Elisabeth Bechara
7 févr. 2024
Recherche partenariat
A propos
I am Elisabeth, EU project officer at Friche la Belle de Mai in Marseille, France.
We are an arts and culture center hosting about 65 non profit organizations; with more than 30 years of existence. We (co)produce art performances, contemprary art exhibitions, music festivals, workshops, concerts, etc.
La Friche la Belle de Mai is interested on forming partnerships with organizations currently working on Europe Creative and Erasmus+ projects that foster capacity building of workers and/or promote changemaking in art production on various levels.
We are open to partnership opportunities across Europe and the mediterranean area.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
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Idées proposées
Industries créatives
Héritage culturel
Gestion culturelle
Culture et développement
Arts performants
Arts visuels
Europe créative
The declaration of Fribourg (2007) is a text that fosters and protects cultural diversity and individualities. Many workers of artistic and cultural industries either apply the principles of the text without knowing it; or are reaching towards that. A crucial element to implement the cultural rights is the capacity building of workers and the ability to get training about those rights.
Marseille, France
il y a 11 mois
il y a 11 mois
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