Welcome Management - Ligucibario

: 14 sept. 2016

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A propos

Welcome Management - Ligucibario® is an Italian expert team specializing in the many facets of Mediterranean ethnogastronomy - history, traditions, culture, crafts, recipes and geography - with a focus on the connections linking food&wine - tourism - internationalisation.

It was established as a corporate brand of Welcome Management, a consultancy firm specialized in training and marketing for the tourism, enogastronomy and crafts sectors

Created by senior consultants Luisa Puppo and Umberto Curti, it boasts a vast network of clients and partnerships includes VET centres, universities, SMEs' organizations, Chambers of Commerce and other local authorities, hotel groups, restaurants, tour operators, food manufacturers.

Puppo and Curti have more than 20 year’s experience in training (NEET, unemployed, would-be entrpreneurs, entrepreneurs, ), SME development plans and regional development projects, as well as design and coordination of projects linked to European Social Fund, Lifelong Learning Programme and EU territorial cooperation frameworks.

In March 2018, Luisa Puppo was appointed as one of the "Ambassadors of the City of Genoa" by Mayor Marco Bucci.

Expertise areas include MSMEs (tourism, enogastronomy, crafts) marketing and training, internationalisation, Business English-related micro languages, cross cultural communication, social media marketing as well as destination management/branding (with a focus on the competitiveness of rural areas and coastal areas) and special interest tourism offers (experiential tourism, art & culture, active & sports, food&wine…).

Welcome Management - Ligucibario® focuses on the specific needs and wants of both the food & wine industry and destinations aiming at effective positioning on the enogastronomic tourism market, both in terms of training (skills need analysis, planning of projects, designing of methodologies and materials, delivery of training) and marketing (1)strategic: research, study of bess practices, competiiveness planning; and 2)operational: marketing mix 5 P model, study of cross-sectorial ).

The Ligucibario website () is a multi-target platform dedicated to cross cultural food&wine history, communication and education (advertisement-free). The LiguriabyLuisa blog () is edited in English by Luisa Puppo.

Activities and experience 

Activities and experiences related to the tourism, enogastronomy and crafts sectors.

TRAINING 1)researching skills needs and training needs (multi target: students, young people, unemployed, would-be entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, staff); 2)designing and developing professional profiles (ECVET model) and related training syllabuses;3) designing and developing projects, materials and methodologies fit to meet the meet the learning needs and wants of different targets (tourism destinations, business staff; entrepreneurs; would-be entrepreneurs; Neet…); 4) delivering training modules and courses (ESF…).

MSMEs AND DESTINATION MARKETING: as for MSMEs, please read above field. 1)destination marketing researches and development plans (focus on coastal tourism and rural tourism); 2) planning and development of food and wine tourism itineraries; 3) planning and delivery of experiential tourism offers.


LUISA PUPPO (owner of Welcome Management): has more than 20 years’ experience as senior project designer, researcher and trainer specialized in MSME’s development strategies and marketing. Experiential and cultural tourism, enogastronomy and crafts are her main focus of specialization and expertise. Senior consultant for Chambers of Commerce and other public bodies, business organizations, VET centres, Universities, as well as hotel consortia, tour operators, food Supervisor of local development projects concerning micro-business networking systems, innovation and Corporate Social Responsibility. Expert ESF designer and trainer (among others, design of business training projects, training needs analyses, intercultural communication and marketing programmes, development of training methods and tools…). Participation in the planning and management of LLP projects (EU project coordinator under LLP). Consultant and researcher in the field of area/destination competitiveness and MSME’s marketing and management. Coordinator of working groups dedicated to MSME’s innovation and transfer of business. Designer of professional profiles in the tourism and enogastronomy sector (ECVET scheme) Her expertise areas also include, internationalisation, Business English-related micro languages (hospitality, food&wine…), cross cultural communication, social media marketing. She also specializes in the varied facets of destination management / branding with a focus on rural areas, special interest tourism offers and experiential tourism. A Gourmet English (English for enogastronomy) expert, lecturer, translator and blogger, she is one of the editors of Ligucibario®, the company’s website dedicated to the enogastronomy, culture and traditions of the Mediterranean basin. Publications: she is the co-author of “Day by day English. L’inglese quotidiano per l’accoglienza turistico-commerciale”, “Genova gourmet. Storie e ricette della tradizione – History, recipes and traditions” and “A scuola di cacao. Conosci e degusta il cioccolato – The cocoa school. Learn and taste chocolate”.

Language skills: fluent/proficient English, fluent/proficient French.

UMBERTO CURTI (co-owner of Welcome Management): has more than 20 years’ experience in MSME’s marketing and ;Tourism, enogastronomy and crafts are his main focus of specialization and expertise. A senior project designer, researcher and trainer specialized in MSME’s marketing strategies, he is also a food historian, essayists and blogger: his multi-faceted professional profile reflects his Literature and History university studies, and his expertise in food and wine marketing. He works at pilot research and training initiatives - promoted by public bodies and business organizations - aimed at raising the awareness of the connections between typical products, internationalisation and tourism with a specific focus on the role and potential of small and micro enterprises in coastal and rural areas. As a food historian and lecturer he specializes in Ligurian and Mediterranean enogastronomy. He also specializes in the planning and development of food&wine and crafts tourism routes and itineraries. He designs and delivers innovative formats in the field of food education. He is the editor and designer of of Ligucibario®, the company’s website dedicated to the enogastronomy, culture and traditions of the Mediterranean basin.

Publications: Alte Stagioni. Modelli per il marketing turistico, Erga, Genova, 2006; Il perfetto marketing al computer, Lupetti, Milano, 2009; Verso un centro del gusto, creazione di un polo formativo di eccellenza per la valorizzazione del made in Liguria enogastr., workpaper con V. Pronzati et alii, 2006; La vigna e la vinificazione. I vini DOC e IGT liguri, Ilmiolibro self p., Roma, 2010; Tempo Mediterraneo. Quel che resta di Apicio in cucina, La vigna, Genova, 2010; Focaccia, farinata e finger food. Storie di Liguria, ricette, strade… , Erga, Genova, 2011; Il cibo in Liguria dalla preistoria all’età romana, De Ferrari, Genova, 2012; Viaggio in una cucina dell’Ottocento. Da Giobatta Ratto ai food blog, edizione fuori commercio, 2012, richiedibile su ; “Il tipico è anche mitico”. 105 ricette della tradizione ligure, edizione fuori commercio, 2012, richiedibile su ; La comunicazione nell’etichetta. Un labelling per l’enogastronomia e l’artigianato, Erga per CNA, 2013; (con ) Day by day English per l’accoglienza turistica e commerciale, Erga, Genova, 2013; Il quarto numero cinque. Trippe, busecca, lampredotto… Storia e ricette, De Ferrari, Genova, 2014; Genova Gourmet. Storie e ricette della tradizione  , ed. Erga, Genova, 2014 (cofanetto di schede bilingue ideato con la Camera di Commercio di Genova); A scuola di cacao. Conosci e degusta il cioccolato, Erga, Genova, 2016

Language skills: fluent/proficient French, upper-intermediate English.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Développement durable
 Tourisme durable
 Éducation et formation
 Héritage culturel

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