Ewesit Ebenyo
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I am John Ewesit Ebenyo, born and brought up from Turkana County, an Arid and Semi Arid Fragile Ecosystem. The County Hosts over 500,000 Refugees in Kenya. The County is based in North Rift Region of Rift Valley Province of the Republic of ; Turkana County is characterised with 4 Livelihoods zones namely; Pastoral/Border Livilihood Zone- practising nomadic pastoralism along international Cross Borders and inter-County Boundaries, they survive with Pure Pastoral Economy; Agro-Pastoral Livlihood Zone-based along seasonal and permanent rivers practising urable/irrigated farming and pastral economy, Firsher Folk Livilihood Zone along the shores of Lake Turkana (Large Desert Lake under UNESCO) practicing fishing and pastoral economy; and finally Urban/Peri-urban Livilihood Zone, whom the majority are displaced nomadic pastoralists who lost their livestock out of draught or even cattle raids along the international and cross-county ; The areas peri-urban areas started as protracted food distribution centers and thereafter followed by other mainstream services like health, education, religious institutions, private sector developmet and other social ammenities thereby grew up by population into urban towns and then ;
I hold Bachelors of Arts Degree in Social Ministry in Mission (Social Transformation) and Diploma in Sciences of Human Development from Tangaza University Constituent College of Catholic University of Eastern Africa based in ; I am Currently, undertaking Masters of Arts Degree in ; In all of my academic long - papers and seminar writings, I have been writing about pastoralists, education and development ; My major experience has been around working to link their priorities with those of the Government, engage them to meaningfully participate in decisions regarding their ; With the Refugee Program, as a Community Liaison Officer (National Consultant) with UNHCR, worked to ensure that the presence of the refugees will be of socio-economic value to their fragile environment and that they will mutually ;
Catholic Diocese of Lodwar, Caritas Lodwar, is a faith based organisation, has history of serving Turkana People at the colonial period, after independence and currently at post independence (Constitution of Kenya 2010 devolution ; Its currently strategic plan 2021 - 2025 Caritas Lodwar Department is based on Food Security, Insecurity, Water Security, Education and Health; Climate Change as cross - cutting sector theme and a stand alone advocacy ; The Department I am serving is Climate Change Governance Department and I am the Climate Change Governance Advocacy Programme Officer for the ;
Current Project
Currently, I have been implementing Climate Change Governance Project in the Catholic Diocese of Lodwar, Caritas Lodwar that I participated in design and implementation and funded previously by Trocaire through DFID and later by Catholic Relief Services through support of United States of America ;
Through the Clamate Change Governance Project, the Diocese Lodwar in partnership with Troacaire and CRS have been able to support development of Turkana County Participatory and Inclusive Climate Change Action Plan, Climate Change Policy, Climate Change Bill and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitgation and Finance Regulation and eventually identified, capacity built and supported 7 Comunities in 4 Wards of Turkana South and East ;So far, the Turkana County Climate Change Action Plan and Policy has been passed and the Bill is undergoing public participation, a constitutional legislative requirement before it is read for the second and third time pending passing by assembly as an act and later assent by the Turkana County Governor as ; The project also identified, trained, assisted 7 communities to develop climate smart adaptation and mitigation concepts and finally financed the 7 groups that met the criteria. The project has as well assisted in forming climate change advacacy ;
Inspite of the above efforts, the project has reached closure by the end of this September ; Caritas Lodwar, is therefore in bid to mobile resources for the project to continue since it is currently in her critical stage of implementation where the climate change policy and the law needs to be ensured that it is implemented to the later and ; .
Wish to cooperate with European Union and EU funded Partners engaged in Nomadic Pastoralists and Climate Change Justice to transform Nomadic Pastoralists through their National and Regional ;