Utku Beyazıt
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Utku Beyazit was borned in 1977 in Ankara. He finished primary school in Ulubatlı Hasan Primary School, secondary and high school in İzmir Bornova Anatolian High School. He got fraduated from Near East Univeristy Psychology Department in 2007. In 2009, he finished his thesis entitled as “The Turkish Translation, Reliability and The Validity Study of Hypergender Ideology Scale” and got graduated from the Clinical (Applied) Psychology Master Program of Institute of Social Sciences of Near East University. In 2012, he entered Child Development Program in Ankara University. He finished his dissertation entitled as “The Effectiveness of Education Programs for Mothers for the Prevention of Child Neglect” and got graduated in 2017. He is recently an Asssistant Professor in Akdeniz Uuniversity, Kumluca Health Sciences Faculty, Child Development Department. He has studies on child maltreatment, cyberbullying and parents who have autistic children.
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