Eléanore Medard
13 juin 2022
En recherche de financements
A propos
Eurocircle is an NGO based in Marseille that has been working on promoting youths' social and professional inclusion since 1993. We have 3 main areas of work:
- Mobility of youth, including through the European Solidarity Corps and the Service Civique;
- Cooperation on KA2 projetcs on various topics such as fighting fake news, promoting solidarity projects of youth, life-long learning, etc;
- European Citizenship, to promote the EU to the citizens and bring them closer to the institutions, in order to develop an active européen citizenship.
Eurocircle is also a Europe Direct center, acting as such as an intermediary between the European Commission and the citizens of our area.
Mots clés et domaine d'activité:
Accédez au prémier réseau pour la cooperation européenne
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Créer un compte
Pour accéder à toutes les informations disponibles
Idées proposées
Pas d'idées
Appels à projets suivis
Pas d'appels à projets suivis!