Com4EU is a Communication agency specialized in European projects Communication created in January 2011.
The agency proposes services ranging from the creation of Communication tools to the animation of the project Communication and assistance for the dissemination of results. Com4EU closely collaborate with each European project partner to ensure an optimum communication and valorization of the project.
The agency develops a specific approach and offers a range of services adapted to the needs of a European project. For all Communication needs, Com4EU proposes punctual or long-term assistance.
- Creation of Communication strategies
- Implementation of Communication plans
- Set-up of Communication tools (all supports)
- Multilingual animation of the Communication in collaboration with Transnational partners
- Media activities
- Event organization (project launch conferences and final events)
Since its creation, Com4Eu has accompanied several European projects from the INTERREG and Horizon 2020 programmes to create and develop their Communication as well as capitalize on their project results.