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13 projets européens trouvés

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The publishing sector is facing new challenges caused by the technological development of new digital publishing materials.A survey commissioned by the EC about printing and publishing sector highlights the necessity for upskilling and training workers in order to improve their knowledge about new technologies as enhanced book, new software applications including mobile devices. In response to thi ...
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...ntinuous training of all professionals (teachers and school managers) involved in the education field, both at secondary school and Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector, by developing their competences and qualifications. The SCENE Project intends to realize a multilingual PBL working environment, comprising an e-learning platform, a repository and a virtual facilitator, for secondary s ...
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Date du début: 1 déc. 2011,

This network brings together eighteen European partners (and a partner from Israel) in the exploration and collection of good practice with respect to teaching and learning within virtual worlds. The network consist of partners with substantial experience of the use of 2D/3D virtual worlds in learning and teaching contexts (in European projects such as AVALON, AVATAR, START, LANCELOT and NIFLAR) ...
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Added Value of teAching in a virTuAl woRld

Date du début: 1 déc. 2009,

...rse will explore virtual didactic contents and the construction of virtual objects and laboratories. The project will consist of two fundamental phases. The first phase, research, will focus on a comparative analysis of existing virtual world platforms, accessing the quality of their didactic laboratory features. The main research output will be a manual concerning the guidelines for Virtual World ...
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...ancing chances,the headmasters' workload has expanded-OECD Improving School Leadership-08.Notably, EU high schools have enhanced their research/innovation actions and EU networks among schools.It's becoming crucial an ongoing updating of headmasters’managing skills through in-service trainings,self-study solutions.The project addresses these needs and the Comenius priority:"to develop an approach ...
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The project intends to cope with the adult distance learning lacks of anonline assistance/teaching, of a mechanism able to maintain learners’motivation, training practical usefulness and attractiveness by designing anew e-learning methodology for professionals of home care healthservices. This training model represents the main project result and itincludes an e-learning system able to interface i ...
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The aim of the VIP project is to provide SME managers with training to improve the efficacy and competitiveness of their companies on the market. To this end the project will develop an experimental training platform for open and distance learning which will enable SME managers to undertake continuing vocational training without disturbing their working patterns.The platform, which will be in thre ...
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This double transfer proposal answered its main aim which was strengthening SME sector through empowering its IT specialists by giving them innovative method of training which would work towards the improvement of employees skils and in effect the improvement of European VET system.
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The aim of the project was to transfer positive experience and knowledge in the use of Learning Platforms by European Organisations into the Vocational Education and Training sector.The objectives were to: - Carry out a survey of Education Organizations in Europe to determine their needs, experiences and preferences regarding Learning Platforms/VLEs.- Advise and support the CDVEC in selecting an o ...
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...ftware, medical units with a a long standing reputation for providing student-centred, innovative programmes of health education and long lasting professional cooperation at international level. *Outcomes: 1.Products (tangible): reports and comparative studies regarding the state of art and needs in medical educational field in participant countries; a complex Web site (English and partners lang ...
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...for using ICT tools. We wanted to make more attractive lessons, being known that the students today are more sensitive to the use of the ICT tools.That’s why the project intended to improve the ICT competencies of the teachers/trainers, so that students can be prepared for the European labor market. There have been presentations, debates, workshops, assistance to classes and exchange of good pract ...
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The TIPS project aims at realizing a pilot training course for cultural mediators based on t-learning methodology. Culturalmediators skills and competences are stimulated and challenged by their “clients”, the immigrants, requiring targeted andcustomized answers to very specific, sometime individual, problems. Cultural mediator’s main needs consist on developingskills and competences to realize an ...
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Existing research which benchmarks the use of ICT in learning uses indicators such asteachers' own perception of their competency and confidence in using ICT or,alternatively the perception of school principals. While this is a useful methodologicalapproach to underpin European benchmarking across member states it is less useful atthe practitioner level. A more sophisticated and useful assessment ...
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