25 déc. 2018
Recherche partenariat
A propos
R&D Manager at Thermasphera Ltd.
Development of patented technology for thermal energy storage at medium temperatures (up to 160oC).
Relevant call: LC-EEB-05-2019-20 Integrated storage systems for residential buildings
Looking for partners/consortium to apply to call.
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Idées proposées
Entrepreneuriat et PME
Efficacité énergétique
Énergie intelligente
High capacity Thermal battery for heat storage at 140oC to provide hot water on demand to apartments. The system is intrinsically safe, no pressure build-up, no gas emissions.
Intelligent control makes optimal use of solar/electricity resources to heat battery at minimum cost (TOU).
Modular system can be designed to fit any number of dwellers.
Elimelech Rimalt St 13, Ra'anana, Israel
il y a 6 ans
il y a 6 ans
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