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17 projets européens trouvés

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Get Involved in EP4A: European Partnerships for Apprenticeships

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2018,

Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Croatia, the UK, Slovakia & Serbia are reluctant to recruit apprentices due to various factors, incl. internal shortfalls, burdensome or incomplete regulatory frameworks and inadequate awareness of the real benefits of work-based learning (WBL) for companies. Aiming at promoting apprenticeships in SMEs with no/limited previous experience in the field, EP4A proj ...
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Die Region Bratislava/Trnava beheimatet rund 50.000 Betriebe. Knapp ein Drittel davon sind dem Handelsgewerbe zuzurechnen, die Baubranche ist der zweitgrößte Sektor, an dritter Stelle folgt die für die Region sehr bedeutende Sachgütererzeugung - allen voran die chemische Industrie, der Maschinenbau und die Lebensmittelindustrie.Bis dato existiert in der Region Bratislava/Trnava kein Programm, das ...
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Supprot the development of business and inovative envinorment oriented on use of international potential of companies in crossborder region, to increase the competitivenes and improve the economic performance Achievements: The aim of the project was to promote and suppo ...
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REGIONFEMME - Frauen - Bildung - Wirtschaft (REGIONFEMME)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

Rund 30% der Unternehmen in der Slowakei und in Österreich werden von Frauen geführt. Diese Betriebe sind meistens sehr klein, müssen aber häufig das Auskommen der Unternehmerin und ihrer Familie sichern. Eine praxisnahe wirtschaftliche Ausbildung der Gründerinnen ist für die Überlebensrate der Ein-Frau-Betriebe ebenso wichtig wie die regelmäßige Weiterbildung der Unternehmerinnen. Auch der Erfahr ...
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dnikáme bez hraníc (Podnikáme bez hraníc)

Date du début: 31 mars 2011, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2012,

Projekt je zameraný na sociálny a hospodársky rozvoj Slovensko-poľského pohraničia a vytvorenie siete spájajúcej  poľských a slovenských partnerov. Projekt má za cieľ doplniť nástroje v rozvoji a kvalite cezhraničnej spolupráce, hlavne v oblasti podnikania. Projekt priamo naväzuje na už implementujúci projekt cezhraničnej spolupráce "Sieť podnikania bez hraníc". Vytvorená tematická sieť partnerske ...
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Support the business and inovative background with orientation on using of potentioal of crossborder region fot creating the nets, mainly in development of services with high added value and inovative sectors of industry Achievements: 1. Klubové stretnutieV rámci projek ...
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moting Entrepreneurship in the Mura-Drava region (PrE-Mu-Dra)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2010, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2011,

Organization of seminars, trade fairs and business meetings with the goal of reinforcing the business relationships between the SMEs of the cross-border region.  In the long run this will help the formation of a single economic region in the border area Achievements: Th ...
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Aktivity projektu sú zamerané na vytvorenie cezhraničnej siete firiem a podporných inštitúcií, ktorých aktivity súvisia s oblasťou ekologických technológií (predaj technológie, výrobná kooperácia, vývoj), priemyselnej ekológie (poradenstvo na zavádzanie systémov ekologického riadenia výroby, recyklácia odpadov) a úspor energie (úspora tepla, elektrickej energie a vody, technologické zariadenie bud ...
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Date du début: 31 juil. 2009, Date de fin: 30 janv. 2011,

Projekt je zameraný na sociálny a hospodársky rozvoj Slovensko-poľského pohraničia a vytvorenie sietí spájajúcej poľských a slovenských partnerov. Projekt má za cieľ odstrániť nedostatky v rozvoji a kvalite cezhraničnej spolupráce, hlavne v oblasti podnikania. Vytvorená tematická sieť partnerskej spolupráce má za cieľ zlepšenie kvality a komunikačnej platformy medzi slovenskými a poľskými subjekt ...
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Create the conditions to support the development of crossborder regions, decrease the differences between regions and support the creation of economic competitiveness in regions
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Create the conditions to increase the competitiveness of Czech - Slovak agriculture. Support the connection of research and sciencie institutions with companies Achievements: The main objective of the project was to create conditions for increasing the competitiveness o ...
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Chambernett (CHAMBERNETT)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2008, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2008,

Improvement of common cooperation and connecting the chambers, companies and persons involved in business and economic sector, improvement of the conditions for crossborder activities Achievements: The project focused on promoting cross-border cooperation between firms ...
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Project duration was 18 months - from October 2009 till March 2011.Budget of the project was 205 726 euro.The main aim was to increase the quality of further education in field of plastic processing by technology called injection moulding in SR.Project objectives were following:1. To increase the quality of specialised education in this field in SR through innovated educational material and curric ...
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Promoting and supporting entrepreneurship and SMEs is a politicalpriority in all European member states and also of the EuropeanCommission DG Enterprise & Industry. However, the training and supportEuropean entrepreneurs usually get is mainly focused on initial aid duringtheir first steps into entrepreneurship. Many of new business do notsurvive their third year. This is due to the fact that no st ...
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The project aims to train a new type of manager who will be capable of guiding the process of generational change in the running of family owned businesses. It will develop innovative e-learning tools to improve the skills of those with experience in management, but not skilled and qualified for coping with the next generation take-over of Small and Medium Sized family business Enterprises. The ma ...
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The project aims at fostering the innovation and dissemination in the area ofintergenerational learning, identifying effective models on how to make use of thepotential of seniors citizens (senior entrepreneurs and business managers), bycontributing to the learning of others (new entrepreneurs that are planning to start up acompany or take over an existing one or have done some recently). The proj ...
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ERAWEB II - Erasmus Mundus Western Balkans

Date du début: 15 juil. 2013,

ERASMUS MUNDUS – WESTERN BALKANS 2 (ERAWEB2) is an international academic mobility project involving six EU universities and seven Western Balkan universities. Students and members of the faculty will benefit from the opportunity to study, teach and research abroad, while the participating universities will raise teaching capacities, build research expertise and gain international visibility. It i ...
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