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Tandem - Creating new trans-national cultural cooperation links with Ukraine and Moldova
Date du début: 1 nov. 2010,

Project Tandem aims to underpin a 'trans-nationalisation' of present-day practice and discourse in Western- and Eastern European arts and culture by creating new cooperation links between selected organizations from the EU and leading cultural operators from Ukraine and Moldova. The project has been developed by a consortium of 3 leading cultural organizations from the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium and 2 of the main players supporting artistic innovation and cultural development in Ukraine and Moldova. ECF (Amsterdam), MitOst (Berlin) and Culture Action Europe (Brussels) are long-standing key players of European cultural cooperation and have pooled their expertise and widespread contacts in the cultural field for this innovative project. The Soros Foundation Moldova (Chisinau) and the Centre for Cultural Management (Lviv) represent 2 of the single-most important organizations in cultural development and international cooperation of artists from their countries. In the project 50 cultural organizations and managers EU-countries, Ukraine and Moldova will form 25 cultural cooperation 'tandems'. Each Euro-Ukrainian/Moldovan tandem is in charge of programming parts of a multi-disciplinary 'European Week of Arts & Culture' concluding the project in Ukraine and Moldova in 2012. This European Week shall increase visibility of innovative artistic practice, common creative heritage and the benefits of European cooperation across Ukraine and Moldova.3 training workshops in European cultural cooperation and a 14-day working visit to the EU-based but also the Ukrainian or Moldovan partner organizations involved will guarantee the success of these tandems and the artistic week they contribute to in 2012. The strong working partnerships built by the project will form a new Euro-Ukrainian/Moldovan network of organizations, managers and artists afterwards. An artistic video diary will document the establishment and outcomes of the new cooperation tandems.



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4 Participants partenaires