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S.MA - Succession managers for Small and Medium-sized family business

The project aims to train a new type of manager who will be capable of guiding the process of generational change in the running of family owned businesses. It will develop innovative e-learning tools to improve the skills of those with experience in management, but not skilled and qualified for coping with the next generation take-over of Small and Medium Sized family business Enterprises. The main outcomes will be: an e-training programme consisting of case studies oriented to allow the professional development of less skilled managers aiming at becoming successor managers; an innovative training content based on observed practices and on the latest methodologies; an innovative teaching approach involving a virtual community of students and a distance tutor. A written report describing the specific expectations and needs of those managers will also be elaborated. Other products will be a hand book for VET providers, and CD-ROMs containing the description of the handbook and the description of the learning contents, including a demo showing the use of the contents mediated by a distance learning tutor.



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