Michael Wuor Gatwech
7 janv. 2023
En recherche de financements
A propos
I'm Michael Wuor Gatwech working for Mabil Empire General trading & Investment co.ltd. we focus on supply of oil and gas, supply of gold, construction and supplying construction items, providing consultancy on investing at South Sudan, supplying food items, Enhancing clean energy like solar panels and ethanol, planting trees to curb climate change, training on lifeskills, supply agro products like honey, Shea butter, dates, seseme oil/seeds, linking businesses with funders, service provider to issue loans to small enterprises.
We are currently supplying businesses and Public Institutions of South Sudan with fuel.
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Idées proposées
Entreprises et industrie
Entrepreneuriat et PME
We hereby request for international partners or funders to enhance the development of SMEs in the Horn of Africa especially in the East African Community. We as a company, we supply agro- products, oil and gas, supply of gold and other items, connect business of South Sudanese- to the world, advocacy on clean energy (Solar panels, ethanol gas stoves, bio-gas and hydo electric dams) other than f...
Nairobi, Kenya
il y a 2 ans
il y a 2 ans
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