extreme events (WP6) protection forests (WP7); b) identify hot spots with concrete need for action on the regional & local level; c) develop management strategies able to adapt to changing environmental conditions (WP 8); d) contribute to the implementation of suggested adapted management strategies in cooperation with political decision makers in 4 transnational case study regions. Achievements: The '22nd Century' Book on Forestry in the Alps in a changing climate is a highlight of the results and products produced within the MANFRED project. This work summarizes many of the productive case study workshops with various stakeholders, the modelling results and their applicability for forestry practitioners and the cross-pollination of learning and applying forestry techniques accross the Alpine region. Workshops and courses held by the partnership met with great reviews; meanwhile, the Final Conference held in Rome in June (2012) reached a broader audience of international stakeholders working on forestry topics in various mountainous areas.



  • 72.6%   2 412 012,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Alpine Space
  • Projet sur KEEP platform
Projet Website

14 Participants partenaires