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12 projets européens trouvés

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Celebrating 50 Years of Volunteering (Vakantiebos - Group EVS 2016)

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

Celebrating 50 Years of Volunteering (Vakantiebos - Group EVS 2016) is a Group EVS Program organized in The Netherlands, In Italy and in Portugal. Don Bosco has been organizing "Vakantiebos"-a holiday program for the kids of the locality for the past 50 years and it is mainly run by volunteers both national and international. The project is motivated and organized by Don Bosco Youthnet Nederland ( ...
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Youth Leaders 4.0

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2017,

The project "Youth Leaders 4.0” is the training course that will bring together 27 participants - staff members of NGOs working with young immigrants in Austria, Armenia, France, Poland, Germany, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine. It will take place in Vienna in September 2016. The methods of non-formal education and experiential learning will be used during the course. We will focus as much as possib ...
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Learning to Learn

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2017,

Several research has been conducted on the understanding of how the brain works during a learning process. For a long period of time, scholars thought that young people learn differently and, therefore, must be taught differently. This may be true in theory, but it might be impossible to implement within the scope of formal education.According to many scholars, non-formal education is essential fo ...
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One Step Ahead 2

Date du début: 1 oct. 2015, Date de fin: 31 mars 2017,

One Step Ahead is a training course for youth workers (group leaders and project managers) from partner organisations around Europe. The theme is professionalism in international youth work; the objective is to share our experience and develop best practice and high professional standards for leading groups of young people on international exchanges, by training the "next generation" of youth proj ...
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Move On

Date du début: 20 mai 2016, Date de fin: 19 déc. 2016,

Move On is a multicultural youth exchange. It will take place in Aghveran, Armenia from September 10-18,2016 and will involve 32 participants and group leaders from 6 countries: Armenia,Georgia, Ukraine, Netherlands, Italy, Poland. The main aim of the project is to bring together young people from different cultural backgrounds and to create a platform for inter-cultural dialogue. In this way ...
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Get Active , Get Employed

Date du début: 10 mai 2016, Date de fin: 9 déc. 2016,

The Training Course " Get Active, Get Involved" will reflect on the current situation of the youth unemployment which is one of the most relevant challenges in contemporary Europe. The international financial crisis makes the challenge more visible and problematic, especially for younger generations: unemployment is a growing threat to youngsters all over Europe. The training course aims to deve ...
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Discovering EVS world in Eastern Europe and Caucasus Region

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2016,

Discovering the EVS world in Eastern Europe and Caucasus Region" is an unique project, which gathered representatives of 22 organisations from 15 countries, who work in frame of EVS in/with EECA region. The main aim of the project was to discover, recognise and understand specific features of EVS projects implemented between organisations from Erasmus+ Programme Countries and Eastern Europe ...
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Date du début: 15 mai 2015, Date de fin: 14 nov. 2015,

The Training Course (TC) ´´Organisational Management´´ took place in Aghveran, Armenia from 29 August to 7 September 2015 and has involved 24 participants from 6 countries - Armenia, Austria, Georgia, Poland, Spain and Turkey. The TC was organised in cooperation with the Armenian partner organisation ´´Youth for Exchange and Cooperation´´. This TC was addressed to youth workers, youth leaders and ...
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The idea behind the exchange was to experience a whole unique week of healthy behavior, with an aim to show the participants that living healthy does not require much effort and in the same time provides long-term benefits. This project came as a follow up and an upgrade of the successful YE “GREEN Your Life” organized by Mladiinfo Slovensko and focused on sustainable living and ecology. It took p ...
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Be Active Be Employed

Date du début: 5 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 5 oct. 2015,

Training course ''Be Active Be Employed'' is concentrated on youth unemployment which is one of the crucial problems nowadays is Europe. The financial crisis, although not so strong anymore, left this problem very visible in many European countries and the percentage of unemployed youth is constantly growing, threatening younger generations. This training course aims to develop the competences of ...
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Project Management for Proactive Youth Leaders

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

Project Management for Proactive Youth Leaders is a eight-day-long training course with 27 participants from Programme and Partner countries that will be held in Vienna between February 22- March 1, 2015. The aim of the course is to provide staff of youth NGOs, directly working with young people with immigrant background with the tools on international project management for empowerment of yout ...
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"The victory of good over evil''

Date du début: 1 déc. 2012,

Project participants from EU countries: France, Italy, Germany, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Greece and new Neighborhood countries: Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Belarus, from each country 2 participants, no more than 30 people will gather in Armenia and during 7 days, using folklore: the national epics, ancient tales, fairy-tales, parables of the countries they came from, participants w ...
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