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17 projets européens trouvés

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Lehrkompetenzentwicklung für extensiven Leseunterricht

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2019,

Major aims of the ERASMUS+ project Developing Teaching Competencies for Extensive Reading Programs (LEELU) are to raise foreign language reading competencies of high-schools students and to test and improve a model of experience-based, cooperative and encompassing foreign language teacher education. LEELU’s starting point for pursuing these goals in innovative teacher education are the rather unsa ...
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StratoClim will produce more reliable projections of climate change and stratospheric ozone by a better understanding and improved representation of key processes in the Upper Troposphere and Stratosphere (UTS). This will be achieved by an integrated approach bridging observations from dedicated field activities, process modelling on all scales, and global modelling with a suite of chemistry clima ...
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The challenges and opportunities of diversity are at the heart of the European project with socioeconomic diversity, increased migration and arrival of refugees adding to the breadth of European identity. European schools are increasingly finding themselves on the frontline expected to be able to deal with diversity-related issues. Opportunities to experience diversity as educational enrichment ar ...
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Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2018,

The main rationale of the project is to forge, throughout the Member States, a European community of researchers and professors in the field of EU immigration and asylum who, despite the existing important cooperation and personal links, do not benefit from a consistent enough framework at EU level. Establishing “the place to be” virtually or physically sometimes per year to meet, exchange and net ...
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The overall aim of the EC call is building up a scientifically literate society, which enables its citizens to participate in the research and innovation process as part of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). This calls for democratic citizenship education, in which two educational approaches, often presented independently in schools, are integrated, viz. Inquiry-Based Science Education (IB ...
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Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy (EAGLE)

Date du début: 1 avr. 2013, Date de fin: 31 mars 2016,

EAGLE is a Best Practice Network that brings together the most prominent European institutions and archives in the field of Classical Latin and Greek epigraphy, to provide Europeana with a comprehensive collection of unique historical sources which constitute a veritable pillar of European culture. In particular, it will supply inscriptions coming from 25 EU countries, providing more than 1.5 M of ...
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OpenLab: extending FIRE testbeds and tools (OpenLab)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2011, Date de fin: 30 juin 2014,

Experimentally-driven research is key to success in exploring the possible futures of the Internet. An open, general-purpose, shared experimental facility, both large-scale and sustainable, is essential for European industry and academia to innovate today and assess the performance of their solutions. OpenLab brings together the essential ingredients for such a facility. We extend early prototypes ...
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Global Systems Dynamics and Policy (GSDP)

Date du début: 1 oct. 2010, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2013,

GSDP is an initiative to develop a research program for the study of global systems in an ongoing dialogue with decision makers. GSDP will operate as an open network evolving through workshops, working papers, publications, and open conferences. It will consolidate an international community of researchers engaged in dialogues with decision-makers, and will generate a variety of research and consu ...
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Networking innovations Over Virtualized Infrastructures (NOVI)

Date du début: 1 sept. 2010, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2013,

NOVI (Networking innovations Over Virtualized Infrastructures) research concentrates on efficient approaches to compose virtualized e-Infrastructures towards a holistic Future Internet (FI) cloud service. Resources belonging to various levels, i.e. networking, storage and processing are in principle managed by separate yet interworking providers. NOVI will concentrate on methods, information syste ...
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Enabling Grids for E-sciencE III (EGEE-III)

Date du début: 1 mai 2008, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2010,

A globally distributed computing Grid now plays an essential role for large-scale, data intensive science in many fields of research. The concept has been proven viable through the Enabling Grids for E-sciencE project (EGEE and EGEE-II, 2004-2008) and its related projects. EGEE-II is consolidating the operations and middleware of this Grid for use by a wide range of scientific communities, such as ...
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European Doctorate in Teacher Education

Date du début: 1 oct. 2012,

The proposed European Doctorate in Teacher Education (EDiTE) improves synergies between EHEA and ERA, stimulates and enhances progression of scientifically qualified teacher educators, to meet the needs of the wider European labour market (teacher mobility), towards a transversal teacher education strategy (see Bologna, Bergen and London Communique).It contributes to the modernisation of HE by de ...
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Das Vorhaben will die Lehr- und Lernqualität im Kunst-/Bild-Unterricht durch Kompetenzorientierung verbessern. Dafür erstellt das Konsortium den Prototypen für einen Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen für Kompetenzen im Fach Kunst /Bild / Design: “Common European Framework of Reference on Visual Literacy” (CEFR_VL).Motiv:Die Arbeit des seit 2010 bestehenden, informellen europäischen Netzwerk ...
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Preamble The foundation of an academic ERASMUS network of HEI in Europe in the filed of career guidance degree and study programs can be seen as the implementation of the recommendations of the European Commission and the OECD made on the basis of their comprehensive studies carried out in the last eight years.» The planned ERASMUS network emphasises the unique wide-ranging scientific responsibili ...
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The proposed project is an ambitious, far reaching network about the status of EU studies today, as well as the idea of Europe as it is transmitted by schools, national politicians, media, films, etc. The results of the proposed work will unable the consortium to make practical suggestions for improvement and produce a large amount of quality output for dissemination. The Network of European Studi ...
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The Bologna process has resulted in major changes in teacher training. Variousconcepts are being discussed and investigated in individual countries. Benchmarkingand exchanges via the intended network should result in a higher quality of teachertraining, enabling participating establishments to reflect on and adjust their ownsolutions by means of transnational exchanges. This particularly affects p ...
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This project aims to address EUROPEAN PRIORITY 4: Skills development of adults in the labour market. Teachers of science and mathematics need re-training because of shrinking lesson hours and science media needs qualified mediators of results – thus, our project will cater for both needs in two countries. Science communication is a truly pan-European enterprise as one of the main objectives of the ...
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Gegenstand des Projektes ist die Untersuchung kultureller Wechselwirkungen im mittelalterlichen Burgenbau zwischen West-, Südost- und Nordosteuropa. An dem 17-monatigen Vorhaben beiteiligen sich Universitäten, Forschungseinrichtungen, Denkmalpflege-Organisationen und ein IT-Anbieter aus 7 EU-Mitgliedstaaten (CZ, DE DK, FI, HU, LV, SK). Das Projekt fördert aktiv die transnationale Mobilität von Fo ...
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