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31 projets européens trouvés

Recherche sur 125080 projets européens

Young migrants and refugees have entered European countries but they haven’t entered the public sphere. When they do, it is as characters in other people’s stories - desperate faces, surging hoards and floating bodies - something ‘other’. We rarely hear from young refugees as experts or legitimate voices - even when the news agenda concerns their country of origin. Migrants, it seems are only allo ...
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Learning with cartoons and animations

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2017,

Learning with cartoons and animations: Our school is a state school which has been opened since 2008. It’s got 17 classrooms,538 students ( between 10-14 age ) and 24 teachers. There is a computer room and web in our school. The computer room has electronic equipment. In our staff,our English teachers and computer teachers have taken part actively in this project. All our students (in 6th,7th,8th ...
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Adult training on handicraft production of medicinal and aromatic plants

Date du début: 1 sept. 2015, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

In the Mediterranean area there are plenty of small-scale farms due to the land distribution by legacy and to geographical aspects characterized by mountainous areas. Many entrepreneurs have seen medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs), known as well as herbs, as an alternative crop to be implemented in these areas where traditional ones (cereal, vineyard, olive trees…) have no place because they are ...
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Our project is about Montessori education. It has been proved that, the Montessori education has positive sides on the students. With this aim we want to apply this Montessori education at our school as a alternative education model as the participants. Attenders are 9 person. with different branch teachers (3 special teaching teachers, 5 class teachers and 1 PE teacher). With this, the students ...
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The project “Improvement of professional skills of teachers as a way of development of youth and adult education” involves the participation of teachers who teach vocational subjects in Zespół Szkół Gastronomiczno-Spożywczych [The Complex of Gastronomy and Food Industry Schools] in Olsztyn. 15 teachers will take part in the theoretical and practical training in the field of gastronomy and confecti ...
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International ProAktivity Summit 2016

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

The International ProAktivity Summit 2016 is an initiative of a group of young professional and young entrepreneurs from different backgrounds and experiences aiming at empowering young people to be the social and economic drivers of our time. According to Eurostat statistics, in August 2015, 4.610 million young persons were unemployed in the EU-28, of whom 3.131 million were in the euro area. P ...
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Dance and culture have 'class'

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

In the youth Exchange 'Dance and culture have 'class', dance will be the mean to discuss culture. All the participants of this youth exchange will come from a disadvantaged background. Our organizations give them a place where they can discover new possibilities and where they can express themselves with dance, music and art. As each organization has its own context and hereby experience, we want ...
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2nd Chance Str.

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2016,

2nd Chance Str. represents an interdisciplinary project that aims to support young street folk musicians who did not have the opportunity for any further professional development. The main goal here is the inclusion of talented disadvantaged youth by encouraging intercultural dialogue between neighbor countries and collaborated creativity. In the context of youth unemployment and social inequaliti ...
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Preparatory Youth Meeting of UNESCO Youth Europe

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015,

Context: Since 1999 UNESCO organizes every two years a Youth Forum gathering Youth Delegates from the great majority of UNESCO Member States at their headquarters in Paris. During this Forum the Youth Delegates have the opportunity to debate UNESCO's Youth Strategy and to formulate recommendations thereto. In order to guide these debates, a number of topics for discussion is defined prior to the F ...
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Playing with Fire: Speaking Truth to Discrimination

Date du début: 31 déc. 2014, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2015,

...outh in order to bring a change in the life of the civil society, focusing on young people’s needs, by significantly contributing to their continuous development and education. The mission of DEIS Association is to facilitate the access of young people to non-formal education and to promote active citizenship as basis for the development of civil society, citizen’s involvement in the democratic pr ...
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All Together

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015,

The aim of the project is to attract EVS volunteers with their own approach and fresh ideas to find out more effective ways to develop three youth centers- Liepajas Young falcon center in Karosta and DR region, as well as youth center in neighbouring village Nica. Volunteer tasks of the project will be: Participate in the daily work of the centers , including meetings with different age childrens ...
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The Erasmus + Mobility of the Pupils Project is a team work of the MFR de Bourgogne. It is initiated by the F R Des MFR de Bourgogne. Its objective is to improve the contents of our trainings in BAC PRO in our schools as well as developing professional and social skills of our students. In 2014, 7 MFR are committed to this programme. It means Board of Directors, school team and Erasmus coordinato ...
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Building skills for the future

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014, Date de fin: 30 juin 2015,

In the local contexts, the fields of education, training and youth are not fully exploited. Indeed, they are not yet regarded as a means of supporting growth and jobs and fostering social inclusion. This lack of awareness is particularly serious given the social effects of the economic crisis. Our social cooperative aims at promoting education and training to support lifelong learning and mobility ...
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Youth voice - social support

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2015,

In collaboration with the previous partners, jointly decided that the next training is required for calling attention to this - how to prepare young people for the labour market and how to represent yourself in it, how to become active in the labour market, as well as the opportunity to initiate realization of own ideas. Moreover, how to make priority of works after getting a job and how to plan y ...
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Tra Verbano-Cusio-Ossola e Il Cantone Vallese esistono da secoli profondi legami economici nonostante le altrettanto profonde differenze culturali. Gli enti di governo delle politiche del lavoro da ambo i lati della frontiera hanno convenuto di porre in essere un progetto finalizzato a favorire lincontro domanda-offerta di lavoro da ambo i lati della frontiera. E inoltre divenuto indispensabile ca ...
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The CULTOOL project aimed to contribute to transfer structures and tools to support mobility in Vocational Training and University Education, particularly with regard to participation of SME and placements in organizations.
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The TOUAREG project is primarily targeted to less qualified workers in tourism sector and provides an innovative approach to support the development organisational, social and communication skills as well as the development of strategies for personal and professional development. In doing so less qualified workers in tourism sector can find available opportunities and enhance their ability to main ...
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The ELM (E-Learning Manager) project ultimately aims to develop and mainstream a Europe-wide skills recognition and qualification service for e-learning managers, and other individual sat management level charged with evaluating sourcing or implementing e-learning solutions.
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In this age of rapid pace of innovations and technological changes, the success oforganisations depends to a large extent on the continued learning and improvement ofits processes. Structured methods for innovation are needed. In 2003 - 2006 theinnovation manager profession has been developed by a Leonardo project (productinnovation, process innovation, market innovation) with guidance, courses, a ...
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This project is aimed at using and adapting materials and products developed in previous projects, relying on new technologies to offer distance learning training in key competences to people who participate in mobility projects across Europe. This training involve a learning, tutoring, follow-up and assessment system applied during the acquisition of professional competences at work-linked traini ...
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The project objectives focus on the improvement of know-how transfer processes and the development of innovative learning and teaching methods in the field of fracture mechanics and structural integrity (with particular reference to concrete and ceramic materials) by means of teaching materials using e-learning and new technologies. Target groups are managers, technicians and engineers involved in ...
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SOLE searching for vocational training : The aim of the SOLE Project was the definition of a learning centre model which would deliver and certify vocational training courses, integrating online training and work-linked training. The modules created cover the use of ICTs to promote vocational skills and competencies linked to Information Society and the improvement of foreign language to facilitat ...
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The project aims at developing innovative educational opportunities of teachers and trainers. This includes among others the studying and creating models about new skills and youth languages generated by web technology, to be integrated in daily teaching practices. Furthermore, the production of a methodological model for teaching and training innovation to be transferred into teaching methods, fo ...
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The aim of the NUVOLA project is to set up an efficient system for customising training materials and tools to training requirements, and to draw up a guide (indicator grid) to evaluate and systematise pedagogical products used for vocational training.The project comprises the following stages: an initial analysis of the state of the art, the creation and validation of a model to help identify the ...
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Based upon the results and experiences of previously-funded Socrates and Leonardo da Vinci projects, the current NEWORKERS project aims at the establishment of a forum for debate, discussion, promotion and dissemination of the use of the Internet as a tool for continuous training. The goal of the project is to increase the quality of the existing training projects, to enhance the development of cu ...
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The main aim of the project is the creation of elements for methodology of teaching, education quality, the settlement of a general European teaching/training environment meeting the teaching/training needs of the target groups. Primary target groups are teachers and trainers of young students from 14 – 16 years, secondary target groups are educational institutions and organisations. The planned a ...
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According to the request of building e.learning networks formulated by the Copenhagen declaration, the current projects aims at promoting integration of the face-to-face learning, on the job learning and e-learning. The results are orientated – as a first target- at reinforcing the students’ learning in mathematics and language. Other goals are: (1) the teachers and trainers to the prod ...
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SMEs do not have sufficient choice in the field of ITC-based training. The aims of this project are therefore to identify good practice and to disseminate information about the keys to success in implementing ITC-based training in industry. The main tools produced will be an index of good practice (including 50 examples) and case studies (15 in all) as well as a manual of strategic recommendations ...
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The objective of this project is to enrich the existing EuroPASS service by offering online accredited courses and online skills accreditation for a specific set of teaching modules and skills, with mutual recognition of accreditation by a range of higher education and workplace stakeholders.
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Reviewing HRE Practice in Youth Work

Date du début: 1 déc. 2012,

Global economic crisis, rising unemployment, civil unrest in Europe, Middle East and North America have brought new challenges for Human Rights Education. The concept of Human Rights has been criticized from different directions and perspectives. Can we afford Human Rights? Can they offer responses to contemporary challenges young people face? How do we adapt HRE to new realities? These are the qu ...
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Eco-employment for better future

Date du début: 1 juil. 2014,

The aim to involve young to take the responsibility of their own lives and teach them new skills which they can use in their future life. During the exchange the participants learn how to make an ecological soap. The workshop will be a great chance for young people to meet and know better each other and to learn a new thing as well. The participants also will receive set of information how to set ...
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