The European Business and Innovation Centre of Burgos (CEEI-Burgos) is a non for profit organisation formed in 1994 by the following partners: City Council of Burgos, Provincial Government of Burgos, Federation of Burgos Managers Associations and Association of Burgos Young Managers.
CEEI-Burgos is an active member of the European Business and Innovation Centre Network (EBN), working also under ESINET framework (European Space Agency Business Incubation programme). CEEI-Burgos is member of other organisations such as ANCES (National Association of Spanish BICs) and PAIT (Spanish official network for creation of new companies).
Main services offered by CEEI-Burgos are the following:
-Incubation facilities: m2,
-Entrepreneurs and SMEs services (business plan, advising and mentoring).
-Training and e-learning.
-National and international co-operation.
-Regional, rural and local development.
-Renewable energies, biotechnology and innovative SMEs promotion and development.
- Promotion of innovation and technology transfer.
- Microfinance services.
- YUZZ centre ()
- Social economy.
CEEI-Burgos has a broad experience, both co-ordinating and partnering, in European projects, including interregional cooperation and structural fund financed ones such Interreg Europe (Bridges and ATM for SMEs), Erasmus + (Visconti and Open up entrepreneurship), Interreg VIC (Project DIFASS), Interreg IVB SUDOE (Project CYBERSUDOE and CYBERSUDOE’INNOV), FP7 (Project DIGIBIC), Leonardo (Project DIALE, DIAMEE, INSPIRE, TOY-VET and E-Guide SWH&S), H2020 (Invest Horizon), Inter-A(Interact), Duero-Douro Programme (Interreg IIIB), E-TIC (Regional Government of Castilla y Leon, ERDF), Core Business, Resinbuil, Biobusiness, Probio (Intelligent Ennergy), Hidrosolar21(LIFE). Several projects also carried out under AL-Invest, and Asia-Invest schemes.