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Climate change and population growth are expected to exacerbate the water crisis of Mediterranean African Countries (MACs), where agriculture accounts for 80-85% of freshwater consumption. The aim of MADFORWATER is to develop a set of integrated technological and management solutions to enhance wastewater treatment, reuse for irrigation and water efficiency in agriculture in three MACs (Tunisia, M ...
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Environmental policies focus on protecting habitats valuable for their biodiversity, as well as producing energy in cleaner ways. The establishment of Marine Protected Area (MPA) networks and installing Offshore Wind Farms (OWF) are important ways to achieve these goals. The protection and management of marine biodiversity has focused on placing MPAs in areas important for biodiversity. This has p ...
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Renewable energy virtual laboratory (REVLAB)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2014, Date de fin: 30 août 2015,

The REVLAB project between the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences and the University of Szeged, Department of Technical Informatics will start a cross-border research cooperation in the field of renewable energy technology which will result in the first-of-a-kind high-power renewable energy laboratory that is completely safe, scalable and accessible anytime from anywhere in the ...
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duction of biodiesel from Algae in selected Mediterranean Countries (MED-ALGAE)

Date du début: 7 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 7 déc. 2014,

The potential of producing bio-fuel from microalgae has been recognized as an alternative to fossil fuels, especially under the form of liquid fuel (diesel, ethanol), which can be used in the transport sector. The use of microalgae as a biomass resource for production of biodiesel has drawn a lot of attention from researchers, governments and the private sector. To foster the development of microa ...
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ROad safety in South East European regions  (ROSEE)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2014,

Road safety is important for smooth accessibility of SEE regions. The road crash and injury tool within SEE regions accounts for social and economical losses affecting the development of South East European Space. In the EU 56% of road deaths occur on rural roads while 37% of fatalities are counted in built-up areas. 44% involves vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and riders of po ...
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Hungary, as a member of the EU is engaged to fulfil the requirements of the EU Water Framework Directive. Serbia, being a state heading towards the EU has also a great interest to meet the requirements of the document. To achieve the goals of the directive, catchment management plans need to be implemented, which provide a framework for major water related issues. However, the management of future ...
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Center of Excellence For Advanced and Intelligent Control (CEFAIC)

Date du début: 14 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 13 juil. 2014,

The purpose of this project is to train and educate both students and engineers in industry how to use and implement modern control strategies in order to improve energy efficiency, as well as reduce greenhouse gas effect (long life learning). Therefore, during 18 months, the Center of Excellence for Advanced and Intelligent Control would be established as an official premise for such training and ...
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Central European Living Lab for Territorial Innovation (CentraLab)

Date du début: 30 avr. 2011, Date de fin: 29 avr. 2014,

The systemic impact on the economy, the environment and the quality of life in the Central European regions derives from the increase in the “innovation attractiveness” of the Central Europe space, as it develops and articulates the innovation demand coming from its citizens and businesses and sets in place the governance mechanisms to ensure policy coherence and optimise the benefits of single in ...
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...iliarize them with modernized curriculum and study programme and the profile of young experts they can expect in the upcoming period. Study programmes for Mechanical Engineers on MSc level at the Faculty of Technical Sciences and for BSc level engineers at the University of Szeged have been accredited. Potential and current students were regularly informed about the possibilities of newly develope ...
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Danube Inland Harbour Development (DaHar)

Date du début: 31 mars 2011, Date de fin: 30 mars 2014,

The DaHar partnership represents small and medium sized Danube cities with ports of international importance. The economic development and participation in the economic circulation of these cities could be enhanced through the optimal utilisation of port development in the frame of enhancing waterway cargo transport on the Danube in a transnational context. To this end, DaHar partners wish to util ...
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Pan-European coordination action on CO2 Geological Storage (CGS EUROPE)

Date du début: 1 nov. 2010, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2013,

The EU has made significant progress in CCS as a bridging technology for combating climate change, but this must now accelerate and be spread evenly throughout EU Member States and Associated Countries. In this context, CO2GeoNet, CO2NET EAST and ENeRG are joining forces, pooling their expertise and building on their Networking experience to form CGS Europe, a unique concerted European reference p ...
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Key Indicators for Territorial Cohesion and Spatial Planning (KITSCASP)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2012, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2013,

The KITCASP project will explore the use of territorial data in developing and monitoring national spatial strategies and other territorial development policies in Scotland, Ireland, Latvia, Iceland and the Basque Country, Spain. It will examine the extent to which ESPON data has informed the strategies examined and develop guidelines on the use of indicators and ESPON data in territorial policy d ...
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Cross-border ICT Research Network (CIRENE)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2011, Date de fin: 29 juin 2013,

The innovative results will boost ICT sector by providing further possibilities, and will contribute indirectly to create jobs for young scientists and engineers. The virtual cross-border competence centre will serve the enhancement of education, economy and research. CIRENE consist of 6 activities with tasks of project management, survey of industrial needs, knowledge transfer events, definition ...
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The 20-months long project aims at introducing and strengthening biogas technology in Serbia by using the expertise accumulated in the Lb laboratory. Biogas is a renewable energy carrier produced from biomass by biotechnological conversion to a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide. The biomass source can be organic waste or energy plants. The technology thereby combines waste disposal with bioen ...
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Aquaculture has been the fastest growing food production sector during the last two decades. In the Baltic Sea region, though, the industry has stagnated or even decreased. The goal for the Aquabest project is to change this trend. However, the future growth in aquaculture production has to be built on sustainable practices and technologies.Aquabest aims to: 1. Start a self-evaluation of the envir ...
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The current trade and goods traffic relations in Central Europe (CE) are strongly oriented towards Western Europe. However, through the accession of the South-Eastern European countries to the EU new sales and supply structures arise which have to be strengthened in the fields of trade as well as in goods traffic and logistics. The main direction of impact of the FLAVIA project is to substantial c ...
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Paper is a natural biopolymer obtained from a renewable resource (wood). It is renewable, recyclable and, at the end of its life cycle, biodegradable. Paper recycling increases the material lifespan and is a key strategy that contributes to savings of primary raw material, reduction of energy and chemicals consumption, reduction of the impact on fresh water and improvement of waste management stra ...
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SMEs represent 99% of all enterprises in BSR and provide up to 70% of all jobs, being an important economic but also socio-cultural factor. SMEs present the biggest potential for job creation also in future. QUICK aims at unleashing this potential to its full extent by addressing the following challenges undermining the competitiveness of the BSR SMEs:- limited benefit from innovation processes an ...
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RENAISSANCE aims to develop a valid, reliable and integrated package of access and mobility measures for historic cities. These will make possible the rediscovery, preservation and enhancement of historic cities in Europe, together with the sustainable development of the local economy, to the benefit of visitors, residents and local business alike. RENAISSANCE brings together a group of historic/t ...
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The industrial informatics and embedded systems sectors present leading edge technology sectors that provide a competitive advantage for Europe. The SEE area is mostly characterized by developing low-wage based economies that will face a need for change in the near future. In order for these economies to be competitive in the globalised economy, focus should be placed on their transformation to kn ...
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In the past 20 years, the Danube region witnessed tremendous changes due to increased traffic flows, the economic growth and the significant trend to develop the European Single Market. This situation directly affects the transport, research and education sectors. The Danube region is a heterogeneous territory of EU and Non-EU Member States characterized by disparities in terms of technological pr ...
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In our project we will develop the modeling background of Tisza River. It ensures to choose the right activities in between the dikes. Main inputs of the model are the characteristic data of the cross-section, and discharge and water level values. On the Hungarian side the instruments used to measure the necessary input values of the model will be developed. A boat will be bought with hydrometrica ...
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Date du début: 1 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2011,

The recently finished FP6 RI Black Sea SCENE project has established a Black Sea Scientific Network of leading environmental and socio-economic research institutes, universities and NGO’s from the countries around the Black Sea and has developed a distributed virtual data and information infrastructure that is populated and maintained by these organisations to improve the identification, access, e ...
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Managing Adaptive Responses to changing flood risk in the North Sea Region (MARE)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2008, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2011,

Recent flooding has demonstrated the vulnerability of North Sea Region. Municipalities have an urgent need to reduce flood risk, but lack a framework and the resources. The overarching aim of MARE is to enable widespread implementation of local adaptive measures that mitigate flood risk. The project is focusing on developing a transnational methodology to implement urban Flood Risk Management (FRM ...
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The proposed project is conceived as an idea almost ten years ago. The main motive for turning the idea into a reality is the fact that final result (to whose achievement the project will contribute), is a much needed one. Given that there is long term cooperation between partner institutions and that their needs completely match, this undertaking is only expected. Main outline of the project can ...
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The programme area is crossed by relevant freight traffic flows, originated and directed in- and outside it. This traffic is mainly supported by road infrastructures, that were not planned for these flows. This involves a negative impact on the territorial competitiveness and environment, due to air pollution, noise and reduced mobility. The project objective is to promote the coordination between ...
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CO2-Neutral Transport for the Alpine Space (CO2-NeuTrAlp) (CO2-NeuTrAlp)

Date du début: 31 août 2008, Date de fin: 30 août 2011,

Alternative propulsion technologies for transport on the basis of renewable energies (RE) shall be implemented by local users of the Alpine Space: 1.) A variety of solutions will be applied in regions with differing resource potentials; 2.) Technical solutions will be harmonised in order to set international standards; 3.) Transnational exchange of know-how promotes the competitiveness of the Alpi ...
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Enabling Grids for E-sciencE III (EGEE-III)

Date du début: 1 mai 2008, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2010,

A globally distributed computing Grid now plays an essential role for large-scale, data intensive science in many fields of research. The concept has been proven viable through the Enabling Grids for E-sciencE project (EGEE and EGEE-II, 2004-2008) and its related projects. EGEE-II is consolidating the operations and middleware of this Grid for use by a wide range of scientific communities, such as ...
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SEE-GRID eInfrastructure for regional eScience (SEE-GRID-SCI)

Date du début: 1 mai 2008, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2010,

eInfrastructure in Europe has reached a mature state where the GÉANT network forms a backbone on top of which a distributed computing infrastructure – the Grid – provides processing and storage services for eScience research. The South-East European eInfrastructure initiatives are committed to ensuring equal participation of the less-resourced countries of the region in European trends. SEEREN ini ...
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Risk management at transnational level is an important tool for setting up alternative risk scenarios within the Strategic Environmental Assessment framework (SEA). This is one result that was realised when implementing the CADSES project "ISOTEIA" which deals with an integrated system to assess Territorial and Environmental Impacts (TEIA) regarding resource management and regional planning. Moreo ...
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After the Trans-European transport Networks (TEN) process which also involved EU Candidate States with the objective to deliver a European Infrastructure plan, further activities in the field of intermodal goods transport rarely head in this direction. However, the interconnection between Candidate States and Central Europe is still not sufficient, particularly as these regions are essential in co ...
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Earthquakes, landslides, forest fires are a permanent threat for Greece, Sicily and Calabria, causing fatalities, material damage at regional, national and trans-national level. Especially earthquakes are the mostly feared by local populations, causing paralysis of local socio-economical activities. Landslides can be predicted and prevented by taking appropriate actions a priori. Earthquakes and f ...
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European Position Determination System - InterRegional Co-operation (EUPOS - IRC)

Date du début: 30 sept. 2006, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

Satellite-based navigation and positioning systems like GPS are becoming an ever more important part of our daily lives, which does not only apply to driving. Such systems and their applications also promise to play a significant role in various aspects of regional planning. For instance, geoinformation data can inform regional policy decisions in fields such as the environment (e.g. through emiss ...
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Spatial scenarios in relation to the ESDP and EU Cohesion Policy (Scenarios)

Date du début: 27 avr. 2004, Date de fin: 12 févr. 2007,

The main objective of the project is to develop spatial scenarios which should on the one hand be prospective, capable of prognostics with reference to a laissez-faire scenario on themes of the ESPON and policy orientations of the ESDP.On the other hand the scenarios should as well be proactive testing alternative objectives and provide insight for recommendations on policy adjustments/changes in ...
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NetWet 2 focuses on various important problems in the field of water (salinity of groundwater aquifers, ecological balance of sensitive aquatic ecosystems, drinking water, environmental impact of organic agricultural practices on waters, protection of flood risk areas, protection of drought areas in relation to flood development, protection of areas with high environmental hydraulic risk, economic ...
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The Baltic University Urban Forum, BUUF, aims to contribute to a sustainable development in the Baltic Sea region by developing local sustainability strategies. The project is of special relevance for spatial planning, building strategies, and infrastructure development, where the role of the municipality is large. The project aims to develop integrative tools for urban management.The project addr ...
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The Baltic Sea Virtual Campus is a project whose objective is to build sustainable e-learning structures throughout the Baltic Sea Region, to supply the Baltic Sea countries equally with academic online education in future. The project has a running time of three years (2002-2005) and is financed through the participating partners, the regions and the EU.The overall aims of the BSVC, besides the e ...
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The Baltic University Urban Forum (BUUF) is a cooperation between cities/towns and universities in the Baltic Sea region to promote sustainable development. The BUUF project aims to develop strategies for sustainable development for cities and towns. 20 cities and towns, and 15 universities in 9 countries take part in the project. Through the Union of Baltic Cities the results will be available fo ...
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Bio-tech e-learning tools : To cater for the need for new skills to keep pace with technological advances in the bio-tech field, the project has developed ODL tools. These tools can be adapted to different sectors within the field and also to different geographical contexts. This project started in 2002 and lasted 36 months.
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L04 - Lebanon, Syria, Jordan

Date du début: 15 juil. 2009,

The project idea (to organise and carry out institution-based mobility within a large consortium to achieve the short and long-term objectives) was generated by two main factors: the coordinator’s long-term cooperation with the European universities and the cooperation with several universities in Lot 3. The European partners want to establish mobility with the region and feel the same necessity a ...
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