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Enhancing University Autonomy in Moldova
Date du début: 15 oct. 2012,

General objective:-Reform of university governance and modernisation of central university services in the Republic of Moldova.Main output:Elaboration of legislative proposals to modernise the university governance and autonomy, as response to:- main objectives of national policies in the field of high education related to increasing institution autonomy - Consolidated Strategy of Education Development for 2010-2015 and the Activity Program of Moldavan Government for 2009-2013 „European Integration: Freedom, Democracy, Welfare”, as well as to ensure the harmonization of higher education system of Moldova in line with principles of Bologna process and Magna Charta.-the need of a better university management in order to resist to global competition in the field caused by limited resources and fast environmental changes,-inter-university collaboration in order to review and improve the decision making procedures and responsibilities of different university bodiesSpecific objectives:-Contribute to the work of the permanent government structures that works with the reform of the university governance system;-Develop skills for modernisation capacity of the involved HEI; -Evaluate the existing governance system applied HEI of Moldova taking in consideration the main existing constrains;-Study and adapt the relevant solutions and procedures of the university governance system applied in HEI of EU partners;-Draft the legislative proposals on university governance and financial autonomy;-Disseminate the EUniAM project results and ensure the sustainability and awareness of the role of all stakeholders to assure the quality education system development in Moldova.Outcomes and outputs: Country Report on university governance on financial autonomy in Moldova, Benchmarking reports from the study visits, final report with proposals for the legislative changes, project booklet, project logo ensuring visual identity for the project and the outcomes, media products



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18 Participants partenaires