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21 projets européens trouvés

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European Research Area for Climate Services (ERA4CS)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2020,

Within the European Research Area (ERA), the ERA4CS Consortium is aiming to boost, research for Climate Services (CS), including climate adaptation, mitigation and disaster risk management, allowing regions, cities and key economic sectors to develop opportunities and strengthen Europe’s leadership. CS are seen by this consortium as driven by user demands to provide knowledge to face impacts of cl ...
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Capitalizing Alpine Building Evaluation Experiences (CABEE)

Date du début: 30 juin 2012, Date de fin: 29 juin 2015,

CABEE is a transnational Alpine project that aims to create and implement an Alpine-wide guideline for definition, procurement, production, assessment and promotion as well as learning about new and refurbished Nearly-Zero-Emission-Buildings (NZEB) and their neighbourhoods. CABEE capitalizes wisdom from finished and on-going EU-projects but also projects from the Alpine Space program. It focuses o ...
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The main problem to be faced through the project is the poor efficiency and effectiveness of the policies to offset the relation among urban and rural areas and their development model. Such an inefficiency is due to the complexity to merge in an organic whole a lot of sectorial policies which have been carried out to tackle the critical situation in terms of loss of competitiveness, landscape deg ...
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The building sector is a cornerstone of the EU climate protection program and has an important role to play in the achievement of the Europe2020 strategy. However, the plethora and mismatch of building regulations at EU and national levels leads to considerable administrative burdens. There is today a clear need for a harmonisation of tools and processes for an integrated perspective on nearly zer ...
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Within the scope of Pr. 3 of ASP 2007-13 major innovation capacities were focused on knowledge development in Natural Hazard/Risk Management (NHRM) & Risk Governance (RG) (eg. innovation in hazard mapping/protection technology) in various funded projects (& other ETC/national-R&D initiatives). START_it_up will capitalise this knowledge pool by enhancing it into a transnational common state-of-the- ...
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The ESPONTrain Project is aiming at making ESPON2013 knowledge operational in a coordinated and transnational way for practical use at regional and local level, and translating ESPON Europe-wide information and findings to the regional/local level. Specifically, the project is aiming at: •Stimulating a transnational educational and training ESPON activity facilitated by both an e-learning procedur ...
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Innovative Residential Housing for the Mediterranean (IRH-Med)

Date du début: 31 mai 2010, Date de fin: 30 août 2012,

The Innovative Residential Housing for the Mediterranean (IRH-Med) initiative seeks to improve the competitiveness of innovative models for RH that respond to common environmental challenges while promoting a Mediterranean identity Through the initiative, transnational exchange is supported and complemented with concrete tools, namely the Med Label Principles & Guidelines, for related public auth ...
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Transalpine Transport Architects (TRANSITECTS)

Date du début: 30 juin 2009, Date de fin: 29 juin 2012,

In TRANSITECTS public institutions design common transnational intermodal solutions for freight transport in the Alpine Space. In the partnership different interests (economy, environment and transport) are integrated which is of crucial importance for a sustainable solution. Main aim of the project is to make the rail network more attractive and hence to foster its accessibility and functionality ...
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The Proposal for the Project “Techno-Environmental Platform for the Agro-food Sector in the Mediterranean” aims at the promotion of the eco-innovation in companies belonging to the Agro-food Sector, mainly SMEs, by the creation of a platform sustainable in time and which promotes the transfer of Environmental Technologies and Eco-innovation best practices through the exchange of information and de ...
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A caddie is the one who carries a glof player's bag, and gives insightful advice and moral support. A good caddy is aware of the challenges and obstacles of the golf course being played, along with the best strategy in playing it. This is also what the CADDIES project is about. The caddie function is applied to three Central Baltic partners in their similar core challenge: How to motivate differen ...
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MED-IPPC-NET is a 30 month-project whose main goal is the identification of crucial aspects in the implementation of the IPPC Directives 96/61/EC and 2008/1/EC concerning Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control within the Mediterranean space, in order to establish a set of common criteria that should be taken into account by all Mediterranean regions wishing to enhance their implementation. Th ...
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Sustainable and Equipped Productive Areas (SEPA)

Date du début: 31 janv. 2009, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2011,

SEPA promotes the concept of sustainable production area defined as a Community of manufacturing firms and services that, within a territory and through cooperation, plan to improve their environmental, economic and social performances, acquiring specific organizational tools, management and infrastructure. Its most innovative aspect is to move the focus from the activity of individual public inst ...
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...ficiaries (around 500-700) are the practitioners from the public and private sector, research institutions involved with spatial planning and spatial development policies as well as the specialized departments in the various administrative tiers, as well as the relevant institutions and practitioners from the neighboring countries within Archi-Med space (Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Israel, Pale ...
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Regional Cooperation in Waste Management (RECO)

Date du début: 12 janv. 2005, Date de fin: 11 janv. 2008,

RECO is a waste management and spatial planning project in cooperation between partners from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Finland, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Its Central Objective is to support the development of efficient Institutions for management of municipal waste in the BSR in order to minimize negative environmental effects, lower life cycle costs for waste managem ...
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Baltic Energy Efficiency Network for the Building Stock (BEEN)

Date du début: 20 juin 2005, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

Buildings account for more than 40% of the overall energy consumption in the EU, of which two-thirds are consumed in residential buildings. Thereby, the standard of the buildings varies greatly and low thermal quality primarily occurs in the prefabricated multi-storey housing stock in the Central and Eastern European member states. This fact also implies huge potentials for energy savings and the ...
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LAnners NETwork for CENtral and South East Europe (PLANET CENSE)

Date du début: 31 oct. 2003, Date de fin: 17 févr. 2007,

PLANET CENSE is a network of national spatial planning institutions and experts established as a consequence of the VISION PLANET project. It aims at pursuing and developing further the policy options laid down in the VISION PLANET project documents. The network will foster spatial integration and a cross-sector dialogue with: - The European Spatial Planning Gateway (ESP GATEWAY): an expert dialog ...
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SUSTRAIN Implement Corridor (SIC!)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2002, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2006,

With the 2004 enlargement the EU area has increased by about 75 million people. A GDP of only 23-68% of the EU average and long transport routes do not only increase the imbalance between Europe's economic core area - London, Paris, Milan, Munich (Blue Banana) and Hamburg and periphery, the regional development and growth opportunities of the new EU countries are also on the decline. However, the ...
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Integrated Coastal Zone Development in the Baltic Sea Region / BALTCOAST (BALTCOAST )

Date du début: 30 juin 2002, Date de fin: 29 sept. 2005,

The main objective was to solve concrete local ICZD problems and to generalise experience acquired in this process into pan-Baltic actions such as changes of national legislation, elaboration of best practices and recommendations. The goal of the project was to accompany the implementation process by different international experts in the field of ICZD and to develop a common strategy based on the ...
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Urban areas as nodes in a polycentric development (Polycentricity)

Date du début: 5 sept. 2002, Date de fin: 20 avr. 2005,

The European urban system is a main territorial structure and the cities are key drivers in the development of regions and larger territories. The specific functionality and potentials of cities are being explored and a typology of the European urban reality developed. The ESDP highlighted the objective of a polycentric development in support of a balanced and harmonious European territory. The pr ...
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flood management measures by transnational spatial planning (ELLA – ELBE – LABE)

Date du début: 30 juin 2003, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2003,

The ELLA project is the transnational co-operation of nearly all regional spatial planning authorities in the Elbe basin. This partnership between national and regional partners that are responsible for spatial planning, water management and agriculture, realises almost full spatial coverage of the catchment area of the Elbe and even neighbouring regions. Flood prevention and common management app ...
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The need for knowledge exchange in all relevant areasof urban policy has been identified for quite some timeby Member States, European municipalities and theEuropean Commission.The EUKN is to realize a sustainable and effective knowledgenetwork between European cities, urban researchers andknowledge institutes in order to support policy-makers indeveloping an effective urban policy.The objective o ...
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