Interested in a Partnership (Elena Antuña)

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Elena Antuña

Grande entreprise


Recherche partenariat

En recherche d'un consultant

We would be happy to contribute to a proposal developing TAILOR-MADE 3D viewers for digital twins or industrial/energy/environmental application. We would participate researching on and implementing the latest state-of-the-art techniques to perform any of the targets listed above or different features according to the project needs.

Why would you choose Plain Concepts as your partner? Basically, because we are:

• Familiar with the call conditions, the submission process, and our national funding rules.
• Fast and committed in providing our text contributions (tasks, objectives, budget, impact, state-of-the-art descriptions…).
• Concerned with and skilled at providing scientifically relevant contents, research-oriented actions, innovation and striking results to the proposal.

 Énergie intelligente
 Culture numérique
 Génie civil
 Ingénieur industriel
 Société numérique

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