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10 projets européens trouvés

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FARM _SUCCESS: training FARMers for sustainable SUCCESSion processes

Date du début: 1 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2018,

The economic crisis that EU is facing in the last years had negative effects on the employment rate in the member countries. More specifically the unemployment rate in the euro area passed from 6,4% in 2007 to 11,5% in November 2014, with even worse figures in some countries as Spain that passed from an unemployment rate of 8,3% to the 23,9%. The youth unemployment rate has reached at the end of 2 ...
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The EU integrated approach to food safety needs effective control systems to assure safety and quality standards all along the food chain, including animal feed. This is not always straightforward, since several actors are involved in the chain, in some cases not from EU. Following regulation EC 767/2009, which has defined new “rules on the placing on the market and use of animal feed, including r ...
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Empowering young farmers - A pillar of Europe 2050

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2015,

... to the responsible political agencies. 40 participants representing different young farmer’s organisations of Europe which are all member of the European organisation CEJA (Conseil européen des jeunes agriculteurs) participated in the 3 day seminar. These participants are all practicing farmers who know the common agricultural policy very good. They have an experience in discussing political top ...
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Aufwertung der Landwirtschaft

Date du début: 31 déc. 2007, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2012,

Ziel dieses Projekts ist die Aufwertung und Verbesserung der Landwirtschaft im ländlichen Raum durch Kompetenztransfer und Wissensaustausch im technischen, beruflichen, kulturellen und touristischen Bereich.
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The project Volunteering 2011: Global Strategies for Global Challenges is the opening of a process in which youth organisations from all over the world, together with young people and institutions of the field will debate, create and decide on the main priorities and strategies of the Volunteering Movement both for 2011 and for a long term strategy, which will be defined at the end of the project ...
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 TERMINÉ match the expectations and improve communication between European and African sending and hosting organisations of IVS projects " that was coordinated by CCIVS and took place in 2009, Solidarités Jeunesses together with the partners of the project and with CCIVS support would like to propose a follow up project focusing on training and reinforcement of training skills both for European and Afri ...
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The project is aiming to contribute into helping the farm level dairy sector transition from a supported context (CAP) towards a sustainable and independent environment. The major products will be a new e-learning content onto an already existing platform for dairy farmers, trainers/teachers, and regional developers. Materials will be suitable for both remote learning and traditional training. The ...
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The english version of the contents description is being translated and should be available as of mid November. Please consult until then the original version in FR.
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Helping rural areas to meet the economic, social and environmental challenges of the 21st century has become an overall EU priority. The Rural Development Policy (2007-2013) focuses on three thematic axes, of which especially the third axis ‘improving quality of life and diversification of the rural economy’ promotes training, information and entrepreneurship for women, young people and older work ...
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Lobjectif principal est de créer un réseau déchange dexpériences sur base des différentes structures existantes, avec une mise en place dune base de données, au niveau de la formation des jeunes, la promotion dune agriculture familiale durable et le secteur de lagrotourisme. Les objectifs plus spécifiques sont : de recenser lensemble des structures en place et identifier les besoins de la région; ...
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