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13 projets européens trouvés

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Strengthening Research and Innovation Links towards Ukraine (RI-LINKS2UA)

Date du début: 15 févr. 2016, Date de fin: 14 févr. 2019,

...orisation precautions. RI-LINKS2UA is supported by ministries responsible for research from 7 EU MS as well as by core members of the project’s consortium from Ukraine, namely the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and National Academy of Sciences.The proposed activities build up on the results of previous EU funded support projects with Ukraine.
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Proposed QANTUS project aims at preparation of sectoral Qualifications Frameworks for Environmental Science. It will contribute towards wider objective “Enhancement of quality and relevance of higher education in Ukraine and increasing convergence with EU developments through elaboration of qualifications frameworks”. Three specific project objectives are:1. Analyses of existing standards and meth ...
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Wider Objective :To strengthen role of Ukrainian HEIs in implementation of Public Policy on Human Resources Development (HRD) as engines for society progress through realization of services for leadership and organizational development (L&OD)Specific Objectives:1. To develop conceptual and informational background to strengthen universities’ role in implementation of Public HRD Policy (Order of th ...
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Green Computing & Communications

Date du début: 15 oct. 2012,

The wider objective of GREENCO is to enable Russian Federation and Ukraine to face the challenges of dealing with green ICT in accordance with EU and international standards through capacity and institutional building measures. To reach the wider objective of the project a master and doctoral degree program on Green Computing and Communications (GCC) for Ukrainian and Russian universities will be ...
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ATHENA will contribute to the modernisation of HE systems in the Eastern Neighbouring Partner Countries of Moldova, Ukraine and Armenia by improving framework conditions for HEIs. Its general objective is to enhance institutional and financial autonomy and accountability, and thus the capacity, of HEIs. ATHENA, a structural measure, adopts an inclusive approach: involving HEIs, national public aut ...
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The general objective of the project is restructuring the academic system of technical universities in Ukraine according to the standards of EU higher school system and Bologna principles. This project will focus on transferring technologies, knowledge and experience of the EU consortium members to the beneficiary Ukrainian universities.The main project's objective is to create conditions in Ukrai ...
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Project “Architecture & sustainable urban development without losing identification based on eco-humanistic principles & advanced technologies” is aimed at creating human & education resources for providing positive changes in national policy & labour market concerning sustainable city development based on eco-human synergetic interaction. It is planned creating modules for MSc, PhD, LLL training ...
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The wider objective is to enable Ukraine and Georgia to face the challenges of dealing with Energy and Environment policies in accordance with EU and international standards through capacity and institutional building measures. To reach the wider objective of the project an interdisciplinary master and doctoral degree program on Energy and Environmental Law for Ukrainian and Georgian universities ...
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The project is designed to create a base for preparing engineers capable of working on technological design of industrial and urban systems, industrial processes and consumer products taking into account environmental problems and given social and economical restrictions in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.To meet this wider objective, the project team will:- introduce innovative Bologn ...
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Asp2PhD aims to reform doctoral education in Ukraine and Georgia by establishing two national best practice model doctoral schools that operate in real world university environments, efficiently and effectively administering a minimum of 5 structured PhD study programmes that each conform to EHEA principles and standards. Academic faculty and research staff will be trained in PhD supervision, rese ...
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Proposed ENAGRA Project aims at modernization of curricula at four Partner agricultural Universities in Russian Federation and in Ukraine. Project results will lead to harmonization of Russian and Ukrainian higher education systems with European one ant they will directly support implementation of Bologna process in Project Partner Countries. The planned to be modernized three cycle structure curr ...
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L07 - Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus

Date du début: 15 juil. 2009,

This action was prepared after two years of the EMECW implementation. The previous links and meetings and the follow-up meetings and implementation of the first two phases have proved a mutual beneficial experience. These were contributions made by the applicant, the EU partners, and the third country partners. The universities were selected by a number of criteria: these included involvement in t ...
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The project aims to improve the law surrounding intellectual property in Ukraine at a national level The specific objectives are: "• 1. To introduce the international master degree program (6 courses) on International andComparative Intellectual Property Law for Ukrainian universities and align it with the Bolognaprocess;• 2. To establish the National Consultancy e-Centre on IP management;• 3. To ...
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