Dr.Yogesh Joshi
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Green Futures Inc is a US based firm involved in selling of DME manufacturing plant in countries outside India. The technology for DME synthesis from waste is developed by our supporting firm (Amol Carbons Private Limited, Pune) in India. The feedstock waste applicable for our technology is crop waste, animal waste, forest waste and municipal solid waste.
DME Technology from Waste (Crop, Animal, Forest, MSW)
We have developed technology for synthesis of Di-methyl Ether (DME) from Waste with financial assistance from Indian Oil Corporation Limited. It is a gasification based technology where syngas is produced from waste feedstock. Syngas is then converted to DME in a single step using our own developed catalyst. We have completed proof of concept (POC) in September 2020. The technology is ready for higher scale. The production cost of DME from waste is highly competitive at Rs 23/lit. of diesel equivalent DME. Our pilot plant is at Gogalwadi, 20kms from Pune, India. This pilot palnt provides DME or DME diesel blends for any R & D use.
Possible Immediate Application
1. DME if used in blend with diesel upto 20% no drastic change in diesel engine is required.We have demonstrated functioning of concrete mixer using DME (15%) -Diesel (85%) blend. DME also have properties similar to LPG. Hence it can also be blended with LPG and used as residential cooking fuel. We have demonstrated functioning of gas burner using DME(18%) - LPG (82%) blend.
- Amol Carbons Pvt Ltd - Diesel-DME Blend Video
- Amol Carbons Pvt Ltd - LPG-DME Blend Video
We are searching for a
1. Business partners in Europe to sell our technology
2. Funding from EU to scale up our technology
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Technologie bas carbone
Énergie renouvelable
Gestion des déchets
il y a 2 ans
Technologie bas carbone
Énergie renouvelable
il y a 2 ans
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