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19 projets européens trouvés

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Date du début: 29 févr. 2016, Date de fin: 27 févr. 2018,

The “NowWeMove” campaign a European project which was initiated in 2012 with one prime vision: to increase the number of Europeans who are active in sport and physical activity by 2020. The campaign is led by International Sports and Culture Association (ISCA) with a support of numerous partners throughout the Europe. The “NowWeMove” campaign provides the opportunity for 8 young people from diffe ...
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EVS against Discrimination

Date du début: 1 oct. 2016, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2018,

The proposed project includes the implementation of a European voluntary service in which two young people will come for one year in Athens and will voluntarily contribute to the activities and initiatives organized by our organization for the defense of human rights, fighting xenophobia, strengthening and ensuring equal opportunities for immigrants and refugees.As part of these activities and the ...
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I care about you

Date du début: 22 août 2016, Date de fin: 21 oct. 2017,

Since several years, we have been working in contact with youths and this experience encouraged us to write this project. We have noticed that youths are apathetic and indifferent to the social and political issues. They are not interested in learning or getting information on what happened around them and they build up their ideas on what they hear from media or from the social networks. This cau ...
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"Proposals and Strategies for Women Entrepreneurs”

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

Following the Europe 2020 strategy and with the strategy ET2020, the project " Proposals and Strategies for Women Entrepreneurs " intends to create innovative, productive and effective synergies through a formative experience both personally and professionally. It is aimed at a particular target group, women with children, who are seeking their own professional fulfillment and they are confronting ...
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Incorporate Non- Formal Methods into Language Education for Adult Immigrants

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The first asset that an immigrant needs upon his arrival in a new country of residence and the lack of which is a key factor that hinders his inclusion is the knowledge of the spoken language in the host country. This fact makes the work offered by the sector of adult education in the field really valuable and useful for the immigrants themselves and for the society as a whole. For the successful ...
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Date du début: 1 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017,

Youth participation in the democratic life of the Union is an area for discussion and reference point for a variety of measures and policies both at Member States and the EU. Despite strained efforts of EU to create close links with youth and increase their participation in European affairs, the latter presents low participation rates and certainly lower than the percentage of participation in nat ...
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Intercultural Dialogue And Empathic Communication

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

The main aim of the project is to promote intercultural dialogue and respect among young people, and to prevent the violent radicalisation and xenophobia. The empathic communication, which helps to treat other people without prejudices and with the respect for their individuality, needs and feelings, will be the main tool. 20 youth workers from 5 countries: Greece, Romania, Lithuania, Hungary and ...
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Refugees: Europe's (Missed) Opportunity

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

The current European refugee crisis is one of the biggest threats to the European Project, according to Angela Merkel. Thousands of people are flocking to Europe from the war zones in Africa & Middle East. However, more often than not they end up in the place that does not want to use their potential, let alone welcome them. Europeans want them shut in the processing centers or better out in anoth ...
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Sensitization for Action

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

When different cultures meet, it is very easy to start thinking in terms of "Us" and "Them". And the process of discrimination can appear faster because most of the cultural values are unknown for people at the beginning. In Europe increasing number of immigrant and refugees let the people to think in term of "Us" and "Them". In Sweden now use of this terminology is often because of the increased ...
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Youth In Parliament

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2016,

If we look at the Youth Policy in the European countries which has been released to ensure active participation of young people in Democratic life and Promoting is one of the essential titles and again, that ratio has close to zero for young people in decision-making in Europe is also an indisputable fact .Young people who can not take part in decision-making mechanism do not believe in the deci ...
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Youth Included

Date du début: 1 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2016,

The influx of immigrants from third countries in Europe has increased rapidly in recent years, making the need for measures for their smooth integration into society more vital than ever. In the intense debate that has been created around the theme, has been recognized the contribution of youth organizations and the key role they can play in this direction as their activities offer opportunities f ...
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Make it visible!

Date du début: 1 avr. 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

Racism and discrimination are not new themes, we can actually find them at every social level. Lately, economic crisis has made these matters increase. We can fight discrimination and violence that we see and make us angry because of the injustice they cause, but it’s harder to fight micro-violence and abuses that we don’t see. We use to consider this micro-violence as normal in our everyday life ...
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Increaction+: Intercultural and Creative Actions for Inclusion

Date du début: 1 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 1 août 2015,

Según la Resolución del Consejo Europeo del 27 de noviembre de 2009 relativa a un marco renovado para la cooperación europea en el ámbito de la juventud, ?la creatividad y la capacidad de innovación de los jóvenes deben apoyarse mediante la mejora de la calidad del acceso a la cultura y la participación en ella, así como en las expresiones culturales, desde una edad temprana, promoviendo de este m ...
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FAM FIP, “Foster youth women mobility in the Mediterranean area to promote employability”, is an intercultural youth exchanges which is going to take place from 07th till 16th of May 2015 in Marseille, France. Partners organizations are Civis plus Greece, I-Dare for Sustainable Development Jordan, Youth Without Borders Egypte, Nosotras Italy, Human Supporters Association Palestine, Eurocircle Fra ...
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Stop disCRIMEination!

Date du début: 5 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 4 juil. 2015,

Training course will be organized by NGO "VoVo" from Zagreb and it will take place form 7.3. till 15.3.2015. in a hostel in city center of Zagreb. It will gather 24 participants from 8 countries all over the Europe. Main goal is to indicate importance of fighting against stereotypes, discrimination and social inclusion by showing participants how to create social campaign and use it in their work ...
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Date du début: 1 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015,

The project was carried out in Erice (Trapani), 12 to 21 May. The host organization is the Erice Art Foundation which has already promoted and participated in initiatives aimed at promoting intercultural dialogue and peace. The town of Erice has always promoted the activities related to the theme of cultural diversity and dialogue as a form of encounter. The project wanted to follow up on everythi ...
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DOSE - Delegate Ownership on Social Entrepreneurship

Date du début: 15 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 15 mai 2015,

DOSE – Delegate Ownership on Social Entrepreneurship is a training course aiming at equipping 20 youth workers from 10 countries with competencies and skills on supporting youth with fewer opportunities on running their own social entrepreneurship initiatives. The European construct is facing nowadays acute problems related to offering opportunities to its youth. More than 5.5 million young people ...
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Youth Voice on Racism and Xenophobia

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 mars 2015,

Youth Voice on Racism and Xenophobia is? a 6 days training course in Kayseri, Turkey on 10-16 January 2015 for youth workers both from Programme countries and South Mediterranean countries under KA1 Learning Mobility of Individuals Erasmus + The main aim of the training course is to increase knowledge, skills and attitudes of youth workers about racism and xenophobia issues. We will have better un ...
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“Advanced Training On Quality for Youth Works “

Date du début: 17 juin 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

Uluslararası Gençlik Aktiviteleri Merkezi Derneği is a youth NGO which was founded in 2012 in Kayseri. It was founded to arrange activities that support youth’s personal development and to contribute to the development of a youth that can generate a solution for the problems around them, are self-confident, promoter and sensitive. We will organize Training course project under Erasmus + programm ...
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