nessreen bassuony

: 1 juil. 2019

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Personal information:

Nessreen Nazmy Bassuony Abdalhamid


 Senior Researcher, Field Crops Research Institute, (FCRI), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt     

Present position

Sakha Agricultural Research Station Box: 33717- Kafrelsheikh, Egypt.

Work address 

+2 01015721555





Foreign languages skills:  Arabic (Native language), English (IELTS (5) Very Good, Read -Spoken – Written).)


Scientific Degrees (Qualification):


  • post-doctoral for six months. the position of an Honorary Associate/Fellowin the Department of Plant, Soil and Agriculture Systems. Southern Illinois University, Illinois US A from November,20 /2016 to May,19 /2017.
  • (2010) Crop Sciences Department, Faculty of Agricultural, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt. "Evaluation of Yield and Grain Quality Characters of Some Special Rice Cultivars under Different Planting Dates and Storage ;

·         ; (2005). Crop Sciences. Department, Faculty of Agricultural, Tanta University, Egypt. Thesis title" A Study on the Effect of Some Agronomic   Practices on Characters and Grain Quality of Rice.

  • (2000). Faculty of Agriculture, Tanta University, Egypt.

Extensive Experience of Working on Field Crops including:

  1. Grain quality tests.
  2. Experimental design for plant environmental stress .like( Kinds of soil,planting date and Fertilization )


Languages and computer:

  • Course in SAS program for statistical analysis of the Agricultural Research Center - Field Crops Research ofInstitute 28/12/2014 to 01/01/2015
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Date 18/9/2014
  • A course in "Intensive English Language Program" Faculty of Education, Kafr El-Sheikh University. From February 26, 2,2008to March 30, 2008.
  • A course in "English Language" Agricultural Research Center – Field Crops Research Institute. In2012
  • A course in Computer (First level) in April 2003 In Faculty of, Tanta University.
  • A course in Inter net on (1/11/2003) to 6/11/2003 in Faculty of , Tanta University
  • course in Computer (second level ) on 24/11/2008 to 31/12/ 2008In Faculty of Agriculture, Kafr El-Sheikh University

Training Course

  • Training course in " Production and sowing of rice under conditions of land affected by salt and lacked water " Agricultural Research Centre - Institute for Field Crops from 7/4/2019 to research 11/4/2019
  • Training course in "aerobic  rice varieties technology" Agricultural Research Centre - Institute for Field Crops from 23/11/2014 to research 27/11/2014
  • Training course in the field of sensory evaluation and testing cooking rice at the training center on rice technology Alexandria from 23/22/2015 to 26/03/2015
  • training course on "red rice weed control in rice fields," Agricultural Research Centre - Institute for Field Crops from 11/11/2014 to research 13/11/2014
  • Training course on" Rice Management under Salt Affected Conditions" Agricultural Research Center – Field Crops Research Institute from 21/9/2014 to 25/9/2014
  • Training course on" Rice Insect Pests and Their Control" Agricultural Research Center – Field Crops Research Institute from 14/9/2014 to 18/9/2014
  • Training course on" Economic technology in water use" Agricultural Research Center – Field Crops Research Institute from 23/2/2014 to 27/2/2014
  • Training course on" Crop management under Saline Soil and under with climate changes "Agricultural Research Center – Field Crops Research Institute from 15/12/2013 to 19/12/2013.
  • Training course on" Applications of GIS in Assessing Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise " Organized by ARCA from 10/12/2013 to 12/12/2013.
  • Training course on "Safe use of natural materials in agricultural development" Agricultural Research Centerr -Land and Water Research Institute from 15/1/2012 to 22/1/2012
  • International Training course on (Seed Industry and Biotechnology)Held from24-26 July Africa Forum In Agriculture
  • Training course on" Total quality of management system" Agricultural Research Center –Technology Research Institute from. 21/12/2011 to 25/12/2011.
  • International Training course on (Hybrid Rice and seed Production) Held from 1/8/2010 to 6/8 Research& Training Center (RRTC).Sakha ,KafrEl-Sheikh ,Egypt.
  • Training workshops in

1-  Opportunities and challenges of nanotechnology in the food industry on8/4;  

         2-"Technologic nano and some its applications “on 8/12/ 2010.

        2- "Future View to tend Oil crops” on 12/4/ 2011.

        3- "Stress on Plant” on 19/4/ 2011.

       4 "Nil river water, Crisis Water In Egypt"19/4/ 2011.

          In Faculty of Agriculture, Kafr El-Sheikh University.

Research interest:

  1. Designing and implementing field and laboratory experiments in rice.
  2. Taking, colleting and preparing its Statistical analyses in rice.
  3. Plant Breeding and Agronomy in Rice.
  4. Work in Field Experiments for producing new improved rice.

5-Grain quality Tests of Rice.



1-Aboukhadarah, S; and Nessreen, (2012).Hand book of Agronomy: Evaluation of yield and grain quality of some special rice cultivars. Paper bock 180 P English. LAP Lambert Academic publishing, 2012.

 2- El-Kady, ; AbouKhadra; and Hassan (2013) .Effect of storage conditions on grain quality characters of some special rice varieties, (4):71-84(2013).

3- Nessreen, ; and (2014).Study of Cooking and eating characters on some Egyptian rice genotype. Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, Debrecen Univ., J. Agricultural Sciences. 59: 77-82.

4-: Nessreen N. Bassuony (2015).The impact of rice as organic fertilizer on two Egyptian rice cultivars. Journal of Plant Production, Mansoura University, 6 (3): 386-393.

5- Nessreen N. Bassuony and Mariam . (2015).Heterosis and combining ability for protein content % in rice (Oryza sativa L). Journal of Plant Production, Mansoura University, 6 (6): 1038-1045.

; Nessreen, N. Bassuony; and (2015).Sensitivity o panicle characters of rice (Oryza sativa L.) to drought stress and their association with grain yield. Protection, Mansoura Univ., 6(6): 1048-1062.

7- Nessreen N. Bassuony; Zidan and; (2015 )A study on the role of grain moisture content at harvest in minimizing qualitative losses of Journal of Agriculture Research, Kafrelsheikha Univ., 41 (4): 1397-1410

  8- Nessreen N. Bassuony and Mona A. El abed (2016). Cooking qualities evaluation for white and black rice mixture. J. Plant Prot. And Path., Mansoura Univ., 7 (2): 197-2.

9- Mahmoud Fazaa, Nessreen N. Bassuony, Walaa Essa, and David A Lightfoot (2019). Assessment of Genetic Biodiversity of Several Traits Using SSR Markers in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Atlas Journal of Plant Biology 2019, pp. 77–:

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Santé des plantes

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