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32 projets européens trouvés

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The OrientGate project will foster concerted and coordinated climate adaptation actions across the SEE region. The project will explore climate risks faced by coastal, rural and urban communities; contribute to a better understanding of the impact of climate variability and change on water regimes, forests and agro-ecosystems; and analyse specific adaptation needs in the hydroelectricity, agro-ali ...
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Mediterranean Building Rethinking for Energy Efficiency Improvement (MARIE) (MARIE)

Date du début: 31 mars 2011, Date de fin: 30 mars 2014,

MARIE aims to establish the socio-economic conditions for Energy Efficiency (EE) improvement in the MED. Building Stock in the framework of EU policy objectives, overcoming barriers and creating sustainable development opportunities in the MED region. Pil Achievements: ...
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S.M.E.s’ Innovation and Internationalization Support Clusters (2InS Clusters)

Date du début: 31 mai 2010, Date de fin: 30 mai 2013,

2InS aims at the design and validation through pilot actions of an integrated, transnationally conseptualized and coordinated framework for the creation of competent, viable collaborative platforms promoting and enhancing regional competitiveness and knowledge society, through the support of knowledge-based and internationalized entrepreneurship. 2InS further focuses on Creative Economy-related bu ...
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Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

IMMODI is a capitalisation of results project bringing together 12 partners coming from eight (8) different Countries, addressing a regional policy issue of shared relevance to the partnership as it is the access and development of e-government and e-health services in mountainous and rural regions and territories of the EU. The overall project objective will be to reduce the cultural and human ga ...
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Capitalising on Partner Initiatives in Mobility Management Services (PIMMS CAPITAL)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2012,

Throughout the EU, increased reliance on the car has resulted in high levels of congestion and more pollution, leading to economic, environmental and health problems for our regions and cities. ERDF investment in infrastructure could accelerate this trend if parallel alternative measures are not introduced at the same time. Mobility Management aims to reduce reliance on the car by encouraging tra ...
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G.S.R. aims to contribute substantially to sustainable socio-economic development of SEE regions, through effectively tackling one of the most crucial issues: The quality and sustainability of the Public Sector and of its outcomes. Specifically G.S.R. focuses on the dynamic enhancement of the competences and the capacity of the governmental agencies, with the aim not only to improve productivity a ...
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Incubators for Cultural Enterprises (I.C.E.)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2009, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2011,

Referring to Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain and Malta, the project focuses on SMEs involved in art-related sector and the actions will be finalized to: 1. creation and promotion of a stable network between UNESCO sites territories in the Med space and enterprises finalised to have an exchange of experiences and know-how, promotion of economic initiatives, realization of an innovative system of man ...
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PAYS.MED.URBAN understands high quality of landscape as a key factor of sustainability and competitiveness of urban areas. High quality of landscape is not only important for the identity, the ecological health and the quality of life of urban areas but also is a key factor of the attractiveness and distinctiveness of these areas. For this reason, it is an territorial capital and soft locational f ...
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Sustainable and Equipped Productive Areas (SEPA)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2011,

SEPA promotes the concept of sustainable production area defined as a Community of manufacturing firms and services that, within a territory and through cooperation, plan to improve their environmental, economic and social performances, acquiring specific organizational tools, management and infrastructure. Its most innovative aspect is to move the focus from the activity of individual public inst ...
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Heritage per se cannot render a place to a tourist destination. While uncontrolled development results in quality downgrading at some places, other places are unknown. Once heritage values are restored and sustainably managed, the historic environment may serve as an agent for tourism. The project HERODOT aims to research and promote tailor-made heritage strategies for the regions involved, improv ...
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The project MILDMAP-MEDIA is mainly addressed to the integration of different methodologies and techniques for monitoring, analysis and assessment of physical processes in order to improve the decisional chain for the control and prevention of natural hazards. The aim is to define a common decision support system and procedures to be shared and applied by the operational institution involved in th ...
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Many areas of the Mediterranean, particularly islands and coastal zones suffer from droughts and water shortages which cause heavy impacts on economies, societies and the environment at local or regional scales. The project PRODIM aims at formulating a methodological framework to confront drought and water shortage through systematic application of principles of proactive planning. Specifically, t ...
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The mission of the project ByHeriNet is to establish a well-grounded network, under the acronym “ByHeriNet”, addressed to cultural highlighting, integrated enjoyment and management of these landscapes in which the byzantine heritage, found a real and important resource. The cultural, archaeological and architectural heritage referred to the byzantine world is one of the most interesting aspects of ...
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Mediterranean Initiatives - Development in Agriculture (M.I.D.A.)

Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2008,

M.I.D.A.s main objective is to create a strategy of rural development among areas characterized by micro agro industries, through: • The creation of a network among administrations to promote development for rural areas; • The acquisition of know-how on of public subjects engaged in rural development and in micro agro industries; • The experimental pilot actions of protection and improvement of ru ...
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Wetlands constitute transitional, dynamic ecosystems of great importance, which are threatened by human activities. Due to their nature, they are frequently located next to or downstream from major urban, agricultural and industrial development sites. As a result of these driving forces, several pressures act on the wetland ecosystems with a severe impact on their state. A major problem that needs ...
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The general objective of T-Cheese Med is to promote the new information and communication technology in order to reinforce the division dairy through the creation of a network. Its specifics Objectives are: 1. To contribute to the reduction of handicap related to geographically isolated regions, such as mountain areas where milk / quality cheese producers operate; 2. To develop an operative system ...
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Harmonious Development of Rural and Insular Areas (HADRIAMED)

Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2008,

The main objective of project HADRIAMED is to enhance the role of isolated, mountain and island areas in a modern socioeconomic context, through the development of a territorial planning focused on attraction of new residents in isolated areas. All the regions involved in the project present similar problems such as: • Negative demographic trends • Increasing of average age of population • Limited ...
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The SEMSON: South Eastern Mediterranean Spatial Planning Observatory Network project originates in the successfully evolving INTERREG-IIIB/CADSES project ESTIA-SPOSE (CADSES area) and aims at the promotion of spatial development policy integration in SE Mediterranean area. The Archi-Med macro-region, consisting of 4 EU members and several third peripheral countries, is currently a scattered area d ...
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News Peoples Relations In Eastern Mediterranean (PEOPLES)

Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 30 mars 2008,

The project PEOPLES has the general objective to create a permanent network of Local Observatories on the Migrations Governance in Eastern Mediterranean. It will act as a laboratory to elaborate integrated proposals to be implemented in the regional policies focussing on the governance of the migration process. The project envisages networking activities, both cognitive and programmatic, on the fo ...
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Integrated Monitoring System for Desertification Risk Assessment (MOONRISES)

Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 30 mars 2008,

The project MOONRISES aims at the creation of an Integrated System for Monitoring and assessment of Desertification Risks, by the use of fieldwork, models, and sensitivity indicators and by the use of modern technologies as Geographic Information Systems, Satellite Remote Sensing and Global Positioning System (GPS). The main objective of the project is the recording, monitoring and prediction of d ...
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The main objective of the project IMAGE is to develop a Water and Rural Development Support System (WARD¬SS). WARDSS is software that will assist institutional organisation in decision making processes on sustainable use of natural resources and rural development. The WARDSS architecture will be based on an inter-institutional/participatory approach, whose design will actively involve, at differen ...
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The project SIMCODE: IGT aims to promote sustainable transport systems through cooperation of regional administrations and research institutions along the multimodal transport corridor linking Northern Greece with Italy and Turkey with special focus upon the gateway areas. Key components are (a) the analysis of socio-economic structures and the transport system and (b) the assessment of the spatia ...
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Agriculture and Climate Changes: how to Reduce human Effects and Threats (ACCRETe)

Date du début: 31 août 2005, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

All actors are called together to oppose climate change. Different attitudes, along with the introduction and dissemination of sustainable resources’ managing systems are necessary to reduce the risks and tone down the human-induced effects on climate change. Climate change will have dramatic repercussions on agricultural and economical stage in Europe. Agriculture interferes with planet climate c ...
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The insufficient competitiveness of SMEs and micro-enterprises is the cause of the delay in developing the territories involved in the RFO. There are different reasons for this competitive insufficiency: • peripherality • reduced dimensions • weak market orientation • dependence on major industrial groups • difficulty to obtain credits • insufficient capital • inability to undertake innovative inv ...
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HealthClusterNET believes that the health sector is a resource to be used more effectively for developing economic competitiveness at regional level. As such, the project aims to encourage efforts within and between the partner regions to engage the publicly-funded health sector in defining and delivering regional development priorities, thus contributing to better social and economic cohesion. ...
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Implementing EU policies has become an important task for public authorities at the regional and local levels across Europe. In particular when receiving and processing EU Structural Funds for the development of their regions, public authorities are facing demanding tasks of programme and project management. To enhance their administrative and project generating capacities for successful Structura ...
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Cycle Route Network of Mediterranean (CY.RO.N.MED)

Date du début: 31 mai 2006, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

The main objective of the project CYRONMED is to enhance cycle mobility and environmental-friendly tourism and promote economic change by improving the tourist attractiveness of Archimed countries through joint planning of integrated transport and sustainable tourism. Presently, the Archimed countries do not offer conditions in favour of cycle mobility. Yet, they present the natural and cultural a ...
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ays.Doc : Good Practices for the Landscape (Pays.Doc)

Date du début: 31 mai 2005, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2007,

...ravail de synthèse avec la création dun observatoire représentatif des processus et des tendances, basé sur une banque dimages, et ce à partir dune observation étendue dans chaque région. Il sagit de fonder une culture commune de lintervention sur lespaysages en milieu méditerranéen, permettant ainsi denrichir lesapproches et les pratiques et facilitant une plus grande qualité desinterventions. En ...
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Regional Disaster Common Defence (Red Code)

Date du début: 31 août 2005, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2007,

The inclusion of New Member States in the Cadses area requires the necessity to create and to share common guidelines and tools to face with prevention and management of Natural and man made disasters. Plans of actions to prevent and manage risks need to be commonly drawn up and applied on a transnational basis . Red Code aims to set up methodologies and transnational actions to achieve the basis ...
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...ojet vise à réaliser une rationalisation des informations et des expériences technico-scientifiques acquises et élaborées pour les aires à risque individualisées par les programmes régionaux et nationaux. Une plate-forme de services, un réseau d’actions-pilotes et d’usagers, et un observatoire interrégional pour la lutte contre la désertification, seront créés afin de contribuer à la réalisation d ...
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LILAMA Network aims at becoming a Mutual Learning Platform for the exchange anddissemination of guidelines, best practises and policy recommendations contributing tothe design and implementation of Linguistic Policies oriented to Labour Market needs.LILAMA, will:1. create and implement a Methodology for the identification and validation ofBest Practises on this field.2. allow the exchange of Best ...
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The project will be organized in 3 main phases: 1. Planning and Sharing - In this phase, partners will meet and set the cooperation model, through master plans for the other 2 phases of the project. Partners will be organized by 3 different working groups (Business Model Networking Model and Institutional and territory Links). Inside these groups, the outputs will be analyzed and updated. This wil ...
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