Centro de Formación Somorrostro
Recherche partenariat
Centro de Formación Somorrostro (Somorrostro) is an integrated education center created in 1947 and provides secondary education, 3 levels of Vocational Education and Training -initial, intermediate, and higher VET-, and Continuous VET (adult education, and education and training for unemployed people and retraining of employed persons).
The center offers a wide range of vocational qualifications in the following fields: Social services-care; Machining; Mechanical manufacturing; Industrial maintenance, repair and operations; Automotive maintenance; Electricity and Electronics; Information Technology; Safety and environment; Construction and civil engineering; Management and Marketing.
Nowadays, Somorrostro trains around persons and employs more than 150 professionals being the largest VET organization in the province of Bizkaia and the second in the Region of the Basque Country. The centre occupies an area of square meters comprising 9 buildings being square meters dedicated to specific workshops and laboratories.
Somorrostro has agreements with more than 600 companies per year allowing the hosting of students in their workplaces for training periods, and also for the provision of training courses to their staff. In addition, it acts as an intermediary between job seekers and companies managing more than job offers in 2015.
Somorrostro quality management systems and certificates are:
• ISO 9001
• ISO 14001
• OSHAS 18000
• Corporate Social Responsibility Certification.
Somorrostro has a wide net of collaborations with national institutions such as the Basque Government, regional province authorities, city councils; development agencies (Enkarterri), and professional associations (Hetel - Association of VET schools of the Basque Country, EfVET – European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training) and Association FP Empresa (National Association of VET Schools and Companies).
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Éducation et formation
Apprentissage des adultes
Enseignement supérieur
il y a 5 ans
Interested in a Partnership (Centro de Formación Somorrostro)
Education, centre de formation ou école
Éducation et formation
Apprentissage des adultes
Apprentissage tout au long de la vie
Union européenne
il y a 7 ans
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