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12 projets européens trouvés

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The Baltic Sea’s unique ecology is under a lot of pressure. Fishing, maritime pollution from ships and substantial additions of nutrition from e.g. sewage and farming all pose a threat to the inland sea where the water is estimated to take 30 years to renew. At all times there are some 2000 ships in movement, and each year we see 120-140 collisions and groundings in the Baltic Sea – both traffic a ...
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Female Entrepreneurs´Meetings in the Baltic Sea Region (FEM)

Date du début: 14 août 2004, Date de fin: 13 août 2008,

FEM has promoted womens access to labour markets and entrepreneurship and strengthened the role of women in local and regional development by e.g. training, mentoring, networking and creating meeting-places. Gender sensitivity and gender mainstreaming have been key issues in the project. The aim has been to produce sustainable positive changes in the attitudes, processes and methods of economic an ...
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The aim of Baltic Master was to improve maritime safety by integrating and bringing forward local and regional perspectives. This included measures to improve the prevention and the preparedness for ship accidents as well as methods for managing the coastal zones.The issues concerning safe transportations, oil combatting and coastal management has a clear transnational link as they deal with the e ...
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Baltic Gateway PLUS aimed at joint actions to implement and finance prioritised transport projects in the South Baltic Sea area. Focus was on infrastructure investments in the hinterland connections, as well as on implementation of intermodal services. The project involved 30 partners from six countries and had an overall budget of approximately 1 MEUR. It was implemented in the period 2006-2007.B ...
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Effective public sector action is a cornerstone of spatially balanced and sustainable development in the Baltic Sea Region. Especially rural areas need administrative support for compensating lower economic potentials for the benefit of their population. ASAP created innovative solutions to meet the most urgent challenges for rural development in the Baltic Sea Region in an integrated way: Demogra ...
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East-West Transnational Transport Corridor in the S-BSR (EAST-WEST)

Date du début: 31 déc. 2005, Date de fin: 30 déc. 2007,

In the Baltic Sea Region, trade and traffic in the east-west direction is increasing dramatically. The need to develop sustainable transport in the east-west direction is therefore of outmost importance. The “East-West transport Corridor (EWTC)” between Vilnius and Esbjerg via the Öresund region, includes several TEN-T ports, road and railways links, parts of the Nordic triangle and Corridor IX B/ ...
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Transportation of passengers and goods increases dramatically in the South Baltic Sea area. However, existing infrastructure and transport solutions are not enough equipped to manage the growth in an efficient and sustainable way. The challenging development called upon joint actions among organisations in several countries and on various levels. In the Baltic Gateway project, regional and local a ...
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The overall aim of the BALTIC+ project was to form a permanent political platform for co-ordination and management of spatial development strategies and actions in a macro-region consisting of Skåne in Sweden, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Berlin and Brandenburg in Germany, and Western Pomerania in Poland. Agriculture and forestry, tourism, communication and infrastructure as well as promoting collabora ...
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Culinary Heritage Europe (Culinary Heritage)

Date du début: 31 mai 2003, Date de fin: 29 nov. 2005,

This cooperation wants to create new and improve existing strategies relating to regional development within the small-scale food sector. The partners aim to raise the level of economic activity within their regions by combining small-scale food production and culinary experiences. Culinary experiences add value to the products by focusing on cultural, historical or other interesting aspects of th ...
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Rural Development Connection (RDC )

Date du début: 31 juil. 2002, Date de fin: 30 juil. 2005,

The project focused on the sustainable development of rural areas as places to live and work, fighting against current problems in the countryside like depopulation, degradation, loss of jobs, brain drain, over aging population and insufficient infrastructure and supporting of rural tourism as one of the few business sectors in the rural areas with potentials. ...
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The clue of the cooperation is the jointly prepared, approved Development Concept of June 2001, consisting of a concrete strategy and action plan including a number of different sub-projects. The strategy and action plan involve seven strategic fields, i.e. business development, mobility of people, infrastructure and transport, environment, nature and landscape, culture, knowledge exchange and lea ...
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There are quite some differences in handling civil safety problems in Denmark and Sweden and at the same time differences in organisation and legislation. For the Oresund Region to function as one unit, it is necessary to gain knowledge about all the important civil safety actors profile, competence and co-operation. This pre-analysis is to determine which relevant civil defence actors should join ...
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