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Valuable EneRgY for a smart School (VERYSchool)
Date du début: 1 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2014 PROJET  TERMINÉ 

VERYSchool will develop customised energy savings strategies and ICT solutions for EU schools. It will do this through the integration of Smart Lighting and LED technology, Smart Meters, Building Energy Management Systems, Energy Simulation Software, and Energy Action Management Software. Each of these technologies are brought to the project from consortium partners with companies dedicated specifically to each hardware or software.The integration of these technologies will be conducted under the guidelines and practices of ISO50001 (energy programs) and IPMVP (measurement & verification) and will be called the VERYSchool Energy Action Navigator.The Navigator will link all actors of the school value chain under a common platform dedicated to energy efficiency and provide "how to" information, enabling tools, and cutting edge intelligent energy savings strategies through the execution of optimisation scenarios dedicated specifically to the needs of schools.VERYSchool will demonstrate its methodology, approach, and integrated solution at 4 Pilot locations. The pilot buildings are selected, they represent different school typologies and geographic locations and are directly managed by Consortium Partners.VERYSchool is industry led and market driven. Consortium members include Municipality, Educational Directorate, Regional Energy Agencies, Bank Consultant, ESCO, ICT hardware and software Providers, Technology Integrators, and ICT Consultants. Collectively, the consortium has oversight of over 8000 schools.Targeted dissemination and exploitation plans are core project activities.VERYSchool is relevant because schools are highly replicable and are a segment of the building stock to which energy efficient retrofit funding will flow first as Europe determines how to meet 2020 and 2050 targets.VERYSchool will be on the leading edge of this trend providing the roadmap and platform for the efficient uptake and use of future investments.



13 Participants partenaires