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Energy Sustainability for Adriatic Small Communities (ALTERENERGY)

Date du début: 31 août 2012, Date de fin: 30 août 2015,

The ALTERENERGY Strategic Project aims to provide a significant contribution to the widely agreed objective of achieving a higher level of sustainability with regards to energy production and usage in the Adriatic area. This objective is strictly connected, as we all know, to creating a better environment and the protection of life and the natural environment. In pursuing this overall general obje ...
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The support for the revision of the social security police framework of the Western Balkans as well as the implementation of revised social security policies was one of the key points, the IPA Multi-beneficiary programmes 2007 and 2008 focussed on. The Welfare system is one of the main differences between EU & non EU Countries in Adriatic Area. The Welfare Mix model is the main model promoted in t ...
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Shared Project for Environmental Evaluation with DYnamic governance (SPEEDY)

Date du début: 31 août 2012, Date de fin: 30 août 2015,

The project is structured in 7 WPs. • WP1 and WP2 are transversal activities. The first one will guarantee the coordination of the projects' activities and the second one will ensure the continuous exchange of information among beneficiaries and institutions operating in the interested territories. • The 5 technical WPs will allow reaching the aim of the project through the shared construction of ...
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Know-How Enhancement for Sustainable transportation organisation (KHE-STO)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 29 juin 2015,

The recent terrible earthquake that hit the territory of LAquila, capital of region and situated in the inner part of Abruzzo, forced more than 40.000 people to leave their houses, move to the coast and travel every day from and to the town. The huge and sudden increase of cars along the communication roads with an unsustainable burden on the environment and enormous uneasiness on people, induced ...
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The Adriatic sea represents the environmental, social and cultural element bridging the eastern and western shores of the area.Nowadays, the richness of natural resources characterizing the Adriatic sea is endangered by man-made factors that are threatening the vitality of the ecosystems. Fishing and aquaculture activities are recognized among those mostly impacting on the sea ecosystems. Indiscri ...
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Adriatic Governance Operational Plan (AdriGov)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2011, Date de fin: 30 mars 2015,

The project AdriGov - Adriatic Governance Operational Plan – will provide a significant contribution to the enhancement of cross border cooperation in the Adriatic-Ionian by focusing on two main objectives: - Promote the adoption of an innovative and participated Adriatic Governance Operational Plan designed to constitute an effective governance model in the area; - Implement knowledge-transfer ac ...
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The EU, its Member States and EU regions have defined ambitious energy strategies, setting firm targets for an increased share of renewable energy sources, more energy efficiency and less carbon emissions in order to make Europes energy supply sustainable and future proof.An important obstacle for wide-spread introduction of renewable energy production capacity and energy efficiency measures is th ...
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The STATUS project is tackling the problem of incoherent urban and regional development in South Eastern European and neighbouring countries by jointly developing an approach that can help cities and regions in making integrated and sustainable urban agendas and place based strategies by participatory planning tools. It aims to enrich the pool of development, regeneration and management tools in u ...
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The focus of the project is to enhance policy-making, reinforcing the capacity of public administrations to understand, anticipate and strategically manage the implications of demographic change for the growth and cohesion of European regions and cities, and for the overall integration of the SEE area. Local and regional authorities are at the forefront in facing the effects of current demographic ...
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Information and communication technology (ICT) has proved to be an essential tool to develop and finalize applications of public usefulness due to its capability to handle complex scenarios and integrate inhomogeneous components. In this respect, hydro-meteorological hazards, like convective outbreaks affecting the Adriatic areas mainly due to easterly fronts and leading to torrential rain and flo ...
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f Offshore Wind Energy: Research, Experimentation, Development (POWERED)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2011, Date de fin: 30 mars 2014,

POWERED aims to define a set of strategies and shared methods for the development of the off-shore wind energy in all the Countries overlooking the Adriatic Sea. Such energetic choice could allow a rapid increase of installations, thanks to the reduction of the problems related to landscape topic that are frequently the main obstacles to the creation of wind parks in high density population territ ...
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Zoo Technical Networking for a sustainable Innovation in adriatic Euroregion (Zoone)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2011, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2014,

ZOONE background is represented by successful results achieved and CBC networks created in the previous programming project (Marcbal cod.276)concerning sustainable development of agro-zootechnical sector in Western Balkans, by the relevance of agriculture and husbandry in rural areas of Adriatic Countries as source of employment and profitability.Sprung from the realization that Adriatic Countries ...
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SHAPE is a comprehensive project for the Adriatic Region aiming to create the basis for the protection and sustainable development of the coastal-marine environment. The strategic objective is the development of a multilevel and cross-sector governance system, based on an holistic approach and aiming to the integrated management of the natural resources, risks prevention and the resolution of the ...
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EFFECT proposal arises from the need to innovate SEE countries public procurement procedures and stimulate their integration with energy efficiency criteria to meet EU Public Procurement requirements and to contribute to achieve Eu energy strategy objectives. EU public procurement impacts for 16% on EU GDP and it is an important tool for public authorities to effectively address energy efficiency ...
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Strengthening the Identity of Minority People Leads to Equality (S.I.M.P.L.E)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2011, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2014,

Ethno-culture and State boundaries seldom overlap (OSCE 2008). Ethnic minorities themselves transcend State frontiers. Their bridging role is the key to develop an integrated, harmonious and sustainable socio-economic Adriatic Space. Such role however is not yet predictable and the quest for the satisfaction of ethnic minorities rights may cause political tension, socio-economic marginalization or ...
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The project promotes the utilization of existing cultural values and tourist potential of target territories creating local identities having as references both promotion and tourism management based on the appeal factor of historical villages, walled cities, castles and cultural sites comprised in the these territories. These factors contribute to the development of the economic potentials of the ...
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The FUTURE MEDICINE project is in fact the synthesis and further development of two projects that have already received EU-funding under the INTERREG IIIA Programme, Futuro Donna and Adriatic Telemed, whose objectives included the acknowledgement by health operators of the patient’s right to self-determination, putting emphasis on health as a collective good, and making medical care more humane. A ...
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Statistical networks in Tourism sector of Adriatic Regions (S.T.A.R)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2011, Date de fin: 30 août 2013,

S.T.A.R. is a comprehensive project aiming to create a shared knowledge in the Adriatic tourist area, where the combination of ICT and tourist information can be the key for innovation and support for better and more efficient and sustainable tourism policies within the Adriatic Area. In the present economic crisis governments need to define new economic policies and ways to cooperate with one-ano ...
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System of the Archaeological Sites of the Adriatic Sea (ARCHEO.S.)

Date du début: 28 févr. 2011, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2013,

In the territories involved in the project, there are cultural heritage sites of remarkable importance under the historical viewpoint, which are often not sufficiently promoted. The ARCHEO.S project aims at overcoming the problems concerning the promotion of cultural heritage and at improving the cultural policies and the development of the territory, located around the Adriatic Sea. The first tas ...
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Connecting the territory through the innovation network (INOLINK)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2009, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2012,

The INOLINK project focuses on regional policies and practices for the diffusion of innovation. It tackles the issue of innovation activities being usually concentrated on a limited number of innovative firms, typically concentrated in some geographical areas, while most of the European firms, generally SMEs, never undertake innovation. The overall objective of the INOLINK project is improving the ...
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Sustainable growth and economic development depends on Creativity and Innovation as the main drivers for competitivenes. In this context the CreaMED Alliance is an iniciative aimed at fostering Creativity and Innovation between MED Regions at both, public and private level, as a route to a Regional Sustainable Development by encouraging mutual policy learning, synergies and cooperation in order t ...
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Regional Innovative Policies to reinforce the Retail Sector (REINPO RETAIL)

Date du début: 31 mai 2010, Date de fin: 30 mai 2012,

The main goal of the project is to improve regional policy across Med area in retail sector innovation, promoting an effective improvement of knowledge among partners and designing innovative tools for SME retail sector. Implementation of the project: creation of a knowledge network to integrate all partners sharing their knowledge and expertise, creating a collaborative environment in retail sect ...
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Tool for the Territorial Strategy of the MED Space (OTREMED)

Date du début: 31 août 2010, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2012,

OTREMED begins from the need to provide public bodies with competence in spatial planning a tool to facilitate decision making for the territorial governance, consistent with the structure and the dynamics associated with uniqueness of the Mediterranean. 13 actions consistent with the sustainable and balanced development of the territory will be carried out. Its capitalization will pour into who ...
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Ceramics and CRafts Industries’ Increased Cooperation (CeRamICa)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2008, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2011,

Many European cities and regions can boast of deep-rooted cultural traditions in the field of ceramics and small crafts. Preserving cultural values and cultural heritage has since long been a priority area for the European Union. However, besides preservation, cultural heritage is a major asset in economic terms for European regions: it also generates jobs, household income and stimulates local ec ...
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Reviews for Sustainable Eco-Regions via Europe (PRESERVE)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2008, Date de fin: 30 oct. 2011,

In order to become "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, the European Union relies on the harmonious and sustainable development of its Member States, but also of their Regions. Being particularly close to the citizens, and best aware of their strengths and needs, Regions are indeed key actors in the overall EU strategy for more growth and better jobs. In addition ...
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Date du début: 31 août 2008, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2011,

To reduce the effects of climate change and prepare for the decline of the oil-age, European regions play a key role in promoting, developing and implementing renewable energy sources (RES) combined with energy efficiency strategies. Many EU regions are taking action in this field, defining specific objectives and action plans to improve the use of RES and energy efficiency in their area. More tha ...
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Capitalising Innovative Approaches towards Demographic Change (ESF6 CIA)

Date du début: 30 juin 2008, Date de fin: 29 juin 2010,

ESF6 CIA aims at the transferability of best practices analysed in ESF Art. 6 operations to, especially, new member states. Demographic change is a subject which effects our society daily. Elderly people become a more important and outstanding group in our daily life, with a great potential of knowledge available for the transfer to younger generations. In best practices this resource was identif ...
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The main objective is promotion of structural change and restrugturing employment through the diversification of rural economy based on the setting up of local and transnational Multifunctional Economic Networks. "MEN" stands for integration between rural enterprises and villages belonging to different economic sectors of a homogeneous rural area set up to overcome the structural difficulties (siz ...
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Experiment in Newcomer Integration (ENI)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2005, Date de fin: 29 oct. 2007,

The Project proposal aims at fostering the successful integration of refugees and immigrants at a community level.Four principles underlie the project’s approach to integration:- New Europeans should be involved significantly in decision-making processes;- Integration is a two-way process that implicates and benefits both newcomers and receiving community members;-Local Coalitions are among the ve ...
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The availability of secure and efficient regional energy systems is an essential prerequisite for regional development, particularly for structurally weak regions. In its Green Paper on the Security of Energy Supply, the European Commission singled out heating as the largest energy sink that is mainly based on fossil and imported fuels. Municipalities play a key role, as they are suppliers of (dis ...
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A context of particular vulnerability due to seismic activity in the territories of CADSES area (Italy, Greece, the Balkan Countries, Slovene Republic, Slovak Republic), together with a rich architectural and cultural heritage, including several historical centres where relevant activities for the quality of urban systems are carried out, are the reasons why the Project "S.I.S.M.A. - Integrated Sy ...
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The ECOSIND project covers transnational cooperation among four Mediterranean regions in the fight against environmental damage caused by increasing industrial activity over the last 30 years. The small and medium-sized enterprises, which account for the majority of industrial activity in the regions participating in the project were unable to introduce Environmental Management Systems, and the ap ...
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e-PRODAT aims to encourage the development and exchange of knowledge and experience among agencies and other public bodies regarding the protection of personal data used by governments and public administrations in the provision of public services, especially when linked to e-government or provided via the Internet, and to draw up recommendations for best practices in this field. Overall objective ...
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Date du début: 31 déc. 2003, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2006,

The regions participating in the TWIST project are characterised by a lack of service and infrastructural balance in rural and mountain areas. The growing isolation of these populations, mostly older people, is the cause and the effect of the progressive abandonment of these territories. As a consequence, the resources assigned to the local transport services have been reduced, forcing the local p ...
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Guarantee Organizations Network (GO Network)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2003, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2006,

The project is aimed at providing an overview of existing experiences with credit guarantee in the East European, identifying the current policy issues of credit guarantee development in East European and recommending how the Government can address specific actions in order to create a more enabling environment. In this context, the project aims to create a pilot project, intended as a form of tec ...
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SISTRIE - Systemes Regionaux d'Information Statistique SISTRIE (SISTRIE)

Date du début: 30 juin 2004, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2006,

The partners do not have systems allowing them to manage all the data produced within their territories. When development policies are drawn up by the authorities, the process is slow because information is not managed in an integrated fashion. The EU will not be able to advance unless its citizens perceive that the mechanisms for solidarity work and that we are heading towards convergence. There ...
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Industrial Logistics and intermodal transport for SMEs development (I-Log)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2002, Date de fin: 29 juin 2006,

The CADSES space is characterized by the widespread presence of SMEs and it is a strategic area since north-south and east-west corridors meet. The social and economic development of this space relies on the ability of SMEs to face changes with global, regional and local threats. The main threat to SMEs is represented by the increasing gap between international groups and industrial clusters, netw ...
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Development of a sustainable tourism

Date du début: 31 déc. 2002, Date de fin: 29 juin 2006,

Italy, Greece, Poland, Hungary and Romania have, for their internal areas, common problems like high depopulation and unemployment but at the same time they are rich of natural, architectural and cultural patrimony that are not exploited in their full potentiality. Moreover, the lack of some infrastructures (with regard to the rest of the countries involved), the lack of a well organized promotion ...
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ECO-TOURISM: Places and Traditions (ECO-TOURISM)

Date du début: 29 févr. 2004, Date de fin: 30 mars 2006,

The operation “Ecotourism: Places and Traditions” is aimed at exchanging experiences, developing joint guidelines and pilot activities for improving sustainable tourism in the partner regions These will focus on four main subjects: (1) PLACES, i.e. how to promote "minor" or less visited areas with respect to major places, also by creating and/or revitalising tourist routes; (2) TRADITIONS, i.e. ho ...
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RDA-net CEDA² is a network of regional development agencies (RDAs) with a complete set of services and tools for fostering and improving the partners' capabilities in practical cooperation vis-à-vis the challenges of EU enlargement. RDA-net CEDA² aims to: - Generate innovative projects for regional development of CADSES by using the synergies of the network's experts, - Increase the competencies a ...
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