The Future Digital Organisation Research Team

il y a 3 ans

Valerie McTaggart



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We are a group of thirteen academic lecturers and researchers located in the Institute of Technology Sligo. We are from a variety of backgrounds, including health, social care, law, accounting, financial services, marketing, corporate governance, green energy, Our research interest are varied and include digital transformation, managing change associated with technology implementation,  business process re-engineering, digital ecosystems, co-working spaces, technology in education, collaboration in an online environment, remote working, and the impact of technology on society to name a few. We are interested in collaborating with a partner on European Funding calls on any topic which investigates the impact of digital technology on organisations regardless of the industry.


 Agenda numérique pour l'Europe
 Économie numérique
 Enseignement supérieur
 Culture numérique
 Société numérique
 Humanités numériques

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