nessreen bassuony
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Personal information:
Nessreen Nazmy Bassuony Abdalhamid
Senior Researcher, Field Crops Research Institute, (FCRI), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Ministry of Agriculture, Egypt
Present position
Sakha Agricultural Research Station Box: 33717- Kafrelsheikh, Egypt.
Work address
+2 01015721555
Foreign languages skills: Arabic (Native language), English (IELTS (5) Very Good, Read -Spoken – Written).)
Scientific Degrees (Qualification):
- post-doctoral for six months. the position of an Honorary Associate/Fellowin the Department of Plant, Soil and Agriculture Systems. Southern Illinois University, Illinois US A from November,20 /2016 to May,19 /2017.
- (2010) Crop Sciences Department, Faculty of Agricultural, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt. "Evaluation of Yield and Grain Quality Characters of Some Special Rice Cultivars under Different Planting Dates and Storage ;
· ; (2005). Crop Sciences. Department, Faculty of Agricultural, Tanta University, Egypt. Thesis title" A Study on the Effect of Some Agronomic Practices on Characters and Grain Quality of Rice.
- (2000). Faculty of Agriculture, Tanta University, Egypt.
Extensive Experience of Working on Field Crops including:
- Grain quality tests.
- Experimental design for plant environmental stress .like( Kinds of soil,planting date and Fertilization )
Languages and computer:
- Course in SAS program for statistical analysis of the Agricultural Research Center - Field Crops Research ofInstitute 28/12/2014 to 01/01/2015
- International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Date 18/9/2014
- A course in "Intensive English Language Program" Faculty of Education, Kafr El-Sheikh University. From February 26, 2,2008to March 30, 2008.
- A course in "English Language" Agricultural Research Center – Field Crops Research Institute. In2012
- A course in Computer (First level) in April 2003 In Faculty of, Tanta University.
- A course in Inter net on (1/11/2003) to 6/11/2003 in Faculty of , Tanta University
- course in Computer (second level ) on 24/11/2008 to 31/12/ 2008In Faculty of Agriculture, Kafr El-Sheikh University
Training Course
- Training course in " Production and sowing of rice under conditions of land affected by salt and lacked water " Agricultural Research Centre - Institute for Field Crops from 7/4/2019 to research 11/4/2019
- Training course in "aerobic rice varieties technology" Agricultural Research Centre - Institute for Field Crops from 23/11/2014 to research 27/11/2014
- Training course in the field of sensory evaluation and testing cooking rice at the training center on rice technology Alexandria from 23/22/2015 to 26/03/2015
- training course on "red rice weed control in rice fields," Agricultural Research Centre - Institute for Field Crops from 11/11/2014 to research 13/11/2014
- Training course on" Rice Management under Salt Affected Conditions" Agricultural Research Center – Field Crops Research Institute from 21/9/2014 to 25/9/2014
- Training course on" Rice Insect Pests and Their Control" Agricultural Research Center – Field Crops Research Institute from 14/9/2014 to 18/9/2014
- Training course on" Economic technology in water use" Agricultural Research Center – Field Crops Research Institute from 23/2/2014 to 27/2/2014
- Training course on" Crop management under Saline Soil and under with climate changes "Agricultural Research Center – Field Crops Research Institute from 15/12/2013 to 19/12/2013.
- Training course on" Applications of GIS in Assessing Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise " Organized by ARCA from 10/12/2013 to 12/12/2013.
- Training course on "Safe use of natural materials in agricultural development" Agricultural Research Centerr -Land and Water Research Institute from 15/1/2012 to 22/1/2012
- International Training course on (Seed Industry and Biotechnology)Held from24-26 July Africa Forum In Agriculture
- Training course on" Total quality of management system" Agricultural Research Center –Technology Research Institute from. 21/12/2011 to 25/12/2011.
- International Training course on (Hybrid Rice and seed Production) Held from 1/8/2010 to 6/8 Research& Training Center (RRTC).Sakha ,KafrEl-Sheikh ,Egypt.
- Training workshops in
1- Opportunities and challenges of nanotechnology in the food industry on8/4;
2-"Technologic nano and some its applications “on 8/12/ 2010.
2- "Future View to tend Oil crops” on 12/4/ 2011.
3- "Stress on Plant” on 19/4/ 2011.
4 "Nil river water, Crisis Water In Egypt"19/4/ 2011.
In Faculty of Agriculture, Kafr El-Sheikh University.
Research interest:
- Designing and implementing field and laboratory experiments in rice.
- Taking, colleting and preparing its Statistical analyses in rice.
- Plant Breeding and Agronomy in Rice.
- Work in Field Experiments for producing new improved rice.
5-Grain quality Tests of Rice.
1-Aboukhadarah, S; and Nessreen, (2012).Hand book of Agronomy: Evaluation of yield and grain quality of some special rice cultivars. Paper bock 180 P English. LAP Lambert Academic publishing, 2012.
2- El-Kady, ; AbouKhadra; and Hassan (2013) .Effect of storage conditions on grain quality characters of some special rice varieties, (4):71-84(2013).
3- Nessreen, ; and (2014).Study of Cooking and eating characters on some Egyptian rice genotype. Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, Debrecen Univ., J. Agricultural Sciences. 59: 77-82.
4-: Nessreen N. Bassuony (2015).The impact of rice as organic fertilizer on two Egyptian rice cultivars. Journal of Plant Production, Mansoura University, 6 (3): 386-393.
5- Nessreen N. Bassuony and Mariam . (2015).Heterosis and combining ability for protein content % in rice (Oryza sativa L). Journal of Plant Production, Mansoura University, 6 (6): 1038-1045.
; Nessreen, N. Bassuony; and (2015).Sensitivity o panicle characters of rice (Oryza sativa L.) to drought stress and their association with grain yield. Protection, Mansoura Univ., 6(6): 1048-1062.
7- Nessreen N. Bassuony; Zidan and; (2015 )A study on the role of grain moisture content at harvest in minimizing qualitative losses of Journal of Agriculture Research, Kafrelsheikha Univ., 41 (4): 1397-1410
8- Nessreen N. Bassuony and Mona A. El abed (2016). Cooking qualities evaluation for white and black rice mixture. J. Plant Prot. And Path., Mansoura Univ., 7 (2): 197-2.
9- Mahmoud Fazaa, Nessreen N. Bassuony, Walaa Essa, and David A Lightfoot (2019). Assessment of Genetic Biodiversity of Several Traits Using SSR Markers in Rice (Oryza sativa L.). Atlas Journal of Plant Biology 2019, pp. 77–:
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