Rechercher des projets européens

"The victory of good over evil''
Date du début: 1 déc. 2012,

Project participants from EU countries: France, Italy, Germany, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Greece and new Neighborhood countries: Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Belarus, from each country 2 participants, no more than 30 people will gather in Armenia and during 7 days, using folklore: the national epics, ancient tales, fairy-tales, parables of the countries they came from, participants will discuss the spiritual, cultural and historical heritage of the Europeans, based on the principles of "victory of good over evil."Every nation has their specific folklore, but it is not surprising that there are stories, travelling from country to country, which seem to be similar thus enabling people to think that the particular story or plot belongs to their own nation and culture. This is explained simply in a way that ideas of happiness, good and evil, life and death in general are similar for all peoples. Every nation has preserved and cherished their folklore and passed on from generation to generation, alongside with a number of outstanding works of human mind. Each participant will present a fairy-tale, epos, traditions of their nation to others, displaying the ethnic diversity of the peoples of Europe and will try to draw parallels between the ideas conveyed in the folklore and the fundamental values of EU – the respect of human dignity, human rights, rights of families and communities, democracy and freedom, gender equality, pluralism, justice against discrimination, xenophobia and marginalization, solidarity, ideas that all nations have their peculiar mentality and world view, culture, history, traditions, but all these nations share common values. Based on discussions and debates and folklore works the participant will prepare short sketches. The participants will come up as directors, actors, decorators and at the same time active audience.



  •   25 450,00
  • Youth\Youth in action (2007-2013)\Youth in the World\Cooperation with neighbouring partner countries
  • Projet sur ERASMUS platform

14 Participants partenaires