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6 projets européens trouvés

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Mobilità transnazionale per il settore del TErmale e del BEnessere

Date du début: 1 déc. 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2018,

CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT. Italy is the European country with the largest number of spas thanks to its unique geology volcanic phenomena. In fact the spa and wellness tourism in Italy host 4.2% of tourists in hotels or other types of accommodation, that means 15 million people every year. If we analyze the human capital skill in the sector, we understand that the demand for the prof ...
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...mulation, businesses simulated training, practice firms, etc ...; - combine the methodology of the business game with the ICT tools available for the development of Simulated Training Enterprises (IFSCONFAO simulator), and developing a business game specifically for the start-up phase, which can significantly enhances the usability of the training pathway related to the simulated training enterpri ...
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The main objective of the proposal was the construction of a transnational partnership able to adapt and transfer the project «NETWORKING FOR EDUCATIONAL AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING SUCCESS. ORGANIZATIONAL MODELS, TOOLS AND METHODOLOGIES» through the comparison-exchange with the initiatives put in action in the different territorial contexts with the aim to improve and develop models and planning meth ...
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This proposal starts from the Best Practice developed in Italy in the previous project "A.G.R.O.N.O.M.A. Analisi Generale RisorseOrientamento Nazionale Obiettivo Management Agricolo" finanziato dalla Legge 10 Aprile 1991 n. 124 Positive Actions for theImplementation of Gender Opportunities in the job. Through the involvement of transnational partners, the project's mainobjective is to add a Europe ...
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The overall aim of the project: to promote sustainable development of rural areas by developing the quality and attractiveness of VET and life-long learning systems and practices. The main objective of the project: to transfer and elaborate Methodological Training Tools in Marketing (MTTM), to facilitate promotion and marketing of local and regional products by enhancing the participation of diffe ...
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Within the objectives and the priorities selected within the referring Call for Proposals, the partnership has realized an intervention aiming to the review, upgrading, adaptation (both technological as well as targeted oriented), translation, transfer and dissemination of the final outcomes ofthe selected good practice of “CON-PARI E GENERIO" project, which consisted in the experimentation of gui ...
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