CBK Sci Con Ltd

: 11 mars 2019

Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
A propos

CBK is an SME scientific project management company, specialises in fulfilling roles on European Funded grants in relation to management, dissemination, innovation, and exploitation activities.

We currently lead and contribute to work packages in several EU H2020 projects. Our extensive collective experience in industry and academia covers various domains in computational science, as well as commercial growth management. We bridge the gaps at the physics–chemistry–biology interface, recently within materials and biomedical domains, typically addressing research that harnesses HPC (high performance computing), towards the exascale.

CBK has co-written 4 successful EU H2020 proposals that were awarded a total of €20,880,404, with an average of 12 partners per project. The first of these projects started in 2015, which has now completed successfully, two further projects are ongoing, and the fourth project is due to start later in 2019.

CBK is interested in partnering on further proposals for EU H2020 (or other) funded projects in any scientific domain. To date we have mostly worked on computational science, but since our experience and skillset are broadly applicable in terms of project management, we are interested in working in all scientific domains.

Mots clés et domaine d'activité:

 Agenda numérique pour l'Europe
 Applications informatiques
 Biotechnologie médicale
 Société numérique

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