: 21 mars 2021

Recherche partenariat En recherche d'un consultant En recherche de financements
A propos

Center for Education and Innovative Learning - STEMLab was registered in 16 May 2018. It is a non-governmental organization that consists of educators, primary and secondary school teachers, university professors, advisers, former higher education accreditation board members and teacher trainers from the Republic of North Macedonia and abroad. They have experience in working in different environments with cultural diversity, different age groups and different languages, people with different professions, and life-long experience. Our institution is continuously communicating and collaborating with primary and secondary school teachers, municipalities, faculties, Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and other institutions of social importance, and representatives from the Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Information Society and Administration.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Jeunes agriculteurs
 Énergie renouvelable
 Technologie aérospatiale
 Agenda numérique pour l'Europe
 Innovation & Recherche
 Éducation et formation
 Apprentissage tout au long de la vie
 Europe pour les citoyens

Idées proposées
Pas d'idées
Appels à projets suivis
Pas d'appels à projets suivis!