Rodrigo Perez Garcia

: 18 nov. 2021

A propos

Dr. Rodrigo Pérez García (male, Spanish)

Rodrigo is a chemist specialized in nanomaterials self-assembly and interfacial phenomena. He worked at the Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces (Germany), for a start-up democratizing the access to Artificial Intelligence, and now works as consultant on nanotechnology with RPA Europe and as innovation Manager for Inova DE GmbH.
Rodrigo has a PhD in chemistry from the TU-Berlin (IRTG1524) and holds a double Erasmus Mundus Master in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (The Netherlands & Spain). As a consultant he has ample experience performing literature reviews, data scrapping, bibliographic and data analysis, assessment of socioeconomic and environmental impacts of various policy measures, and has worked in several studies for the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) as well as in  projects for other National (BMWi, BMBF) and European Agencies (DG RTD).

In the last five years he has periodically served as expert evaluator for H2020 projects and for the FECYT (Spanish Foundation of Science and Technology).

Throughout his life he has conducted research residencies in Bristol (UK), Ispra & Perugia (Italy), Stockholm (Sweden) and Kyoto (Japan). His ability to translate interdisciplinary ideas into concrete projects drove him to co-found in 2010, developing skills and abilities in: concept development; coordination and monitoring, communication; budget and risk management, among others. He is interested in the tangential points of the arts and science, especially within Nanotechnology & Renewable Energy, System Dynamics, Music, and Literature.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Développement et coopération
 Innovation & Recherche
 Nanotechnologie et nanosciences
 Éducation et formation
 Écriture académique

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