Plan Bleu

: 6 août 2021

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A propos

Plan Bleu is one the Regional Activity Centres of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP) of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), put in place by France since 1977. Its program of work is approved every two years by the Contracting parties to the Barcelona Convention. Plan Bleu produces studies and scenarios for the future in order to raise awareness of Mediterranean stakeholders and decision-makers regarding environment and sustainable development issues in the region. Located in Marseille, Plan Bleu is managed by an association under French law (1901 law). Activities are carried out by a 15-people team, being supported by Mediterranean experts and validated by the Countries’ Focal points. Funding is ensured by Mediterranean countries and the European Union, as well as by an allocation from the French Ministry for the Environment and some inputs to the common works and projects provided by various institutions and partners. Our missions:

-        Observing environment and development to enlighten decision makers

-        Shaping possible futures for sustainable development

-        Monitoring the implementation of the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development

-        Integrating climate change as a priority

-        Supporting the transition towards a green and blue economy

-        Shedding socio-economic light for the appropriate management of Mediterranean resources.

We are currently involved, as lead of Capitalisation activities, in several Interreg Med Horizontal Projects: Blue Growth community and Biodiversity Protection community. We are also partner of the Sustainable Tourism community.

We are looking for integrating a consortium to support/lead activities related to capitalization, advocay liaising and ;Our geographical scope is the whole Mediterranean region. The themes of interest to us are: Blue economy (aquaculture, maritime transport, coastal tourism), Nature-Based solutions, ecosystem restoration, adaptation to climate change, marine pollution.

Don't hesitate to contact us! We have a strong experience in territorial cooperation programmes and can provide a "direct access" to all Mediterranean Contracting Parties of the Barcelona Convention.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Marine et côte
 Affaires maritimes et pêche
 Tourisme durable
 Transport maritime
 Relations euro-méditerranéennes

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