Carbery Housing Association
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CHA is non-profit approved housing body with charitable status based in West Cork, registered as a company with charitable status. The Association purchases properties where owner- occupiers are unable to meet mortgage costs and keeps them housed as social housing tenants paying means tested rent. CHA also rents private properties secured on long-term leases to Council nominees at council equivalent rents. Tenants are families with children, and CHA takes responsibility for management and maintenance of the properties. The Association is committed to retrofit of all properties to NZEB standard and has undertaken several retrofits and instilled heat pumps in some properties. CHA is a Sustainable Energy Community registered with Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland and has undertaken a Masterplan of energy performance in its properties and a study of energy poverty in its tenants and prospective tenants. CHA is a Partner in the RedWoLF Interreg NWE Project to install PVs. storage and smart meters in several homes. CHA has indicated an interest in the building and letting of affordable homes under the Cost Rental model recently piloted by the Irish Government is interested in all Call to Horizon Europe that involve innovative approaches to retrofitting and integration of renewable energy in homes and increasing awareness and engagement from residents, as well as way of building skills for energy management in ;
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Industrie de construction
Renforcement des compétences
Innovation sociale
Efficacité énergétique
Énergie renouvelable
Social et Bien-être
Green Deal
il y a 3 ans
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