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Sensitization for Action
Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

When different cultures meet, it is very easy to start thinking in terms of "Us" and "Them". And the process of discrimination can appear faster because most of the cultural values are unknown for people at the beginning. In Europe increasing number of immigrant and refugees let the people to think in term of "Us" and "Them". In Sweden now use of this terminology is often because of the increased sensitivity and negativity surrounding the issue of the refuge population in Sweden. It is also usual to see discrimination not only between majority and minority but also possible inside minorities.Through this project we would like to increase awareness among youth workers about this process, which start from generalization and then prejudices, stereotypes, and discrimination. Sensitization about diversity and cultural differences would be main issue to address during project. This training course will also make youth workers more aware of the situation between cultures and make them more sensitive to how a single thought about another culture can lead to discrimination. Lastly it is also important to act against discrimination when it appears around our daily environment. To be active citizen will be supported by providing tools for youth workers who will fight against discrimination.In this project there will be 3 youth leaders from different countries who will create project team which will realize project with 41 youth workers in Örkelljunga Sweden. Some of the young people belongs to the group which has fewer opportunities. Non formal education methods such as Creative Drama, filmmaking, workshops, small group works, energizers, games will be used during the project. We are planning to have impact in individual, organizational, local and European level. Sensitization for Action will make individuals more aware about migration, integration and discrimination and these individuals will be organized in their organization in order to spread the impact. And We are expected to have short films which will be spread in local and European levels.



11 Participants partenaires