Elena Antuña
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Spanish technology company founded in 2006.
Our projects are built upon Evergine: our OWN graphics engine, INDUSTRY-ORIENTED. It enables the generation of stunning 3D scenes, powerful system viewers for your industrial/ environmental/energy/ healthcare applications. Also, DIGITAL TWIN VIEWERS. Evergine supports:
• Point Clouds, with fluent visualization.
• NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields)
• Physics Engine simulations
• Modern GPU Particles, raytracing capabilities…
We are becoming increasingly engaged in funded R&D projects to evolve the engine with disruptive functionalities, such as:
• Objects recognition, labelling and extraction (from Point Clouds, NeRF or images). Automated, AI-based.
• 3D models reconstruction from the latter: CAD/BIM, NeRF scenes
• Making the new engine features work in web
We would be happy to contribute to a proposal developing TAILOR-MADE 3D viewers for digital twins or industrial/energy/environmental application. We would participate researching on and implementing the latest state-of-the-art techniques to perform any of the targets listed above or different features according to the project needs.
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Industrie de construction
Énergie intelligente
Génie civil
Design industriel
Ingénieur industriel
Société numérique
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Énergie intelligente
Culture numérique
Génie civil
Ingénieur industriel
Société numérique
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