KI Park e.V.
1 juin 2023
Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos
As an association of research institutions, start-ups, established companies, investors as well as social and political actors, KI Park e.V. pursues the goal of advancing the development and use of artificial intelligence so that Germany and Europe occupy a leading position as a technology and innovation location. The ecosystem enables its members to share knowledge, advance their ideas, and solve relevant problems together in AI real-world labs. The KI Park has a clear focus on those AI technologies that will significantly determine the future of industry and society, such as Deep Reinforcement Learning, 5G & 6G, NLP or Digital Twins. More information about the AI Park and the ecosystem is available at
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Idées proposées
Entreprises et industrie
Transfert de technologie
Agenda numérique pour l'Europe
Économie numérique
Union européenne
Développement de projets
Internet des objets (IoT)
Intelligence artificielle
We are looking for partners to build consortia in different EU Calls that consider digitalization , in different economic sectors.
Berlin, Germany
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