Recherche partenariat En recherche de financements
ANDALTEC was created in 2003 as non-profit high-tech SME. Its main objectives focus on improving the competitiveness of companies mainly of plastics and processed metals sectors and strengthening the economy through research, technological development and innovation. The organisation is made up of a professional staff of over 150 employees from diverse technical ;
ANDALTEC enjoys excellent working relationships with the enterprises in the plastics sector in Andalusia, with other technological centres, universities and research centres around Europe, with whom key R&D projects have been carried out.
Our R&D projects lines can be summarized as follows: Product and process design, productivity improvement, environmental issues and circular economy, new materials, and packaging solutions.
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LC-SC3-RES-8-2019: Combining Renewable Technologies for a Renewable District Heating and/or Cooling System
Non lucratif
Efficacité énergétique
Énergie renouvelable
Villes intelligentes
il y a 6 ans
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