Valerie McTaggart
En recherche de financements
Valerie Mc Taggart PhD (c) is a lecturer in Global Business Services, at the Institute of Technology, ; She has a Degree from the University of Ulster at Jordanstown in Applied Consumer Studies, a BA Hons Degree in Applied Consumer Studies from Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, a Master’s in Business from John Moors University Liverpool, and an Ordinary Degree in Teaching and Education from NUIG. I am n the process of completing my PhD which focuses on the 'Digital Transformation in Traditional Organisations’ through DCU School of Business. I am also the director of IT Sligo’s research team on the Futer Digital Organisation.
Prior to joining IT Sligo as a full-time member of the academic team in 2018, I worked in financial services in Ireland and UK for over twenty years undertaking several roles including project management, leadership and training and development.
I am research active in a number of areas, presenting her research at several national and international conferences including.
Valerie McTaggart PhD (c), Lisa Dunne and Sandra Hallinan “Using Student Blogs as a Platform for Student Learning” Polytechnic Summit 2021 Polytechnic Summit at Technological University Dublin Tuesday 1st June to Friday 4th June 2021
Valerie Mc Taggart PhD (C), Geraldine Barry and Ester Quinn “ The New Kids in the Office Block”. An investigation into the design and use of co-working spaces”. 5th International Conference on Business, Management and Economics, London, August 27-29, 2021
- Valerie Mc Taggart PhD (c) & John Mc Carthy (08/04/2021-9/04/2021) “How To Sustain Successful Remote Working Post COVID 19: Learning From The Experience Of Implementing A Remote Working Initiative Pre COVID 19; Seventeenth International Conference on Technology, Knowledge, and Society, University of Melbourne.
- Valerie Mc Taggart PhD (c) & Sandra Hallinan ‘The Carrot and The Stick” using digital platforms as a collaboration tool in online learning. Irish Teaching and Learning Conference Edtech e 14th January,20201
- Valerie Mc Taggart PhD (c) and Dr. Chris McLaughlin (8/12/20) ‘Critical Success Factors for Implementing Remote Working during COVID 19’ 14th European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) Colloquium on Organisational Change and Development in a Globalised Economy
- Valerie McTaggart (26/08/2020) ‘How Top Management Support a Digital Transformation in a Traditional Organisation’ Irish Academy of Management Conference DCU
- Dr. Breda McTaggart & Valerie McTaggart (14/10 2019) ‘Professional Leadership: “It`s a long road from there to here”. 8th Academic International Conference on Business, Economics and Management, University of Oxford.
- Valerie McTaggart (21/3/2018) ‘Business Process Re-engineering- From classroom to boardroom’ The International Network on Innovative Apprenticeship, Germany
- Valerie McTaggart (1/6/2017) ‘Digital Transformation in Non-Digitally native organisation; disruptive growth and transformational change’. Irish Learning Technology Association (ILTA) EdTech IT Sligo
- Valerie McTaggart (26/07/2017)- ‘Digital Transformation of the Financial Service Sector’. World Finance Conference, Sardinia
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