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MUseum Sector Alliance

Date du début: 1 nov. 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2019,

The project aims to address the increasing disconnection between formal education and training and the world of work because of the emergence of new job roles due to the quickening pace of the adoption of ICT in the museum sector. Mu.SA addresses directly the shortage of digital and transferrable skills identified in the museum sector and supports the continuous professional development of museum ...
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NOMADs - European Youth for Inclusive Sport

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2018,

NOMADs is a collaborative partnership that will develop in 3 years a program targeting young European volunteers and athletes, to involve them in projects supporting sport for all events.The partnership is composed by 11 sport for all and voluntary service organizations from 6 EU Countries, and will create, pilot and launch an European platform to allow local events, championships and tournaments ...
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LPM 2015 > 2018 - Live Performers Meeting

Date du début: 1 juin 2015, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

...etween 13 partners from 12 countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Turkey and United Kingdom) aimed to promote and develop live video culture and European artists all over the world.LPM 2015 > 2018 is based on 14 events each year: 1 meeting, 1 conference on audience development and 12 year festivals; each event hosts at least 1 arti ...
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Jeunesse euroméditerranéenne et engagement

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2017,

This seminar will focus on the issue « euro-mediterranéenne youth involment and participation in associations. It will take place at Rabat in Morocco from the 29th of october to the 2nd of november 2016 and will bring together Youthworkers from 14 organizations from 10 countries of Europe, Maghreb and Middle East. It will be structured around two questions : how the involvement of youngsters in ou ...
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Les WEB TV comme outil de dialogue citoyen en Lorraine et en Belgique

Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2017,

Project summary This project is today in a building process and it isn't coming about by chance. The project partners, Social centre “ Le Lierre “ -Thonville (France-57), Action Ciné Média Jeunes de Namur ( Belgium) and MJC Lorraine - Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy ( France-54) are already involved in different actions in order to promote younth expression. Our project is based on a joint work that will ...
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Les jeunes agissent pour l’inclusion et la diversité culturelle

Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2017,

This European Voluntary Service will bring together, from July 15 to August 15, 2016, nine young volunteers with fewer opportunities from Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.This project comes from the observation that during the summer, in "sensitive" neighborhoods of Strasbourg, the people and especially children and young people living there often do not have the financial means to go on holiday and t ...
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No h8 just sk8 on the road

Date du début: 18 mai 2016, Date de fin: 17 avr. 2017,

Youth disadvantage in these last years, is showing in different shapes like bulling, aggressiveness, apathy, and is a really big phenomenon that is growing in Europe. The existential discomfort and deviance behaviors born with youngsters integration and relation difficulty, or when they feel judged and cannot express their own personality. Social complexity that characterize their daily life, make ...
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ReFuGeeS - Religion, Future, Generation, Stereotypes

Date du début: 15 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 14 mars 2017,

Europe is facing a crucial moment in which religion and intercultural understanding are playing an important role in the life of its citizens and we encounter every day stereotypes, fear for diversity, intollerance and rejection, exclusion of youth and a non-communicative approach. Refugees crisis was the last drop for making the bubble exploding in a serie of events which have not been easy to ov ...
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Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

From July 21 to 31, 2016, the Youth House of Hannut will host the 7th edition of an exchange project called "Murs-Murs” (what means “Walls-Walls") bringing together forty young people from Belgium, France, Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Palestine.This meeting, hosted in English and French, will be organized around the general theme of walls, real or symbolic, faced by adolescents in the world ...
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Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2016,

This contact seminar aims to develop networking between organizations SEE, MEDA, EECA and Europe and strengthen the European project Erasmus +, utlizando such key issues as art and music as tools of integration. It is important to generate new prospects encouraging participation, planning and implementation of projects from start to finish and provide a space for participants to know each other as ...
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"Training for a Europe of employment and integration!"

Date du début: 15 août 2015, Date de fin: 14 août 2016,

This initiative stems from a concern for the employability of a group of young, all workers in the field of youth, trainers, facilitators, workshop, etc. Who are unemployed. A little over two years ago were formed in association with the aim of conducting training courses, workshops non-formal and informal education, through partnerships and collaborations with other organizations, which in turn a ...
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Sensitization for Action

Date du début: 1 janv. 2016, Date de fin: 30 juin 2016,

When different cultures meet, it is very easy to start thinking in terms of "Us" and "Them". And the process of discrimination can appear faster because most of the cultural values are unknown for people at the beginning. In Europe increasing number of immigrant and refugees let the people to think in term of "Us" and "Them". In Sweden now use of this terminology is often because of the increased ...
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Les Murs-Murs de la démocratie

Date du début: 5 mai 2015, Date de fin: 4 mars 2016,

Following the various editions of Murs-Murs and the seminar :"Walls falling down, zoom on the Arabics rêvoltutions", the FDMJC Côtes d'Armor organizes from 26th of december to 2d of january, in the Cotes d'Armor, a European seminar cooperatively with the association GRAD Bosnian, with German from the Kindervereinigung e.V Leipzig, Palestinian from Laylac (association from the refugee camp Laylac o ...
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Act for Culture in Europe - Phase II

Date du début: 1 mars 2015, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2016,

Through Act for Culture in Europe: Phase II (Act4C), Culture Action Europe (CAE) offers an action plan to address the trends emerging from the long European crisis and to help the Creative Europe programme attain its objectives in the context of the EU 2020 strategy. In the three years 2014 – 2017, CAE will work to strengthen cultural operators’ capacity to function in their field of action, to de ...
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We are not victims of modern technologies!

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 31 janv. 2016,

The project called We are not victims of modern technologies! is a 9-days Mobility of youth workers of Key Action 1 (KA1) of programme Erasmus+. It will gather 36 participants from 15 countries () around the themes of social exclusion, addiction on internet and digital technologies. The project application is being submitted by the group of young people active in youth work called EPYG - Euro Proj ...
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Rendez Vous Place du Jeune

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2015,

This project, supported by the Departmental Federation of Youth and Culture Houses of Côtes d'Armor is a Youth Initiative from 15 to 25, from 6 different nationalities, aims to establish a dialogue for collaboration , cooperation with policy makers in order to influence youth policies. The themes are "living together" and "discrimination". After a preparatory phase in July, participants will meet ...
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Mur Mur 2015

Date du début: 1 janv. 2015, Date de fin: 30 nov. 2015,

Murs Murs 2015 was a project for youth and young adults. Most of the participants face social, geographic and/ or economic obstacles. The 40 participants and 10 facilitators came from Belgium, Bosnia, France, Germany and Palestine. The overall topic "walls obstacles" was addressed in plenary sessions of the whole group but mainly in workshops (Video, Print/Blog, Dance, Theatre and Street Art) in s ...
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Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 1 nov. 2015,

By encouraging youth meetings, developing international youth exchanges, the FDMJC, coordinating and hostingorganization reinforces intercultural dimensions allowing young people from different European countries to meet and build projects with others, decentering their own representations. For several years, international partnerships have been established within the framework of various project ...
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Towards 2020: Skilling Musicians & Engaging Audiences

Date du début: 6 mars 2014, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

...reeminent young musicians’ orchestras and long-time cultural ambassador for the EU, the European Union Youth Orchestra (EUYO). Described by Androulla Vassiliou, EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism, Sport, Media and Youth, as “Europe at its best … [of which] I am deeply proud”, the EUYO will join a powerful consortium of Partners Grafenegg Festival in Austria, BOZAR and Culture ...
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The training course "Manage the Future - Build Partnerships" focuses on international project management, value of partnerships and participation of young people. In this projet we have 12 NGO´s(from EU and Caucasus) and 24 participantes. The venue gone be in Rio Maior and Arrouquelas, and happens from 02 to 10 May 2015. The training course aims to support sustainable partnerships and high quality ...
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Act for Culture in Europe - Phase II

Date du début: 1 avr. 2014, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2015,

Through Act for Culture in Europe: Phase II (Act4C), Culture Action Europe (CAE) offers an action plan to address the trends emerging from the long European crisis and to help the Creative Europe programme attain its objectives in the context of the EU 2020 strategy. In the three years 2014 – 2017, CAE will work to strengthen cultural operators’ capacity to function in their field of action, to de ...
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Attaining Visibility! Youth and public space – Creative space strategies as innovative tools in youthwork The project responds to the need of young people to attain visibility in public space and, by this means, to increase their influence and impact in the formation of public opinion and in the sphere of the political discourse. Young people and youth workers from different programme and partner ...
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Europeana Awareness (EAwareness)

Date du début: 1 janv. 2012, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

...ies and social networking•\tdevelop new partnerships with 4 key sectors which are currently underexploited by Europeana: public libraries; local archival groups; broadcast organisations and open culture re-users (programmers, developers, researchers and activists)•\tput in place new distribution channels for Europeana content working with the tourism sector•\tfurther encourage cultural institution ...
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Strengthening our Common Roots through Cultural Co-operation (CommRoots)

Date du début: 30 juin 2012, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2013,

...partner with each other and establish cooperation for future activities; - They will be able to generate ideas and different forms of cooperation; - Both project partners, respectively Association “Culture-Media-Art” in Albania, and “Researching and Action Centre for Mountainous Convocation” in Greece will have widened their areas of activitiy.
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Date du début: 31 déc. 2007, Date de fin: 29 juin 2011,

Im Rahmen des Projektes werden Instrumente zur Förderung grenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit sowie zur Darstellung des Kulturangebots der Großregion entwickelt und den Zielgruppen zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Vielfalt des Kulturangebots der Großregion wird durch nicht nur allgemein auf dem Kulturportal sichtbar gemacht, sondern auch neuen Nutzern und Publikumsg ...
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Euromed at work for active citizenship

Date du début: 1 août 2012,

“Euromed at work for active citizenship” (EWAC) is a TC that will be held in Palermo (Italy) during 8 days. There will be 16 partners & 40 participants (youth trainers/workers, peer educators, volunteers,youth with fewer opportunities) from: Italy, Bulgary,Czech Republic, Greece, Lithuania, Norway, Estonia, Slovenia, Malta, Turkey, Tunisia, Algeria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel and Morocco.The pro ...
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Street youth work for Roma inclusion

Date du début: 1 mars 2012,

The project “Street youth work for Roma Inclusion”, aim is to develop youth workers competence in using street based youth work to improve inclusion and active citizenship of young people from Roma communities.The training course will take place in Kumanovo, Macedonia 10-16 April 2012, and will gather 21 participants from 9 European countries (Macedonia, Germany, Italy, Romania, United Kingdom, Cr ...
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Informal Language Learning for Immigrants

Date du début: 1 nov. 2011,

For the immigrants the knowledge of the language of their host country is the most important factor for their social inclusion. However, many of them are reluctant to participate in formal or non formal courses. Therefore, a clear need arises for the promotion of informal language learning methodologies that will fit the needs of the immigrants and that will facilitate them to learn the host langu ...
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Silk Roads to EVS

Date du début: 1 nov. 2011,

the main objective of this project is to increase youth participation in EuropeánŕVoluntary Service with Asia-Europe dimension which will serve as an entry point to address global environment challenge, climate change, poverty alleviation, and marginalization. Furthermore; by sharing best practices, strengthening their capacity on volunteer management, networking, stronger bonds among organization ...
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The SuN. Com(munity) project aims to form a methodology for Sustainable Networking for an informal language learning Community, especially for 8 non wide spread languages. In its first phase it proposes the use of innovative methods for Greek language learning, as a paradigm. The second phase includes communities of Italian, Albanian, Latvian, Russian, Slovenian, Polish, Czech and English. At firs ...
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As we enter the 21st century, the world faces migration as one of the biggest challenges ever where no country is left out of its involvement. Many societies become more multicultural, multi¬ethnic, multi-religious, multi-lingual and countries and communities are challenged to face this diversity in a way that it will bring peace and respect for everybody.Our organizations working with minorties o ...
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Our project ”International poetic alphabet“ aimed to develop and put into practice new pedagogical approaches using poetry as a way to promote:- mutual comprehension and common European values such as the respect of cultural and linguistic diversity,- active European citizenship, - develop/discover creative ways to teach/learn languages. It gathered partners to promote intercultural education and ...
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Date du début: 1 août 2012,

The main objective of youth exchange is to empower unemployed youngsters to participate in local and international media and cultural projects with a clear focus on inclusion and on increasing the target group’s employability. Secondly, we want young people to understand that through active participation in local community (volunteering in cultural centers, initiating and participating in workshop ...
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Language teachers often meet the same problems, above all with adults (or university students over 20), such as refusal to learn new languages and trainees’ early abandon of their training course, often due to the lack of time and the idea that in adult age, a language learning is much more difficult. This is mainly due to an obsolete approach to languages, often too standardised, without keeping ...
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The project is to give the opportunity of the young people to speak out and to alert the local politics on the theme of the human rights and youth.The group will work and make proposals, debate with the aim to product 10 proposals that they will give to the local politicians in the end of the week.
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I' M FOREIGN NOT STRANGE!, an inter-cultural project that is generally about foreign young people who have problem with''living in a foreign country''and Europan youth who have ralationship and communications with these''foreign young people'' The Main aim in this project is to improve the qualty of foreign young people's with creating 'awareness of Europen citizenship' between Europen youth ...
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Caravan. Artists on the Road

Date du début: 2 mai 2011,

CARAVAN is a project of Community Theatre to be implemented by a multi-disciplinary partnership consisting of 11 cultural organizations from 9 European countries.The Project originates from the context of economic, social and cultural crises that impact on the society across Europe. It intends to build up the theme of "Reviving from Crises" through cultural interventions and artistic performances ...
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Project Tandem aims to underpin a 'trans-nationalisation' of present-day practice and discourse in Western- and Eastern European arts and culture by creating new cooperation links between selected organizations from the EU and leading cultural operators from Ukraine and Moldova. The project has been developed by a consortium of 3 leading cultural organizations from the Netherlands, Germany and Bel ...
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Effect 2 social society

Date du début: 1 mai 2011,

International training course "Effect 2 social society" that will be held in Vilnius/Lithuania on 31st of July - 7th of August 2011 and will unit from 12 countries, in totally 24 participants. Training course aims to promote the social rights, human rights and solidarity through volunteering and active citizenship of the youngsters by providing them opportunity to express their view. Project comes ...
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...rcises, multimedia features and cultural aspects. The Greek language has been chosen because while it is one of the least spoken languages in Europe, it has a long history, it represents an important culture and it has a significant target group of people that want to learn it perfectly. The target group of the project includes: advanced foreign language students, foreign language teachers, langua ...
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