Jose Ospina Development Consultant

: 12 nov. 2016

A propos

I have worked for over 35 years in a professional capacity in as  project developer and manager in areas related to sustainable development and environment, including sustainable housing, computer reuse, computer eco-design, social and circular economy, enterprises, as part of local and national initiatives and transitional projects, for public and private employers. I have experience of promotion and development, project management, company secretarial duties, dissemination and events organisation. I have worked for a renewable energy company Organic Power as consultant.


I have also worked for the European Commission and contracted consultancies as an external evaluator on the Intelligent Energy for Europe Programme, the URBACT Secretariat, the LIFE + Programme and the Urban Innovative Actions Secretariat, and also as expert trainer for the LIFE Programme. I have experience of assessing and evaluating project applications, applying scoring systems and making recommendations for selection of projects for funding.


My work experience has allowed me to gain considerable practical and theoretical experience of the priority themes of sustainable development, as project manager and consultant for a number of agencies in Ireland, particularly in the writing and managing national and EU funded projects. I also hold relevant qualifications, an MA in Architecture, post-graduate certificates in Development Management and Housing Finance, as well as being a registered Building Energy Rating assessor with Sustainable Energy Ireland.


I am currently employed by NCE Insulation on as Project Consultants for an Norther Periphery and Arctic Project (E-Lighthouse) and for MicroPro, a Dublin based computer manufacturer company on a H2020 FoF Proect to develop and manufacture an ecological tablet (iameco  D4R tablet)..


I am experienced at repair and retrofit of older buildings, energy assessment of buildings, eco-design and green construction of housing in sustainable communities, recycling and reuse of electric and electronic appliances, river enhancement and constructed wetlands proposals.


In addition to my extensive experience in England and Colombia from 1976 to 1996, over the past 20 years I have developed and managed several European funded projects in Ireland with an exchange component, involving local authorities and other agencies throughout Europe, including most EU countries.


I am fluent in English and Spanish and can communicate in and understand French and Italian, I am computer literate and have excellent communication skills having been a trainer and having written many reports and articles and one published book (Housing Ourselves, Shipman 1987).




Secteurs d'expertise:

 Développement rural
 Industrie de construction
 Entrepreneuriat et PME
 Renforcement des compétences
 Innovation sociale
 Développement des affaires
 Analyse financière
 Migrants et Réfugiés

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