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39 projets européens trouvés

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inteGRIDy aims to integrate cutting-edge technologies, solutions and mechanisms in a scalable Cross-Functional Platform connecting energy networks with diverse stakeholders, facilitating optimal and dynamic operation of the Distribution Grid (DG), fostering the stability and coordination of distributed energy resources and enabling collaborative storage schemes within an increasing share of renewa ...
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WiseGRID has two intertwined and equally important strategic goals: on the one hand, it aims at successfully putting in the market, within a horizon of 24 months after project completion, a set of solutions and technologies which increase the smartness, stability and security of an open, consumer-centric European energy grid, with an enhanced use of storage technologies and a highly increased shar ...
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RESCCUE aims to deliver a framework enabling city resilience assessment, planning and management by integrating into software tools new knowledge related to the detailed water-centred modelling of strategic urban services performance into a comprehensive resilience platform. These tools will assess urban resilience from a multisectorial approach, for current and future climate change scenarios and ...
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Massive InteGRATion of power Electronic devices (MIGRATE)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2019,

By 2020, several areas of the HVAC pan-European transmission system will be operated with extremely high penetrations of Power Electronics(PE)-interfaced generators, thus becoming the only generating units for some periods of the day or of the year – due to renewable (wind, solar) electricity. This will result in i) growing dynamic stability issues for the power system (possibly a new major barrie ...
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Four major Distribution System Operators (in Italy, France, Spain and Sweden) with smart metering infrastructure in place, associated with electricity retailers, aggregators, software providers, research organizations and one large consumer, propose five large-scale demonstrations to show that the deployment of novel services in the electricity retail markets (ranging from advanced monitoring to l ...
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The project SmartNet aims at providing architectures for optimized interaction between TSOs and DSOs in managing the exchange of information for monitoring and for the acquisition of ancillary services (reserve and balancing, voltage regulation, congestion management) both at national level and in a cross-border context. Local needs for ancillary services in distribution systems are supposed to co ...
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Living in a safe and secure society is a fundamental human need. The security of critical infrastructures must be maintained so that supplies of power, water or other resources are secured. Modern critical infrastructures are increasingly complex and they are turning into Cyber-Physical Infrastructures because ICT is growing in importance in infrastructure management.The SUCCESS project will dev ...
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"A group of eight Transmission System Operators with a generator company, manufacturers and research organisations, propose 5 demonstration projects to remove, in 4 years, several barriers which prevent large-scale penetration of renewable electricity production in the European transmission network. The full scale demonstrations led by industry aim at proving the benefits of novel technologies cou ...
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New Cost Efficient Business Models for Flexible Smart Grids (NOBEL GRID)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 30 juin 2018,

NOBEL GRID will develop, deploy and evaluate advanced tools and ICT services for energy DSOs cooperatives and medium-size retailers, enabling active consumers involvement –i.e. new demand response schemas – and flexibility of the market – i.e. new business models for aggregators and ESCOs.Through the dual-use of telecommunication networks, and validating the integration of renewable generation pre ...
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Unlike the control and observability put in service in HV/MV, LV networks are still being substantially managed as usual: no visibility of power and voltage or grid components status, poor knowledge of connectivity, manual operation of switches or few tools for worker support. The LV grid characteristics (radial topology, exposition to local disturbances, local accumulation of distributed generati ...
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C.I.L. - Cultura e Inovação em Línguas II

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

The CIL II Project aims to respond to both the common needs of a consortium of 3 training organisations (Centro Europeu de Línguas, Casa Pia de Lisboa and Câmara Municipal de Lisboa) and to the individual needs of each of the 3 organisations. As a backdrop to the project, in recent years Europe has had to come to terms with high rates of unemployment in all age groups, but most particularly among ...
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“IGEA – Internship in Green Economy Abroad"

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

...en jobs. IGEA addressed to 90 recent graduates in Sicily, Sardinia and Veneto who have concluded a VET study course within one year, in the area of mechanics, mechatronics and energy, electronics and electrical engineering, chemistry, materials and biotechnology, computer science. Specific project objectives are: -Increase of the employability of young VET graduates from the project partners scho ...
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As the patterns of power generation and distribution are rapidly changing in Europe towards a highly dispersed and volatile system, Distribution System Operators need to completely change traditional ways of grid operations. Currently developed solutions to increase the intelligence of medium and low voltage grids to cope with this task are often highly specialized, non-replicable and therefore no ...
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Innovative Tools for Electrical System Security within Large Areas (iTESLA)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2012, Date de fin: 31 mars 2016,

6 Transmission System Operators (Belgium, France, Greece, Norway, Portugal and United Kingdom) and CORESO, a TSO coordination centre, together with 13 RTD performers propose a 4 year R&D project to develop and to validate an open interoperable toolbox which will bring support, by 2015, to future operations of the pan-European electricity transmission network, thus favouring increased coordination/ ...
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IntegratinG Renewables in the EuropEaN Electricity Grid (IGREENGRID)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2013, Date de fin: 31 mars 2016,

IGREENGrid focuses on increasing the hosting capacity for Distributed Renewable Energy Sources (DRES) in power distribution grids without compromising the reliability or jeopardizing the quality of supply. Based on the experience of six world class DRES integration Demo Projects in low & medium voltage grids (led by some of EEGI members; Distribution System operators –DSOs-) and other EU initiativ ...
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Grid4EU project is an innovative SmartGrid project proposed by a group of Distribution System Operators (from Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden), in close partnership with a set of electricity retailers, manufacturers and research organizations.Adopting a systemic approach and organized around large-scale demonstrations networks located in six different countries, its struct ...
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Modular Development Plan of the Pan-European Transmission System 2050 (e-HIGHWAY2050)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2012, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015,

Eight Transmission System Operators (BE, CZ, FR, DE, IT, PT, CH, PL) and ENTSO-E, together with 4 associations of technology manufacturers, and 16 RTD performers propose a 3-year R&D project to develop and to apply a methodology for the long-term development of the Pan-European transmission network. The project aims at delivering a top-down methodology to support the planning from 2020 to 2050. F ...
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A large share of the recent renewable energy sources (RES) installed capacity has already taken place in insular electricity grids, since these regions are preferable due to their high RES potential. However, the increasing share of RES in the generation mix of insular power systems presents a big challenge in the efficient management of the insular distribution networks, mainly due to the limited ...
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The objectives of this proposal are the following:-Increase efficiency and effectiveness of innovation processes of local beneficiaries of SME instrument and SMEs with significant innovation activities and high potential for internationalisation;-Facilitate SME’s access to consulting services for innovation management to address bottlenecks to creation of economic impact;-Support innovative SME’s ...
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La combustion spontanée de résidus de charbon est un phénomène fréquent. La combustion est initiée par des causes extérieures/humaines dans une zone où le charbon est de bonne qualité. Les déchets peuvent s'accumuler pendant l'extraction du charbon, le stockage, l'évacuation des déchets et son transport. L'inquiétude particulière est la combustion de ces déchets de charbon inutilisés, qui peuvent ...
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"The Coordination Action CAPIRE will prepare and support the realization of a Public Private Partnership (PPP) sustaining and putting into practice the European Green Cars Initiative. Its activities will be focussed on two major fields: a careful consideration of options for the aims, shape, and implementation paths a PPP, and the identification of technology roadblocks and the respective research ...
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Active Demand Value ANd Consumers Experiences Discovery (ADVANCED)

Date du début: 1 déc. 2012, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2014,

Active Demand (AD) has the potential to contribute to solving the challenges of electricity systems and offers significant benefits to consumers. There are only few real AD programmes being implemented in Europe and the results of AD pilots are rather fragmented. AD is considered one of the largest untapped energy resources. The main reason behind it is insufficient consumer awareness regarding th ...
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"The project aims at developing a unique device for electricity networks: A superconducting fault current limiter (SFCL) based on coated conductor YBCO tape (cc-tape) or 2nd Generation HTS tape. The general trend in Europe to a higher meshing of distribution networks and the rapid growing integration of renewable energy sources leads to an increase of the fault current level by every new installat ...
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A group of 6 Transmission System Operators (Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany The Netherlands and Spain) with 2 generator companies, 5 manufacturers and research organisations, propose 6 demonstration projects to remove, in 3 years, several barriers which prevent the electric system from welcoming more wind electricity, and wind electricity from contributing more to the electric system. The full s ...
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EnergyTIC is a demonstration project that will put into practice innovative ICT solutions available in two different countries, France and Spain, with a common goal: providing the end-users with an easy to understand / intuitive solution allowing him to monitor and adapt its energy and water consumptionTechnical solution: Comprehensive convergent ICT solutions will be implemented in 1700 dwellings ...
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"ADDRESS will research, develop and deploy technologies and processes to increase usage of Distributed Generation and Renewable Energy Resources thereby engaging in a new relationship between customers, generators and network operators. ADDRESS aims to develop new innovative architectures for Active Distribution Networks (ADN) able to balance in real time power generation and demand allowing netwo ...
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Five Transmission System Operators (Belgium, France, Germany and Spain) together with seven RTD performers propose a 3 year research and demonstration project to compare pros and cons of new market designs aiming at the integration of massive intermittent energy sources dispersed in several regional power markets. Under the technical coordination of RTE, they will implement a novel network/system/ ...
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Open Architecture for Secondary Nodes of the Electricity SmartGrid (OpenNode)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2010, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2012,

...uropean energy industry is facing three major challenges:a) the increased integration of renewable, fluctuating power resources to achieve the climate goals,b) increased "smartness" especially in the electrical distribution grid to cope with increasing capacity requirements and finallyc) the stakeholder diversification separating grid operation, power provisioning, metering services, auxiliary ser ...
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Pan European Grid Advanced Simulation and state Estimation (PEGASE)

Date du début: 1 juil. 2008, Date de fin: 30 juin 2012,

"PEGASE is a four year project dealing with the High and Extra High Voltage transmission and sub-transmission networks in Europe (designated as ETN) and implemented by a Consortium composed of 20 Partners including TSOs, expert companies and leading research centre’s in power system analysis and applied mathematics. Its overall objectives are to define the most appropriate state estimation, optimi ...
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The project aim is to unlock and develop the capacity and research potential at INCDIE ICPE-CA, in the field of renewable energy, mainly Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Technologies (thematic priority in the EC FP7), by developing a high quality and promising research centre for hydrogen and fuel cells (HyFCLab) at INCDIE ICPE-CA, as reference research entity both in Romania and EU’s convergence region. ...
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Mobile Energy Resources in Grids of Electricity (MERGE)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2010, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2011,

Electric power systems are facing a major new challenge (and hence opportunity): future massive integration in the electric grid of electric plug-in vehicles (EV). Distribution and transmission grids and power system architectures still follow planning rules and procedures defined for the traditional operational paradigm. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and prepare solutions for the operati ...
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Open Public Extended Network metering (OPEN meter)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 30 juin 2011,

New smart multi-metering or multi-functional Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is capable of creating value for energy consumers, network operators, metering operators and retailers. AMI will provide better services for customers in various ways: not only by more accurate metering and billing, but also by easing the supplier switching process and also by facilitating demand response to price ...
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Nowadays, wind power has an increasing share in the electricity generation mix in several European countries. Due to the intermittent nature of wind, the large-scale integration of wind power causes several difficulties in the management of a power system. Often, a high level of reserves is allocated to account for wind power variability, thus reducing the benefits from the use of wind energy.Toda ...
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PROBLEM DEFINITION In electricity grids the frequency of the voltage is stabilized by a combination of the rotational inertia (rotating mass) of synchronous power generators in the grid and a control algorithm acting on the rotational speed of a number of major synchronous power generators. When in future small non-synchronous generation units replace a significant part of the synchronous power ge ...
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Development and use of Sustainable Energy sources is one of the key elements in European Research. Connecting (newly) developed Sustainable and Distributed Energy Resources to the electricity distribution networks however causes significant effects on the management of these networks. Bottlenecks are stability, security, peaks in supply & demand and overall management. Electricity storage systems ...
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Social pressures, linked to protection of natural resources and environment, hinder the expansion of electricity grids and the installation of conventional electrical generation units in isolated power systems. Those systems can be defined as systems not interconnected with other neighbouring systems by tine lines and restricted to use their own resources for maintaining synchronous operation.Comp ...
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Research in the Scientific and Technological Development in Electrical Engineering is a strategically vital component of a competitive economy. Attaining expertise right across of this huge and multidisciplinary field, demands a high level of research potential. PROCUST`s aim is to provide an international independent expert evaluation of the existing research quality level and infrastructures of ...
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The HIICOSS II project is based on the results of a preliminary Norwegian project, HIICOSS, designed to improve training of seagoing personnel and update knowledge already acquired.The project therefore aims to establish a training theory and practice reference standard for the different stages (safety, firefighting, survival) covered by this proposal and develop a self-training CD-ROM for use in ...
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El hidrógeno es un vector energético no contaminante que puede ser producido a partir de muchas y diferentes fuentes de energía primaria, incluyendo las renovables, y el cual puede ser almacenado y usado produciendo electricidad con una conversión de muy alta eficiencia y con un tiempo de respuesta tan rápido como la demanda eléctrica lo requiera. En relación con las operaciones o usos centralizad ...
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