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19 projets européens trouvés

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Reason for the project: Reinforce and modernize libraries and improve the level of competencies and skills of library staff in HEI’s in Armenia, Moldova and Belarus. The level of competencies and skills of library staff is not of a high standard in the target PC's. Library staff need to be trained in modern library standards & practices. The main challenge they face is to transform themselves into ...
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Improving the SMEs business environment in the border area using innovative solutions and promoting economic partnerships. Expected Results: 1 JoBS Centre created;1 strategic business plan for JoBS Centre; 3 researches for the ...
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"Face à la carence en travailleurs sociaux qualifiés et pour combler, à très court terme, les besoins en ressources humaines résultant des nouvelles politiques sociales mises en place dans chacune des 4 régions (Sverdlovsk (RU), Abakan (RU), Moldavie (MD), Kazakhstan (KZ)). Le projet contribuera à la réforme de l'enseignement supérieur, dans une discipline ""le travail social"", qui est une priori ...
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The project aims at harmonising the Bachelor (Licence 3) and Master (M1 and M2) curricula in the field of the Business Management and Public Administrations at the PC universities in conformity with the Bologna recommendations. Students should receive a double, multiple or a common degree. These degrees will be suitable to the needs for the companies in the Belarus, Moldavian, Moroccan and Ukraini ...
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Modern labour-market in Eastern partner countries requires innovative organization in the field of managing sociocultural processes. The modernization of educational process in the field of humanity sciences is extremely actual because of the key tendencies in labour-market development in region. The market’s demand for specialists with specific skills of using sociocultural resources for the deve ...
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The project is aimed for creation of a Teacher Training Centre for Inclusive Education in Moldova and a network of inclusive education promoters in all regions of the country into line with international achievements, experience and models by September 2011 and its further development and sustainable functioning within universities structures. Everyday activity of the Centre assures development of ...
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The project aims to build a structured and sustainable partnership between the European and Eastern Europe region Universities to strengthen academic, cultural, economic collaboration between the countries. The Partnership is built around 8 European Universities (from Lithuania, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Slovakia, Spain, and UK) diverse in their geographical location, size, profile and 13 H ...
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The object of this project is two-fold: 1. European cooperation development towards the extended EHEA, integrating: - the sharing the European values and the common cultural heritage; - the preservation and promotion of institutional, national and regional specificity in Higher Education; 2. transfer of good practice and deepened implementation of the Bologna process in Lot 8 institutions / ...
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Enhancing University Autonomy in Moldova

Date du début: 15 oct. 2012,

General objective:-Reform of university governance and modernisation of central university services in the Republic of Moldova.Main output:Elaboration of legislative proposals to modernise the university governance and autonomy, as response to:- main objectives of national policies in the field of high education related to increasing institution autonomy - Consolidated Strategy of Education Develo ...
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The La MANCHE project is implemented by a consortium of 6 EU partners (from 5 countries) and 23 HEIs from 5 Partner Countries (PCs). The project’s overall objective is to promote the modernization of PCs’ higher education (HE) by building governance and management capacities at PC HEIs and initiating sustainable dialogue on HE reforms among relevant interest groups. Specific objectives are:- to ma ...
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The Moldovan HEIs have QA structures in place, but their activity remains at a very formalistic level. A pre-project needs analysis conducted by the UL demonstrated that the main reasons for the low impact of QM structures at HEIs are a lack of training in self evaluation, a lack of understanding of the idea behind a quality culture, a very low level of students’ involvement in QA, a lack of dialo ...
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The main objective of IANUS II is to enhance higher education cooperation between EU and ENPI countries (student and staff mobility). The project aims at promoting intercultural cooperation and to helping to improve students’ career prospects, thus contributing to the improvement of human resources in the countries involved. IANUS II is coordinated by Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romani ...
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The project targets all 6 countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine) of Lot 5 and all three target groups. It will provide students and staff from these countries, as well as from EU countries participating in the project, mobility opportunities that will greatly enhance their experiences and provide them with skills that will be valuable for their careers. The partners ...
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Entrepreneur Alumni Network

Date du début: 1 déc. 2013,

Wider objective of the EANET project is to establish Entrepreneur Alumni Networks (EAN) at 11 HEIs in Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia which support the entrepreneurial spirit among students, scientists and alumni and raise an entrepreneurial ecosystem in Georgia, Moldova and UkraineSpecific project objectives are - to create entrepreneurship-related associations at HEIs- to create international entre ...
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RETHINK is an idea for new Curricula, a plan for connecting HEIs to the world of business/industry, and a wish for a better ENVIRONMENT.The project intends to establish connections, strengthen educational/cultural/business bridges and to construct a common language on the sphere of Higher Education and Society- under the theme of ENVIRONMENT (a priority).The RETHINK project intends to develop and ...
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The main goal of the project is to create e-Library for academic community in Moldova, which support education and research process according to international requirements. The information system infrastructure will be created and advanced integrated Library Information System will be implemented into seven Moldovan universities. This will ensure document cataloguing according international standa ...
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