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Tackling Water Challenges in the International Context (IC4WATER)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2017, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2021,

The Joint Programming Initiative Water Challenges for a Changing World, the Water JPI, is an intergovernmental initiative which strives to achieve sustainable water systems for a sustainable economy in Europe and abroad.IC4WATER’s objectives include supporting agencies in stepping up international cooperation: through the sharing of best practices, networking, closer coordination of existing activ ...
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BIG HIT will create a replicable hydrogen territory in Orkney (Scotland) by implementing a fully integrated model of hydrogen production, storage, transportation and utilisation for heat, power and mobility. BIG HIT will absorb curtailed energy from two wind turbines and tidal turbines on the islands of Eday and Shapinsay, and use 1.5MW of PEM electrolysis to convert it into ~50 t pa of hydrogen. ...
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Background In Crete there is a lack of prosecution of wildlife crime and measures for remediation of damage to biodiversity in Natura 2000 sites. The EU, however, introduced the Environmental Liability Directive in 2014 to remediate biodiversity damage and establish wildlife crime as a separate area of prosecution. Local communities have a role to play in ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2020,

Within the EU, and particularly following the economic crisis; tourism will be, the ‘engine for economic growth’, particularly in the underperforming Mediterranean economies; where tourism has traditionally been a dominant economic sector. The world market of tourists continues to grow and Europe has unique selling points for further tourist growth from within and outside the EU (including China). ...
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Water Works 2014-2019 in Support of the Water JPI (WaterWorks2014)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2020,

Water is a critical resource for the European society. Beside its main life function, freshwater also provides many other functions essential to our economy. Water challenges cannot be successfully tackled through the isolated effort of individual national research and innovation programmes. This ERA-NET cofund proposal is submitted in the name of the Joint Programming Initiative “Water Challenges ...
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The Concerted Action will support the implementation of the renewable energy directive 2009/28/EC. As with the first and second phase, the objectives of CA-RES3 are directly linked to the transposition and implementation of the RES Directive. The third phase of the CA-RES will also provide further opportunities to explore possibilities for common approaches in specific areas of implementation of t ...
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Breakthrough solutions for adaptable envelopes for building refurbishment (BRESAER)

Date du début: 1 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2019,

The overall objective of BRESAER project is to design, develop and demonstrate an innovative, cost-effective, adaptable and industrialized envelope system for buildings refurbishment including combined active and passive pre-fabricated solutions integrated in a versatile lightweight structural mesh:‒ Dynamic window with automatic and controlled air-tightness and insulated solar blinds complementin ...
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Background Mountains and forests are prominent features of the Greek landscape. Forest area covers half of the surface area of the country, with high forests accounting for 30.2% and wooded land another 20.5%. High forests have shown some increase since 1990 while wooded land has decreased. Around 77% of forest areas are publicly owned, with the church, ...
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Description (EN): The AlpGovs’ main objective is to support effective and efficient EUSALP implementation in a systematic transnational approach through designing and testing appropriate governance structures and mechanisms mainly on the level of Action Groups (AGs), at the same time to create synergies with the other EUSALP implementing bodies General Assembly and Executive Board a ...
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Background The LIFE programme introduced action grants for capacity-building projects for the 2014-2017 funding period. These are projects designed to build Member States' capacity to participate more effectively in the LIFE Programme. Specifically, these projects propose interventions to develop the capacity to submit successful applications for funding ...
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5TOI_4EWAS project will focus on Targeted Open Innovation in energy, water and agriculture societal challenges through a balanced innovation-friendly ecosystem in the Southern Mediterranean Neighborhood (SMN) based on quintuple helix and NEXUS approach. The project will enhance and support regional smart specialization and development by increasing research capacity, effective mobility of young in ...
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Joint project for the modernization of educational programs in climate engineering, regional priority for Russia and China, national priority for Azerbaijan.3 AIMS IN EACH COUNTRY:Reduce skills gaps on intermediate levels (construction site coordinator, design technician) by improving the employability of students and by perfecting corporate executives.Professionalize teaching programs in line wit ...
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The main goal is to strengthen capacity of public authorities to successfully apply GPP with priority, enhancing their ability and capacity to save energy, reduce CO2 emissions and costs by applying innovative solutions on GPP. By the establishment of “supporting permanent structures”, called G.PP.S. – Green Public Procurement Supporters (Supporting Units) within the participating Energy Agencies, ...
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Concerted Action EPBD IV (CAIV_EPBD)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 31 mars 2018,

The 'Concerted Action EPBD IV', supporting transposition and implementation of Directive 2010/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings, is an activity which aims to foster exchange of information and experience among Member States and participating countries with regards to the implementation of the specific Community legislation and ...
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Background Two interrelated and universal problems and challenges remain for those involved in energy production. The first concerns the excessive and unsustainable use of conventional fossil fuels, and the second is the low penetration of clean, sustainable energy sources, in particular PV, in the energy mix of many countries. The rapidly increasing glo ...
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The important climatic, environmental, socio-economic and land-use changes taking place at global, regional and local levels, pose new challenges for meeting the multifunctional demands on European forest resources, and for their sustainable management. In the European Union the formulation of forest policies is in the competence of the Member States and although the Treaties of the EU make no pro ...
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WoodWisdom-Net+ Pacing Innovation in the Forest-Based Sector (WoodWisdom-Net+)

Date du début: 15 nov. 2012, Date de fin: 14 nov. 2017,

The overall objective of the WoodWisdom-Net+ is to support the transformation of the European F-BI and sustainable forest management for increasing resource efficiency and adapting to and mitigating climate change effects. This will be achieved by integrating knowledge and technologies of large-scale industrial products and processes, as well as primary production.The aim is to plan a single joint ...
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CYCLADES "Integrated monk seal conservation in Northern Cyclades" (CYCLADES Life)

Date du début: 1 juil. 2013, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017,

Background The Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) is a priority species for conservation, according to Annex II of the Habitats Directive. It is also designated as a “critically endangered” species under the IUCN Red List; and is included in Annex III of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive – as a key indicator of the status of the marin ...
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Background The lesser white-fronted goose (Anser erythropus) is an Annex I species of the Birds Directive, classified as ‘vulnerable’ by the IUCN Red List. The global population trend for the species has shown rapid decline (30-49%) during the period 1998-2008, accompanied by breeding range fragmentation. The wild population of the goose in the Fennos ...
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Military Energy and Carbon Management (MECM)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2012, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

Background The Greek defence ministry is one of the largest public bodies in Greece. Its military installations are major consumers of energy and, therefore, offer great potential for energy saving, which could lead to a significant reduction in Greece's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Although military installations and the organisations under the jurisd ...
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Date du début: 1 mai 2012, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

The proposed ERA-NET will deepen the cooperation of national program owners and administrators and thus be an enabler for the integration of national research and development agendas into a coherent European geothermal R&D program. Countries participating in the first instance in this ERA NET are chosen on the basis of their ambitions to include geothermal energy into their goals for 2020 and 2050 ...
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Tackling European Water Challenges (WATEUR)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

Water is a critical resource for the European society. Beside its main life function, freshwater also provides many other functions essential to our economy such as transport, energy provision, heat exchange, cleaning, washing, and constitutes a necessary raw material for many industries. Water availability in sufficient quantities and adequate quality is an issue of highest priority and represent ...
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Forest research in the Mediterranean region is currently handicapped by its fragmentation, its limited means, and occasional outdating and isolation. In addition, the low benefits that Mediterranean forests provide to forest-based industries--compared to other European forests--make it difficult to attract interest and funds from the private sector. For this reason, new ways to overcome this situa ...
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Small scale thermal solar district units for Mediterranean communities (STS-Med)

Date du début: 16 nov. 2012, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2015,

The project in brief In the Mediterranean area, a large share of energy is consumed by households and in buildings. In addition to the dependence on fossil fuel, oil and natural gas, the primary energy demand is growing at a regular pace. Increasing the share of solar energy sources in the overall energy mix is a crucial goal for the Mediterranean area, as the exploitation of a sustainable renewab ...
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The project in brief Solar technology markets have experienced a steady growth in the last decade on the northern shore of the Mediterranean basin while the situation is still at a premature stage in Southern Partner Countries. Notwithstanding the shared political commitment and a common recognition of the huge solar potential of the Mediterranean region, some barriers to solar energy deployment a ...
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Chromium in Asopos groundwater system: remediation technologies and measures (CHARM)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2011, Date de fin: 31 août 2015, of up to 100 microns/l. This has, understandably, caused increased public concern, particularly since part of the groundwater is abstracted for human consumption and irrigation purposes. The Ministry of Environment, Energy, and Climate Change has established Environment Quality Standards (EQS) for the area's surface water and Emission Limit Values (ELVs) for the relevant industries, but has not ...
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Energy Sustainability for Adriatic Small Communities (ALTERENERGY)

Date du début: 31 août 2012, Date de fin: 30 août 2015,

The ALTERENERGY Strategic Project aims to provide a significant contribution to the widely agreed objective of achieving a higher level of sustainability with regards to energy production and usage in the Adriatic area. This objective is strictly connected, as we all know, to creating a better environment and the protection of life and the natural environment. In pursuing this overall general obje ...
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The project is focused on the enhancement of geothermal systems component research and analysis through pilot applications and the development of operational application guidelines and cost effective techno-economic models of green energy use at both public and commercial level. ...
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Energetic Recovery of Waste (VEDER)

Date du début: 19 févr. 2013, Date de fin: 18 août 2015,

Development of a sustainable energy sector in perspective of a sustainable use of energy resources, through the implementation of a system for electricity and heat production from biomass, municipal, agricultural and industrial waste. Expect ...
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Transnational Initiative for guidance of graduated and entrepreneurship (TRIGGER)

Date du début: 13 oct. 2013, Date de fin: 12 août 2015,

The projects scope is to unleash dynamic economic activities and employment opportunities in the light of worsening of the socio-economic situation surfacing from the global crisis. Investing in the human capital of the area, the project intents to promote networking establish synergies between the Academic Institutions and the business community and create more opportunities for young people and ...
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The final goal of the whole process is that Moldovan TSO and Ukrainean TSO to become ENTSO-E members. Expected Results: Enhanced utilization of border crossing energy network and increased electricity interconnection.
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Provide authorities from the entire cross-border area with means for the coordinated implementation of Community strategies and legislation as well as of bilateral-Conventions regarding emergency preparedness, planning and intervention in case of chemical, biological and radiological/nuclear (CBRN) emergencies.
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Sustainable Mobility Information Network for the Alpine Space (AlpInfoNet)

Date du début: 30 juin 2012, Date de fin: 29 juin 2015,

Lacking information about public transport is often an obstacle for travellers to use public transport at all. This is an even bigger challenge when travelling by sustainable transport modes to and within destinations of the Alpine Space, where often cross-border information is needed. This project aims to provide travellers with comprehensive information about sustainable transport modes beyond r ...
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Sun, water and biomass are a natural capital of the Alpine Space. It is a must to use them for the production of energy. Besides intelligent grids, storage systems will be key enablers for a future mostly renewable energy supply.Electric vehicles (EV) will be integral elements of the future energy system. Their batteries can be charged with excessive power from intermittent energy sources and elec ...
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The OrientGate project will foster concerted and coordinated climate adaptation actions across the SEE region. The project will explore climate risks faced by coastal, rural and urban communities; contribute to a better understanding of the impact of climate variability and change on water regimes, forests and agro-ecosystems; and analyse specific adaptation needs in the hydroelectricity, agro-ali ...
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Improving Communities' Sustainable Energy Policy Tools (STEP)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2014,

The STEP partnership consists of 9 ambitious partners from 8 regions wishing to improve their local sustainable energy policies and support the deployment of regional policies at local level. In order to achieve the EU 20-20 by 20 targets national and regional policies have to be deployed more efficiently at local authorities level, which are the key of successful policy implementation. The EU str ...
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Valuable EneRgY for a smart School (VERYSchool)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2014,

VERYSchool will develop customised energy savings strategies and ICT solutions for EU schools. It will do this through the integration of Smart Lighting and LED technology, Smart Meters, Building Energy Management Systems, Energy Simulation Software, and Energy Action Management Software. Each of these technologies are brought to the project from consortium partners with companies dedicated specif ...
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motion of Resource Efficiency in SMEs in Central Europe (PRESOURCE)

Date du début: 31 mai 2012, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2014,

Resource efficiency means to use the Earth's limited resources in a sustainable manner while minimising impacts on the environment. The European Union must use natural resources in a more convincing manner and the answers must go beyond existing policy actions. The situation within the central Europe area is even more alarming, since productivity in most of the countries joining the EU after 2004 ...
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Both in Lebanon and Jordan the increase in the domestic and industrial water demands has led to a significant reduction of water available for irrigation purposes. This is a key issue for such countries in which agriculture accounts for 80% of the water use although it is not the sole problem: the aquifers are overexploited, the use of environmental-friendly irrigation methods is still limited and ...
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"Eco-innovations (EI), i.e. “green” technologies, processes, products and services have an increasing impact for the global competitiveness of European industry. To reach a worldwide leading position, it needs to boost the implementation of EI in industry, especially in SMEs. The ERA-Net on EI will support research and dissemination in the field of EI.The success of EI is determined by criteria th ...
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