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23 projets européens trouvés

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Migration - reality and challenges

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2017,

Training course “Migration - reality and challenges ” will take place in spring, 2017 in Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia. Organisation IUVENTA from Serbia is hosting organization, Föreningen Framtidståget from Sweden is applicant and coordinating organisation. Support staff will be consisted of 3 people that will be in charge of providing all the necessary activities such as preparation of workshop rooms, ...
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Journey through the Land of Oz

Date du début: 1 sept. 2016, Date de fin: 31 août 2017,

“Journey through the Land of Oz" is an innovative Erasmus+ training course for youth workers, trainers and youth leaders promoted by the Italian organisation Cooperativa Sociale Muovimente. The course takes its name from the movie "The Wizard of Oz", which with all its elements and symbology, will be used as a metaphor and red thread throughout the whole course to explore young people's developme ...
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Street (he)Art

Date du début: 1 juin 2016, Date de fin: 31 mai 2017,

The multilateral Youth Exchange “Street (he)Art” will take place in a small hostel in central Italy from the 21st to the 28th of August 2016. The themes of the project are theatre and its role in dealing with social issues in contemporary Europe, such as the social inclusion, racism, prejudice. 33 participants from five different European countries (Italy, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Czech Repub ...
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Date du début: 1 mai 2015, Date de fin: 30 avr. 2017,

34 young French, Czechs, Hungarians, Germans, English 14 to 17 years are found in Tourlaville (France-Basse Normandie) from 22 to 31 July 2015 around Urban Culture. As such, the youth will: - An introduction to urban practices (urban snow sports, hip hop dance, street art) - Organizing a festive event in Tourlaville to promote Urban Culture (organization of a hip hop battle, introduction to urban ...
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BRNO - Be Ready for the New Opportunities

Date du début: 1 août 2016, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2016,

With the project BRNO (Be Ready for the New Opportunities) we want to provide a quality study visit for the international group of youth workers. The study visit programme gathers a compilation of the activities that are about to reflect the opportunities youth workers are nowadays able to take in Luzanky and in organizations it cooperates with. Luzanky is the organisation experienced in work with ...
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Date du début: 1 mai 2016, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2016,

The idea of this project is motivated by the European social alarm that is occurring in the formal and informal education due to the increased number of peer harassment (one in four young people suffers harassment or violence from their peers / friends).Around 600,000 teenagers between 14 and 28 commit suicide every year in the world, a figure, which at least half of all cases, has any connectio ...
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ACTIVE - A CulTural InitiatiVe for Employability

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016,

The multilateral exchange “ACTIVE: A CulTural InitiatiVe for Employability” will be placed in Italy, in a hostel in the village of Sermugnano (VT), from the 9th to 17th of November 2015. The participants involved in the projects will be 30 and they come from five different countries: Hungary, Lithuania, Slovakia, Spain and Italy. The topics of the project are essentially three: -Youth (Participati ...
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3R Reduce Reuse Recycle

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 juil. 2016,

This EVS Project will bring 3 groups of 10 volunteers from EU and Neighbour Countries , France, Bosna Herseqova, Spain, Italy and Hungary, The activities will be carried out in the south east of Turkey, Gaziantep City. The Theme of the Project is Environment. We aim to establish a sustainable awareness among the people living in rural areas about Reducing-Reusing and Recycling to protect the e ...
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No Borders More Ideas

Date du début: 1 août 2015, Date de fin: 29 févr. 2016,

MPTLL organises this training course with the association AVRIL. These two associations experimented in the international work with the young people and the youth actors are also head of regional network as regards the international mobility. This training course "No borders more ideas" will take place in Siouville Hague in France from 6th till 13th of December 2015. This action is a part of a g ...
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A la rencontre de jeunes européens

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 1 déc. 2015,

The Youth Centre of Graulhet makes the coordination for the host of four European volunteers in the Tarn : two volunteers for its own structure and two others at the Ludothèque of Castres. The title of the project is : « at the meeting of young Europeans » those host projects have objectives in common that is to say : -To allow the different publics who come in those structures to discover or ...
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Get Storied - STORYtelling & EDucation

Date du début: 1 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 31 oct. 2015,

"Get Storied – STORYtelling & Education" is a Mobility of Youth Workers activity promoted by the Italian organisation Cooperativa Sociale Muovimente. The course wants to make trainers, facilitators and youth workers aware of the many and various uses of the non formal educational method of Storytelling and show them how it can be used to work with young people, helping them to develop a big number ...
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Walk Light

Date du début: 1 févr. 2015, Date de fin: 30 sept. 2015,

The idea of writing the project "Walk Light" came to us since we felt the need of sharing and discussing with young people from all over Europe about topics such as "environment and climate change", "natural science" and "health and wellbeing". Starting from this topics we want to develop and improve the relationship between man and nature, in order to respect more nature and ourself, and to have ...
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Journ@lism 2day

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

"Journ@lism 2day" is a long-term project promoted by Cooperativa Sociale Muovimente within the frame of the European Programme Erasmus+. The project focuses on Backpack Journalism (BPJ) as a tool of activating young people, especially young people with fewer opportunities (specifically unemployed young people). The aim of the project is to explore how Backpack Journalism (BPJ) can be used as a too ...
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Special Effects

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 31 août 2015,

"Special Effects" is an innovative 8-day training course for youth workers to develop training and facilitation competence with a focus on skills that will make your inner ?tool box? richer, special, sparkle. Organised by Act In Ostrava in winter 2014: 6.-14. December 2014 (including travel days) in Kaprál?v Mlýn (, Czech Republic, close to Brno. "Special Effects" - training ...
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DIY - Do, Design and Decide It Yourself

Date du début: 17 juin 2014, Date de fin: 30 août 2015,

The youth exchange 'DIY -Do, Design & Decide It Yourself' took place with 28 youngsters at the age of 14-17 years together with youthleaders from 4 countries (Portugal, Hungary, Romania and Germany) at a place called recreation center AWOSANO at Oberhof and the city of Eisenach from 28th March - 5th April 2015. Young people at the age of 14 - 17 years are situated in the life period with transiti ...
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What to piont out?

Date du début: 4 août 2014, Date de fin: 3 avr. 2015,

...nd living connection between the choosen NGOs outside the EU Commission financed projects, based on the shared porject ideas and visions carried out locally. The partners involved in the seminar are Életművész Ifjúsági Egyesület (HU); Eesti People to People (EE); AK Tirol (AU); Digg'Out (NL); LJW AWO Thüringen (DE); Fundació Catalunya Voluntària; Muovimente (ES); TRANSFORMA (PT); Fundacja Culture ...
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In search of various techniques - music therapy!

Date du début: 1 sept. 2014, Date de fin: 28 févr. 2015,

" In search of various techniques - music therapy ! " aims to promote music therapy and its components as a method of work among youth workers of youth workers and thus wzmacnaniu their competence and enrichment methodology through knowledge and experience of the trainees a variety of music therapy techniques . The training will be organized for 23 people from the Polish Republic, Hungary, Turkey, ...
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Architects of change

Date du début: 1 août 2014, Date de fin: 31 déc. 2014,

The „Architects of change” project is a contact making event within the mobility project for young people and youth workers, action 1 of the ERASMUS+ programme. Its objective is to get to know organizations and experience sharing on education for entrepreneurship, of which the culminating point is to prepare project in this regard, which can be funded from the ERASMUS+ programme. The project bring ...
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Living the Circle

Date du début: 17 juin 2014, Date de fin: 16 sept. 2014,

Living the Circle is 6 days long training course for 25 youthworkers, community workers and trainers from 6 different countries (BE, CZ, GR, HU, IT, UK). It will take place in Czech Republic on 23. - 29. 6. 2014. The main aim of Living the Circle TC is to experience living in community close to the nature and learn both on theoretical and practical level how to facilitate group processes, communi ...
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Generation cross-over: an international exchange between cultural identities.A project that focuses on intergenerational and intercultural cross-over, an exchange where mutual understanding and sharing experiences through artistic expression and learning are strenghtening the connection between different generations and cultural identities. In six different European countries a group of fifteen ag ...
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Date du début: 1 juil. 2009,

Coaching for Creativity was a training course of 9 days, for 27 participants, organised by 11 organisations: 3 from Hungary: Egyesek, YOPA , Artists of Life and 8 organisations form our international networks (Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Portugal, Finland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland).The target group was people active in youth work: young volunteers, peer educators, representatives o ...
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Film for inclusion

Date du début: 2 déc. 2013,

The youth exchange "Film for Inclusion" will bring together 47 participants from partner organizations in 9 different countries. Each group should consist of 4 young people ages 18-25 and one experienced youth worker.Social exclusion is a major social problem of our time, which has replaced the "old notions of" poverty and marginalization.Social inclusion is our right to be: useful, respected, acc ...
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Training course “Supporting Entrepreneurship Skills and Active Participation of Rural Youth” will take place in Muş/Turkey 22-30 May 2013 with the participation of 10 program countries (Turkey, Belgium, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal, Lithuania, United Kingdom, Italy and Slovenia). This course is organized by Genç Çaba Association which has experience on youth entrepreneurship and active p ...
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